#253: Blade

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More than 20 individuals, from
mountain, almost assume on directly
vertical crawl, less than time of breath,
completely stood in front of Shan Tribe. Saw that this person cannot help but has doubts, which Tribe per­son is this?
Saw Kun Tu that was raised with ease, relax easy thought suddenly
some jamming. Kun Tu his understand­ing, who are these people?
However, feels on more than 20 indi­viduals the familiar aura , the relax is being easy to think that a possibility,
in the heart jumps fiercely, the breath
Sees the relax to be easy to be silent, Kun Tu walks to go forward to ask: „Had an accident?” Thinks that
nearby wheat they, Kun Tu also fast said that „ this was Tribe meets our
people, the wheat boss was Advanced Level Totem Warrior ! Prestige uncle, is
Advanced Level Totem Warrior .
The prestige is in Advance Group of
tower the vice- team position, is one of the people in this Advance Group mi­nority being sent, knows that Shao Xuan besides must meet the tourist,
but must bring the domestic animal,
Ao Bian lets. On the qualifications, sta­tus is high, but in this squad mostly is
wheat member , the prestige has not wanted to seize power, Chief said that this time is only responsible for assist­ing well.
Hears to have two Advanced Level
Totem Warrior , when the relax easy
several people excited, in the heart
came the energy immediately. Person who therefore , has Tribe , has the
The relax results in easily excitedly
does not know that should say any
good, but that young people of his
side are frank, knew after wheat sta­tus, then simply said the whole story of matter.
Relax is easy they to lead the per­son to the agreed location time, dis­covered that some there many long journey activities, are also thinking
leaves again, in order to avoid has the
conflict with the people of these long journey teams. Has not actually thought that has not waited to leave,
they by eight place Shan Tribe people
blocking, them settled on several
young women in team, must rob. The
relax is easy their naturally not willing .
Is good because of that eight people are only Primary Level Totem Warrior ,
but the relax is easy their people
many, but also because of the Fire Seed reignition of former home grounds. But obtained some strengths,
expels that eight people with joint forces. But in the team also some peo­ple therefore are seriously injured, two
were killed at the scene.
The relax brought to leaving rural fair far one team easily has placed the
person in team, he led ten people to go to look for the medicinal herbs, oth­erwise the to ignore got down, the se­verely injured could not support for sev­eral days.
When they seek for herbal medicine , the relax was easy to bump into an­other Tribe person, before he left the
prairie, attached in that Tribe lives. Similar to the situation of old he. In the opposite party team some people of understanding relax are also easy,
then makes the relax easy take herbal medicine with the cave that in they
rest, they come out, the thing places
in the cave that rests.
But, when the relax the mountain that is easy they to arrive at this rest,
discovered that before found eight peo­ple who they troubled, was Shan Tribe,
but cave that Shan Tribe rested, in
Happen to was blocked.
The Shan Tribe person, letting relax
easy to go back to bring that several
young woman in team. Will let off
them, otherwise all kills their ten.
„Is this, they heard the whistling tone
a moment ago. Added that many
comes many, they illuminate kill!” The
relax easy side young tourist starts to complain.
Shan Tribe that side person cheek
moves, thought: Fart, when we said how many photos kill? although we
think that like this, but did not have to say directly like this!
Knew that reason and his party, get angry from the heart immediately, ma­lignant influences be outspoken send out, such as explodes bristling to pre­pare to throw the food Ominous Beast , a ruthless severe eye stares to be well-grounded in pairs the Shan Tribe person.
Shao Xuan looked at the team of
mountain. Also let alone, saw actually
several look familiar. Perhaps these
people did not remember him. Initially
in Long Boat Tribe , Shao Xuan has met
this team. He also butchered several.
Really enemies often cross each other's path.
The person who the surroundings
watched the fun careless the spirit
shakes immediately, the tourist to
Totem Warrior , the promotion was the
contest between Totem Warrior . This
lives it up looked that does not know
these people who presents which Tribe
Sees the team of people who pre­sents, Shan Tribe has also gawked star­ing, in the heart secretly surprised, is not the tourist? How can suddenly pre­sent these many Warrior , there are two
Advanced Level Totem Warrior .
„Boss.” Shan Tribe looks to Team Leader of team, how the inquiry then
Shan Tribe that led Team Leader
complexion changed, the line of sight
is long in the time that and body
stayed, in the hand was grasping stone blade tightened: „Good! Very good! Has not thought that has Tribe ! Your which
Tribe ?”
The wheat goes forward to ap­proach one step, under foot has a fist
big stone, he has not avoided, but
stepped on directly, sinking sound track: „Flaming Horn Tribe !”
As the voice falls, the wheat under foot also exudes „bang” , that stone
was stepped on has broken to pieces,
outside this hole the aisle is vibrating,
shakes the people who watches the fun in the surroundings at heart.
Flaming Horn Tribe? Has not heard.
Also some people think familiar-sounding, but could not say too.
In brief, in everybody eyes, could not say a reason why, was the small
Tribe people, had no need to care.
Sees meaning that the wheat do not flinch, mountain that side Team Leader has also gotten angry, how does the opposite party have two Ad­vanced Level Totem Warrior ? Them
has three! Also, oneself here person
are many, more than 100 people also
do fear this 20 people?
„Then, don't you associate with peo­ple?” The opposite party asked.
„Bullies my clansman,” wheat looks
to the opposite party, in the eye se­vere Mang flashes through, „dies!”
Such rampant?!
These words of wheat make sur­rounding person simultaneously stare.
This any Flaming Horn Tribe , is really overbearing enough, is supercilious
simply, had not looked that mountain
that side face was black.
Wheat these words, is in other per­son of hearts of Flaming Horn thinks.
Comes from the river, returns to the
former home grounds laboriously, this
walks, made everybody understand
many matters, the Tribe face nature
maintained at risk of life, outside the
surface, came across this matter un­able to draw back! That in their bone
vigorous did not allow that they de­liver to the opposite party Dongqian the clansman. Is Shan Tribe also what kind of? People many how? Does in the same old way!
Facing imposing manner arrogant
Flaming Horn this 20 people, the Team Leader faint feeling of Shan Tribe long journey team is somewhat restless,
these people, a look has not glittered,
has not had the meaning of flinching, more than 20 imposing manners al­most twist in together , is similar to
flame violent broadsword that one
sets up, prepares to fight to the death
at any time.
Really thorny.
Probe to well.
Shan Tribe Team Leader , places the
back hand to gesture. Nearby Warrior
suddenly goes forward several steps,
not to, but is the starting to walk step
moves toward the relax to be easy
they, „I bully you, what kind of?!”
Saying, that person extracts waist to hang stone blade of member reach,
under the sunlight, blade is bringing
like the dusk gloss, must have the
dark night to arrive likely general.
Along with Power of Totem eruption of
suddenly, opposite party Totem Pat­tern appears, Shan Tui pedals the ejec­tion, knife point locking stands in Shao Xuan behind relax is easy, the next
quarter must cut off the relax easy
Saw that opposite party suddenly
gets rid toward oneself, is let relax
easy creepy feeling by the strong
sense of crisis that the knife point
locks, withdraws, but, stands in his
front Shao Xuan has not actually retro­ceded.
In that flash that the opposite party
punctures, Shao Xuan suddenly swing­ing arm, the grayish white blade shade
mixes strong murderous aura that is rising suddenly instantaneously, obvi­ously is such as the ordinary stone
general color, at this moment, is cold
to the feeling extremely woods of per­son.
By compared with an opposite party
quicker speed, blade that sweeps away
from front to back, a blade across the
body of opposite party, does not have a stagnation. The knife point mistake, the blood outward splatters.
This blade, is not dusk, but is the
permanent dark night of bringing.
blade contamination scarlet, astonish­ing soul.
To the person look is bringing at a loss, the body succeeded in giving up
two sections, the attack lost the
strength of support, blade became
does not have murderous aura .
Two sections of bodies of separa­tion, a section pours in the ground,
raises dust, but other half, then ran out of the aisle of Dongqian, under falls to set.
Shao Xuan not that section that
turns head to look at to fall to the ground, but looks to place Shan Tribe
other people, has duplicated those
words of wheat, the answer of words
also said as the opposite party a mo­ment ago.
„Bullies my clansman, death!”
The expression was inferior obvi­ously the wheat is heavy, makes the lis­tener feel that in case of cold ice,
many people who the surroundings
watch the fun hit to tremble.
When is well-grounded the surface of Shan Tribe people, this boy gets rid
unexpectedly so resolute! Directly per­son dividing? Flaming Horn Tribe these
people have not dreaded and worried
unexpectedly really!
Also some people's to the Flaming Horn Tribe person re-evaluated, the
mountain in the heart came out a mo­ment ago that but Middle Level Totem Warrior ! It is not Primary Level ! Includ­ing the avoidance with enough time, di­rectly hadn't been cut unexpectedly?!
If changes into itself, can evade? In
many person hearts considers, actually
discovery, but also has not grasped.
That blade, strength that the speed
gets rid, is frightening,
The person of mountain looked at the half corpse of ground, has a look at Shao Xuan that stares at again,
many person subconsciousness to­ward retroceding one step, because if not for behind also some people are keeping off, already drew back proba­bly goes to battle to encircle.
Above, saw that two young people
eyebrows rose a moment ago again and again, „my ancestor!! Unexpectedly a blade chopped!”
„Has anything to be strange, tourist
does not have many strength of revolt,
was been normal by a blade solution.”
In the hole some people of hear that ,
leave the sound track.
„It is not the tourist, is mountain
that side person, was chopped by a
„What?!” In the person heart in hole
is startled.
„Is he really only Middle Level Totem Warrior ? Won't hide third Advanced Level Totem Warrior in team?” Another
young people Shuo said .
„It is not, he has not arrived at Ad­vanced Level , is only, is very strong.
Also, he was so young, how possibly to arrive at Advanced Level Totem War­rior? It is not the central big Tribe per­son.”
Heard outside the hole two young people's discussions, the person who
in the hole rested could not sit still, are they also felt thick murderous aura
a moment ago, the guess below fight
promotion, actually does not know that exactly had anything. Only felt that flash, the atmosphere in mountain
as if somewhat stagnates, now al­though has recovered consciousness,
but before was inferior, active.
„What person I have a look at you
am, makes you surprisedly become this
unexpectedly!” Gu La walks, looks to the under Shan Tribe Dongqian. ( to be continued )

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