#194: Chasing down

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Rushes to that team of blowing a whistle place first, has not closed up, the meat birds that because there is gathering many eat food, the rough es­timate, at least has 20.
The surroundings are filling a
courage vigor.
Looked that these big birds snatch
food the ominous type to know is not
good to cope.
The person of leading gestured,
hints everybody to return to remove
carefully. Thinks that had found the
person who the witch and Chief said that actually does not want to come
to see one flock of meat birds.
But, he has neglected ten thousand
stone beast .
Ten thousand stone beast thousand
were selected the ominous ferocious beast kind that Wan Xuanxuan comes out, even every so often, their disposi­tions are hit must pass to nip a catch­ing up dead style. They are different
from engraving have domesticated the
successful these beasts, their obedient
are not strong, coordinates not tacitly
with the Ten Thousand Stone Tribe per­son, is crazier everyone unable to con­trol.
Realized four ten thousand stone beast that the front has many meat
birds, coming have exuded the low
roar, makes to draw the grass rope,
wants to overrun.
Ten thousand stone beast exude the
sound, the people in team knows to,
at this time wished one could to poke
several holes with stone blade on ten thousand stone beast, even if resented
at heart that did not help matters.
That side could not snatch the meat
bird of food already noted here to hide the person , was yelling excitedly to­ward hiding the person after grove
Moved, several other also overrun
with together , then leads many meat
The person of leading scolded sen­tence, could not attend to hiding.
„Withdraw !”
Here plant is primarily the shrubbery and weed, the shrubbery surrounding
these weeds, over two meters high, is long crowded, even if thinking before
wants against the under foot, but when
was being pursued by that flock of
meat birds, from the beginning acceler­ates to run. Did not have too many en­ergy to pay attention.
On a human foot does not know that tied down by anything, throws down, only thinks on the foot numb­ness . When he sees clearly the thing on foot, after cutting off that section
to twine the vine of foot. Runs again, the speed fell much, quickly by meat
bird surrounding that these clash fast.
Some people brandish a sword to chop to these meat birds, but, not only
has not expelled these meat birds, in­stead also stimulated the courage and uprightness of these birds, pursued
pecks with raw hate.
Steps on the thick patch of grass
person incessantly of trap, here will not be bound the foot instead to hang
on the tree. The simple trap that these
color and weed similar cane grass
makes, will only make the person who
these run away stumble a tumble, on the cane grass is wiping these toxin is not also fatal, may at this time, with
cursing almost.
Was overtaken a claw to pat the
ground, hitting to fly by one bird, by
bird mouth knocking, one after an­other.
Four ten thousand stone beast, even if personality is cut-throat, cannot shoulder the attack of this flock of
meat birds. Saw that ten thousand
stone beast intrude their domain. This
flock of meat birds have also gotten angry, by ominous, they do not lose to
ten thousand stone beast that Ten Thousand Stone Tribe breeds selec­tively.
Suddenly. Person shout, birdcall,
beast roar, continuously.
After previous squad, this squad
also tastes the tragic situation of per­son the short time has folded one-third quantities.
„On sets up!!”
„Looks for the tall tree to crawl!!”
Left the weed region, sees the front
woods, a people joy, so long as crawls
to the high tree on, these one looked
bird that will not fly. Definitely how
Warrior just planned upward to crawl, the hand held the branch. Actu­ally does not know where shoots a
splinter, grips in his hand. The numb­ness feeling on hand makes him not grasp for a while steadily, fell down, the meat bird that was pursued steps
in the ground.
„Surroundings have the person !”
„Vigilant!” Person of both eyes lead­ing flash through two calendar glow,
sweeps to the surrounding woods.
Crawled on a person to tree, on the
leg by to bind a splinter, he pulled out
quickly the splinter, the numbness
transmission on leg, was good be­cause, now he on tree, has not fallen down. Just like this thinks that the cor­ner of the eye glimpsed the person's shadow to flash through together.
„Be careful!!”
The person of leading reminded.
What a pity, was late one step, when
he overtook, that person a blade, did not have the aura .
Under gathered seven meat birds,
they currently also several people, in the quantity really have the superiority,
spells , is also not necessarily able to lose, but no one wants to go all out
with these birds now, let alone, the sur­roundings are also hiding under other
person momentarily preparations the
The person of leading takes the bull by the horns, „walks from the tree!”
Between the tree and tree are too
not far, by their abilities, the caper van­guard from the tree, is.
„Discrete, possibly also had......” to lead the logical expression not saying that several heard one slightly „buzz”
sound, likely was the careful fine lace
had been shot the sound.
Some people jumps from the tree the time, moves filament that did not note easily.
Whiz whiz whiz whiz!
The splinter of half reach from the
leaf, lawn, the direction of fire is set­ting up the person who jumps.
They have to brandish a sword to block these splinters, does not pay at­tention to the person who arrived by
to bind, after falling, quick by the meat
bird staring.
But evades the splinter with great difficulty, just the coming to a stop
foot on a branch, was quietly the per­son who approaches to divide a blade .
The person of leading stared in a big way eye, in the eye full was the
color of shock. He saw the Shao Xuan
appearance, which Tribe cannot iden­tify on Shao Xuan Totem Pattern to be­long, but, he can see that Shao Xuan
is young.
„Which Tribe are you?!” Behind the
person of leading gushes out cold sweat, young strength such strong per­son, will not be small Tribe .
Like previous squad the idea of per­son of that lead, first of this lead
thinks is also Wei Ba Tribe, is, Wei Ba Tribe Totem Pattern by no means so!
Who is?!
In this leading person is shocked, the Shao Xuan right leg knee micro
tune, the sole grinds on the branch vig­orously, the brave fighter who if the
whole person descends the mountain
is common, fires into to lead fast that
person, stone blade such as the air­borne lightning chops , must tear any
thing to be ordinary likely.
Fills Ominous Beast common both eyes of killing intent under to Shao Xuan that pair, the person of leading
restrains by force the shock in heart,
grasps the arm of blade to lift to block.
Bang !
The person of leading feels is grasp­ing the palm of blade to transmit the
hot ache, but is transmitted the
strength that by the blade is shakes his
entire arm likely to be cut off general.
But strength that because he this
chops suddenly, the branch of under foot could not withstand, a break.
Very strong strength!
Which Tribe is, really has such big
strength, is not completely weak in
their Ten Thousand Stone Tribe ! And.
In the surrounding conceal , is having
one person, is also many people?
The person of leading favors believ­ing the latter. After all, even if a per­son is strong. Front person so young,
should unable to destroy completely
20 people of beforehand that squad.
If around this is also hiding many
people, in addition these momentarily
possible Ominous Beast in wooded mountain......
More is more, in the person of eyes
leading also reveals the color of fear­ing.
It is not good, must go back first!
After the branch break falls to
ground, looks the meat bird that that
side clashes , without other people who the control has not followed, led that
person to shout, turned head to run. In
that direction. The person of another
squad should also to come. They only
want a bit faster to flee from here
now, some people blow a whistle to hope that other squads can a bit faster
come the support.
After Shao Xuan has divided a
blade, has not continued to chase down, but leaps up into the woods,
quick on disappearing form.
In team leader that person and sev­eral Shang Huo Warrior ran a distance , after has not heard the sounds of
these meat birds again, political ability
They feel relieved early.
wild beast roared to resound, a
about four meters high form ran out
from the woods, lets just think the per­son feeling of escaping looked like
throws into the cold winter in the river water general. Cold biting cold.
Also is Ominous Beast !
That bear is wielding its giant bear's paws, has given these person of sur­prise attacks, was flown by the direct
racket to its recent Warrior . Flies is also spurting the blood.
It came toward here following these
delicious honey, heard the voices of
these big birds, heard the sounds of people. Its intuition , this generation is
own domain, these birds, Ten Thou­sand Stone Tribe these people regard­ing it are completely strange, and re­gards as the intruder.
The domain invades, it is naturally angry, therefore. After hearing the
sound to smell the smell, here is am­bushing. When the game visits, then
As will feign death will use one of the scheme Ominous Beast . The huge bear lethality is, hunting that the Flam­ing Horn Tribe person dreads time also
mostly will avoid the place that huge bear is, occasionally hunts and kills
But regarding the Ten Thousand Stone Tribe person who not often and
Ominous Beast fights, this was the
The racket flies a person to bite to death them, the body was also chopped several blades , that bear it is the anger.
Whiz whiz whiz!
Three long spear direction of fire
that bears.
Was the people of third squad ar­rives.
long spear that projects, had been evaded one by that bear, two insert in
its body, but is not a severe wound. If not for it avoids promptly, possibly the
wound will arrive at the place of strate­gic point.
Roaring, it has not attacked toward
these people, but turns around to run,
hits must run!
Four ten thousand stone beast pur­sue in it behind . It avoided Ten Thou­sand Stone Tribe Warrior to shoot past
long spear and arrow, while must deal with that four ten thousand stone beast, wound were also getting more and more. long spear and in arrow poi­sonous , because its toxin immunity is strong, temporarily can go against one,
but the time one long did not say cer­tainly.
„Has killed it.” Has Ten Thousand Stone Tribe Warrior Shuo said .
They had not found the person who the witch and Chief said that a per­son's shadow had not seen, but brings
Ominous Beast , at least can reduce se­lects the Chief anger.
„Kills!” The person of third team
lead finally spoke. They do not dare to provoke Ominous Beast in wooded mountain at will, but, this only Omi­nous Beast has been injured now,
moreover had been met by them, no matter the people of another two
teams how, this only Ominous Beast
their team must decide now!
Saw with own eyes that bear also
wants to run, Ten Thousand Stone Tribe Warrior hurries to pursue, bumps into Ominous Beast that like this was injured rarely, this game must result in
More than 20 people that catches up with, in addition the second team
also living several, were pursuing that
bear in the past. They are thinking, first
has solved that bear, then looks to hide the person in grove.
Shao Xuan stands on a tree, with the dense branch mask form, looks that these people pursue that bear to go, visit the sky, at heart several time.
After counting breaths, Shao Xuan
looked to these person past direc­tions.
Was different from the exploding
roar of former that bear almost makes
this mountain scene forest vibrate.
Reason that Ominous Beast huge bear is called huge bear , may not only
have 34 meters. This is just in huge bear Little Xiong, but generally speak­ing, around Little Xiong, likely also has the female bear to defend like this, be­fore Shao Xuan, had discovered in one a bigger bear is in charge.
That kind of huge bear , is not only
intelligent, but also bears a grudge,
has gotten angry, meets the hysteria
to chase down. ( to be continued )

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