#187: Flaming Horn Shao Xuan

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Said with the person who Wei Ba Tribe leads several, Huang Xie turns head to plan said anything to Qu Ce , the line of sight sweeps arrives on Qu Ce nearby Shao Xuan , that particularly
on Shao Xuan puts on bare the animal skin clothes of several wools, time that the line of sight stays were many for two seconds, knit the brows discon­tentedly, thought: Qu Ce this boy, how
can the person of understanding this
small Tribe.
Is thinking Huang Xie has swept
Shao Xuan one, besides clothes „small
Tribe ” style, has not seen Shao Xuan to have any special place. Sees Shao Xuan also to stare at Mang Tribe and
Wei Ba Tribe Totem Warrior attire
looked that under the Huang Xie heart
is more definite, this is the unimpor­tant person who has not experienced.
Has not given Shao Xuan more lines of sight again, Huang Xie looked in the
surroundings, had not discovered that any useful thing, then led the person
to walk.
But the person who Wei Ba Tribe
comes does not have many to a Shao Xuan look, packs the thing to plan to leave.
„Little Xu, walked!” In eight that side
person opposite sides has not been standing that hugs the white clothing
female of mildew spider to say.
„You walk first, I have the matter.”
„Ok, we go back first!”
Waits for Mang Tribe and Wei Ba Tribe people leaves, here also on re­maining Shao Xuan , Qu Ce and Wei Ba Tribe Xu three people.
Qu Ce hits the meaningful glance
with Xu, making her probe Shao Xuan,
what a pity, Xu is motionless, holds
that only to grow the spider that the
white is growing hair to stand there,
calmly is observing the Shao Xuan be­havior.
Sees Xu not to coordinate, Qu Ce
stared her one eyes. He brings Shao Xuan to come today, wants to make
Shao Xuan experience the Mang Tribe
powerful strength, what especially
today Mang Tribe leads is high-level
Totem Warrior , Mang Tribe high-level
Totem Warrior gets rid to lead to encir­cle personally, this matter is uncom­mon, to the small Tribe person, will see one time to be shaken one time.
However is very obvious, this boy
as if no anything loudly to respond. Be­sides looks at several two Tribe War­rior attire, did not have many expres­sions.
Was this shakes not to shake? Qu Ce is indefinite.
Was planning that looks for a topic
to probe Shao Xuan again, Qu Ce sees
Shao Xuan to walk toward one.
„Yeah. That side cannot walk, has the trap that eight people have not set up......”
Qu Ce has not said. Saw Shao Xuan
to enter that region, thinking: Does not listen to advice, later has you to feel better!
But, waited some little time, still not to see that side has any big sound. Qu Ce had doubts, looked to Xu of stand­ing, the chin toward the Shao Xuan
way-point, inquired: That side haven't
you trapped?
Xu also has doubts. She remem­bers, trap that the Tribe person estab­lishes, except for the encircling before­hand these people time has inspired
one batch, but some have not with­drawn, is some lethality not greatly can actually surround the trap of per­son, this is the Wei Ba Tribe style, for
warned to the person who arrives at
this place that making them remember
Wei Ba Tribe profoundly and deeply
dreaded. But, that boy, walked to be so far. Does not have a trap to inspire.
Anxiety deeper and deeper Xu has not noted, she has pulled out wool the
bosom spider.
Sees Xu such, Qu Ce did not count on that she can give an appropriate an­swer. He looks that Shao Xuan strolls
in the woods takes a walk generally.
Suspicion probably a moment ago per­son evacuation of Wei Ba Tribe, with­drew all traps.
Looked that Qu Ce walks toward that side, Xu opened mouth, finally any­thing had not said.
„Yeah, you called Shao Xuan, which
department you were...... Ah!”
Qu Ce walks, enters the woods not
two steps, was bundled a foot to sling,
hangs upside down on the tree. Sway­ingly.
Pulls out the blade to bind the fila­ment of oneself foot to cut off, Qu Ce
falls to the ground. Has flung leaf,
turns head looking angrily at to stand
Xu who did not say a word there.
Stared the little while to look to stand­ing Shao Xuan in woods. This trap has not removed, is that boy how safe and sound?
No, where has such good luck.
According to the Wei Ba Tribe style,
since all has not withdrawn the trap,
then, inside definitely also some are
hiding the silk thread and these were anticipating belaying silk screen that the game visits. What even if stays be­hind is only some piece of work the
gadget to the Wei Ba Tribe person, but
many people will be surrounded by
these traps, like a moment ago Qu Ce
own was bound a foot carelessly.
Qu Ce does not have now has looked down on the Shao Xuan man­ner, can like that quick solution four
Totem Warrior , person but who can also stroll in the Wei Ba Tribe trap,
what background? Time Totem Pattern of Shao Xuan fight he has not seen.
This time, Qu Ce has not continued
to walk toward, high grade near the
woods, is looking that Shao Xuan
strolls in inside.
Shao Xuan is interested in the Wei Ba Tribe trap, what although stays be­hind is only some common traps,
these have the technique content gave
to withdraw, but Shao Xuan can from
these simple traps, see that some Wei Ba Tribe people established the trap
time the emphasis point as well as the
preference. Moreover, the Wei Ba Tribe person, should these silk threads of use, be the spider's silks? These spi­der's silks have many types, although
many traps remove, however has also left many slight traces on the branch and leaf, can look from these traces.
Waits for Shao Xuan to walk from the woods, Qu Ce reveals a self-sensa­tion also to calculate that friendly smil­ing, has referred to itself, said to Shao Xuan: „Mang Forest , Qu Ce.”
Mang Tribe person pet name for
„Mang Forest xx”, Mang Forest finger is
Mang Tribe the broad woods, in
hearsay Mang Forest the treasure are innumerable, but from person of Mang Forest birth , the talent different re­ported that similarly Totem Warrior of
rank, compared with other Tribe must.
Naturally , this is only Shao Xuan,
these rumors that hears from Pu Tribe
these long journey mouths possibly the
fact beautified, should that not exag­gerate. Flaming Horn Tribe Warrior ,
stronger compared with Pu Tribe and
Drumming tribe some people, this is
Shao Xuan realizes by oneself.
Since no matter how, the Mang Tribe person such officially said that
Shao Xuan naturally also official reply.
Several leaves that takes off from the woods will admit beast skin bag ,
Shao Xuan looks to Qu Ce , replies:
„Flaming Horn, Shao Xuan.”
Flaming Horn ? Always thinks a little
familiar-sounding. Qu Ce recollection.
Not is only Qu Ce , hugs Xu who the
white spider is standing also to think
quite familiar-soundingly.
Shao Xuan looked up the weather,
said: „It is getting dark, I went back
„, Good.” Why is pondering over will think that „Flaming Horn” this word in­explicable familiar-sounding Qu Ce
had not said that after waiting for
Shao Xuan to leave. Still stands in the
original position thinks.
„Yeah, had Xu, you heard Flaming Horn Tribe before?” Qu Ce asked.
„Probably has listened. Separates
too for a long time.” In Xu hand feels the spider. When the thinking has heard this Tribe.
They are silent, makes an effort to recall when has listened to this Tribe .
„! I thought!” Qu Ce is startled
jumps, then also talked to oneself:
„How possible, how to be possible?”
„What did you remember?” Xu asked.
„That, that!”
„Is that four limbs developed is not intelligent, violence barbarically mind­less Tribe ! Hadn't you listened to the
Flaming Horn story in childhood?”
Hears the Qu Ce words, Xu Meng
one startled, „did not say that Flaming Horn Tribe did perish?!”
No matter Mang Tribe or Wei Ba Tribe. In Tribe many children, when is very small accepts the guidance, the
people of these guidances, will tell
some stories with them, some exist,
some are the process polishes with
empty, but the Flaming Horn Tribe
story, is one of them.
It is said that once Flaming Horn Tribe was also and Mang Tribe , Wei Ba Tribe, thousand Tribe and other big
Tribe level, was at that time middle one of the famous big Tribe . But, this
Tribe style is barbaric. Witch anything in Tribe does not understand, Chief is also obstinate, the person in Tribe is big except for the strength. Benighted,
rampant willful, finally, the disaster ap­proaches, but the witch and Chief in
Tribe believe the slanderous talk, fi­nally splits Tribe , the respective trend
different roads, afterward, that Tribe
perished. From then on, central power­house. Has been short of one.
By person who so inculcates the thought that incessantly Qu Ce and Xu.
Before then, they also think, but, that
says „Flaming Horn Shao Xuan” now
person , what's the matter?
The boy kills people Totem Pattern
is clear, completely likely is not the ap­pearance that Tribe perishes. Moreover the strength at least is also the Middle Level Totem Warrior rank, did not lose to just entered into Middle Level Qu Ce .
Such that like that the barbaric
strong style, truly such as they hear,
but „benighted” ?
Not necessarily. Four people who the boy will take by force gave to de­ceive!
That was treated as the story of ma­terial for negative education by two
Tribe, as if, the fact is not such that
they think. However, in the past they
also small time, taught told the Flam­ing Horn story time, but also has sighed with emotion one: If Flaming Horn Tribe also , the central pattern,
not necessarily such as present so.
Thinks and hence, Qu Ce did not tell
Xu Duo that he must hurry to tell every­body this matter, asks while conve­nient real Flaming Horn Tribe is any ap­pearance, did not say that their brains
whether are how intelligent, the
strength is only placed there, makes
people unable to neglect.
If Flaming Horn really also, if Flam­ing Horn came back, how should also?
After the Qu Ce hot sharp fire
singes leaves, Xu also hurries Hui Tribe to go with other people to say.
Mang Tribe several high levels were still worried whether has „robber” to enter Mang Forest , was discussing, Qu Ce ran, said the Shao Xuan matter.
Just also to Qu Ce rash discon­tented, wants to reprove the person,
shifted the attention.
„Flaming Horn Shao Xuan ?”
„Really is that Tribe ?”
„Is impossible, did not say that Flam­ing Horn Tribe did perish?”
The people discussed immediately,
although was discussing, but a they
not accurate impression and localiza­tion, do not know that Flaming Horn Tribe was what kind of Tribe, was only
Chief on place called the past Qu Ce , asks carefully that then made
everybody leave first, he went to a dig­nified stone building with the witch, there, deposited the thing that some
Mang Tribe ancestors were leaving be­hind.
Arrives to deposit the place of reel,
opens by in Dazhu box cover, inside
puts is making the reel of shaft lever
with the material quality special bam­boo.
In bamboo box most lower level,
what laying aside reel that is these sev­eral hundred years not read.
Mang Tribe witch, will place the reel in lower-level corner to take, because of age for a long time, even if the ma­terial quality special bamboo and ani­mal skin, will change color unavoid­ably, is passing a remote aura .
Spreads out the reel, pleasant, is the two horns chart that flame wraps.
„Flaming Horn Tribe ......”
Next day, when Mang Tribe sends for cave finding the person , actually a
discovery that long journey team early morning leaves. ( to be continued )

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