#197: Observes the celestial phenomenon with praying for rain

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After leaving Rain Tribe , Yang Sui
most times with some long journey
teams, with these long journey teams
in together , have formed words many
habits, are all right find the person to chat.
Like the present, Shao Xuan asks,
as soon as he start to talk , kept.
After leaving Tribe, which places
passed through, which people have
seen, which Tribe , Yang Sui said that
these are not very secret matter, he
said also has the meaning of showing off. In many Tribe , most people will not have the opportunity that this
walks around, does not have that guts,
but Yang Sui has not only achieved,
but also lives safely now.
„Actually I have not been considered as that our Tribe genuine witch, when
this time went back, can take over
truly.” Yang Sui favorite tunnel.
„Your Tribe , did not fear that you do have the accident?” Shao Xuan asked.
„This does not have the means that
this is the custom that the ancestors
set, if I did not have the life, will have the next person to continue such road,
succeeds until some people, goes back
to have the qualifications to receive the
duty of witch from the previous hand.”
Yang Sui Shuo said .
Thinks of anything, Shao Xuan
asked: „If the witch left Tribe , had the
accident, but can also have next future shaman ?”
„Naturally has.” Yang Sui very
strange Shao Xuan actually this does not know, but shot a look at blade on the Shao Xuan , looks in Shao Xuan to
him in a share of beast leg, Shuo said :
„So long as there is Fire Seed on the
line, the witch did not have to make
one again, but training troubled, each
Tribe chose the Shaman way to be also different. As for Chief , was simpler,
who has the ability who gets up, comes
according to the respective Tribe cus­tom.”
„In other words, has Fire Seed, had
all, Fire Seed did not have, all did not have.”
„Is this principle right, therefore I
have doubts. Your Flaming Horn Fire Seed?”
„...... Not here.”
„.” Looked that Shao Xuan does not want to say that Yang Sui also no longer asked that related to the matter of Tribe secret. No one will say.
Thinks deeply about the Yang Sui
words, Shao Xuan has thought of now the Flaming Horn Tribe Shaman inheri­tance way. Sighed at heart.
Flaming Horn Tribe incomplete Fire Seed, function not entire.
No longer after talking about the
Fire Seed topic, because mentioned
nearly thousand years ago „demise”
Flaming Horn Tribe, Yang Sui also men­tioned Lu Tribe, this was also middle
time-honored old Tribe , they can in the
middle coming to a stop foot, besides
their cultivation talents. Also because of Lu Tribe ancestor.
„Lu Tribe ancestor?” Shao Xuan has not thought that can trace unexpect­edly at that time.
„I was also listen to the person say­ing that” had the destination to run out­side for one year, Yang Sui also knew
many matters.
„It is said that near thousand years ago, Lu Tribe ancestor, when the world
big change, has helped central several
big Tribe . At that time food was defi­cient, many people stared at Lu Tribe ,
but Lu Tribe ancestors were also fierce,
they not only gave that several big
Tribe to provide food. Also taught their
some better cultivation skill, although
many people have learned, was inferior that Lu Tribe person who raised was good. But at least eased then crisis. In the past several Tribe ancestors estab­lished the double advantage the agree­ment, Lu Tribe therefore was protected,
until now, among several Tribe is main­taining the close relation.”
Must say the cultivation, such that
truly such as Yang Sui said that looks like very simple skill, others comply,
but raises was inferior that Lu Tribe
raises well. Regarding area that human
Tribe is in the majority, most food are
come from the planter and cultivation.
Many central Tribe , have the big piece
place to be used for the agriculture and cultivation. Moreover the scale of the Flaming Horn Tribe ancestors
recording is bigger.
Without a doubt, in these thousand years . The cultivation and planter had a very big development.
It seems like that has the opportu­nity, goes to Lu Tribe to learn from ex­perienced people again. Shao Xuan
Also kept two days in the former home grounds, Shao Xuan has decided
to leave.
In the winter drew near, the temper­ature markedly reduced, he must find the person .
„Where do you want to go to?” Yang Sui asked.
„Long Boat Tribe .”
„Yeah is so skillful, I am also......
After that side, I must return to Rain Tribe , walks toward that side is not considered as that circles the long jour­ney.”
Yang Sui does not know after leav­ing the Ominous Beast wooded moun­tain, how long needed to find a route
same long journey team, even if had found, cannot determine that team
was safe. But Shao Xuan this person,
looks like in Yang Sui , is competent,
said again also the hawk, definitely
walks his one is much safer. Words that he walks, what to do if exits to bump into the Ten Thousand Stone Tribe person? Will be chopped.
Yang Sui said that must travel to­gether, Shao Xuan has not rejected, he
is not deep to here understanding, the
time of taking a walk was also inferior to Yang Sui to be long, listening to
Yang Sui to say a moment ago these,
can see that Yang Sui also calculated the understanding to the central situa­tion. Has him to show the way to be also good, Shao Xuan can also im­prove starts the map.
After obtaining the agreement of
Shao Xuan, Yang Sui was happy, is very excited. He looks at the sky flight
Cha-Cha , anticipated that must wish one could to jump. Does not know that the hawk carried on the back to be comfortable, goes back also to be able with others to show off, the elder brother was the person who sat Guo Ying!
„......” Yang Sui looked at the sky,
„today will have the rain, has to the
evening, we wait / etc., finds a place to evade, tomorrow again, how? Following
several days will be in the majority by the cloudless day.”
Shao Xuan has a look at the sky, the change of cloud layer is not obvi­ous, but nodded.
To the former home grounds Fire Pit not far place, on the mountain had the place that sank, although does not compare the cave to be spacious,
evades a rain to be enough.
Taking shelter from the rain time,
Shao Xuan asked Yang Sui : „Can you
observe the celestial phenomenon?”
The change of weather is quick, the
previous life general knowledge only then the part is suitable, therefore
every so often, Shao Xuan looks to the
weather does not permit, the change of cloud layer is also sometimes rapid,
draws a conclusion very much diffi­cultly ahead of time for a long time.
„Observes the celestial phenomenon?
Is.” Yang Sui Shuo said : „I initially by
first selection, became the first
Shaman candidate, was because I can
first ask the rain.”
Speaks of „asked rain” time, the
Yang Sui expression was bringing
Long ago, the Rain Tribe witch can
ask the rain at any time, even if in arid
season, can make a water drop below the sky not hike up the rain. Afterward,
this ability vanished.
It is said that in the past first can­not seek the witch of rain to be burnt
by Tribe, said that enraged the deity,
Totem was unable to reveal, is unable
to rain. But along with afterward sec­ond, third, after even several future shaman . A witch cannot ask the rain,
everybody's panic from the beginning.
To numb, various methods have tried,
does not have means. Stipulation that
therefore some Shaman candidate
must then go out to travel , hopes that
can find the law of solution. Many
years passed by, the Rain Tribe witch
does not have one to achieve, this stip­ulation has actually continued now.
Therefore, Yang Sui „asked rain”
time. Does not know that has shocked
Tribe many people, but in fact, Yang Sui saw the celestial phenomenon,
can one step react compared with
other people according to the celestial phenomenon first, by the Tribe person
was actually mistaken can pray for rain. Yang Sui wants to explain, but
sees the Tribe person's response, after
as well as Chief that crazy look, will ex­plain that has suppressed, he thought that if explained. May tying up burns in
Fire Pit by Chief.
„Oh!” Yang Sui cannot bear sigh.
Thinks to pray for rain, Yang Sui
thought was burnt down likely hurting,
hopes when the time comes Hui Tribe
can withstand.
It is not each Tribe. The witches
have the absolute status. Some
strengths could flicker person , the sta­tus naturally do not have the words saying that but if did not have the
strength, the flickering person, in Rain Tribe such Tribe , will not be burnt or
other fates.
The matter of Yang Sui to Rain Tribe said not many, Shao Xuan can only act according to only the charac­ter phrase to speculate some. How­ever, prays for rain? Can ask really?
Good mysterious appearance.
On, after the rain that such as Yang Sui said starts next. Had not stopped,
continuously under to night.
Next day. The weather is once more sunny, the sunlight photo approaches the earth. Has scattered some late au­tumn cool feeling.
„To Long Boat Tribe time, can snow
probably?” Yang Sui Shuo said . Be­cause prays for rain pressure that this
matter creates to be too big, therefore
when a place, Yang Sui will pay atten­tion to there climate and weather change, inquired inference that some
old times climates, the root arrived at
again according to understanding.
Specifically how, obtained there to
judge, now speculated.
Packed the thing, Shao Xuan gestur­ing has made Cha-Cha get down.
Looks at Cha-Cha , Yang Sui was ex­cited. After and other Shao Xuan run-ups, he also crawls.
But, Cha-Cha after the Shao Xuan
jumping up hawk back, took off.
„Yeah?” Was preparing Yang Sui that
raised legs upward to crawl to be shocked.
Cha-Cha that flies from the sky
flew, flies, stretches out the eagle claw to grasp toward Yang Sui.
„Yeah?!!” Sees the eagle claw time, the first idea of Yang Sui is to turn head to run.
He also ran, is only, the speed of
hawk is faster than him, has not waited for him to run two steps, was grasped.
Yang Sui hides , in woods, had seen a Cha-Cha claw stresses the situation of dead Ten Thousand Stone Tribe per­son, at this time in the brain thought was also that bloody picture, can only
close one's eyes, felt own poor life
However quick, he thought that
does not suit. The strength of eagle claw and was inferior big that he imag­ines, and has not scratched he.
The ground that Yang Sui sees
rapidly is far away from opens the eye.
The entire life first time, he was brought to so high airborne.
Very early in the morning, a pitiful yell resounds sky over wooded moun­tain, is startled the bird that one crowd
gets up early to look for food.
Strained the voice to call a while,
Yang Sui to calm down. He saw below
Ten Thousand Stone Tribe .
Cha-Cha specially from Ten Thou­sand Stone Tribe sky process, has drawn the bird excrement, then the
ability changes, flies in the direction that Shao Xuan refers.
Long Boat Tribe also in the middle,
but does not approach the center,
Tribe dwelling place by a broad river,
broadest river that naturally , the cen­tral person said that cannot compare the Flaming Horn Tribe mountain , be­fore by far that simply with sea.
With the Pu Tribe long journey team
time, the people in Shao Xuan hear of
team have said that Pu Tribe long jour­ney team once also after Long Boat Tribe, because some reasons changed course, Shao Xuan knows from the
long journey mouth regarding the un­derstanding of Long Boat Tribe.
Long Boat Tribe friendly shipbuild­ing. It is said that Long Boat Tribe has made middle the first ship, afterward,
developed the fleet, this was also the
Long Boat Tribe characteristics.
When does not have the metal,
Huge Ship in these long journey
mouths, how also to make practical
and solid?
Regarding this, Shao Xuan is curi­ous. ( to be continued )

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