#254: Starting

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At this time, for mountain that in
long journey rest, in the person who
outside the hole moves, pays attention
to be well-grounded the Shan Tribe
Dongqian, these strange Tribe Warrior that because curious suddenly pre­sents, Shao Xuan that blade.
Hears „Flaming Horn Tribe ” person ,
was discussing mutually, cannot dis­cuss that then inquired with the sur­rounding other Tribe people, Tribe where this came, these person why
suddenly appeared here, but also was
so strong?
Flaming Horn Tribe more than 20
Totem Warrior , have not actually man­aged other people in Huishan, the at­tention has been well-grounded Shan Tribe long journey, frequently prepares
to begin.
The relax is looking at the front
Shao Xuan back easily dull, had a look at the foot that half-split flow a body of place blood, the look to sweep
again to Kun Tu, how the inquiry then
should? With Tribe these Warrior to­gether on, avoids? He fears death actu­ally, can these Totem Warrior together
fights with Tribe, die also the value,
has Tribe Warrior , he died, will also take care of them with own these
tourist some people, and meets them
toward Tribe .
How Kun Tu does not know should,
Mai Zheng that side Advanced Level
Totem Warrior with opposite party con­fronts, to his recent is Shao Xuan,
therefore, Kun Tu cannot help but
looks to Shao Xuan.
Noted the line of sight of Kun Tu,
Shao Xuan side looks at the past, to­ward the aisle outside hole on the side, lifted the chin. That side has the
stone that assumes the stepped bulge,
this is „the steps of” on descending the mountain, even if has not awakened the Power of Totem person, can take a walk from these bulge stones.
Is this lets avoid? Kun Tu under­stands clearly.
Once Totem Warrior fights with all might, blade spear does not have the
eye, was injured accidentally stabs to death has cried to have no way to cry. Before although they compare, was stronger, but the tourist is a tourist,
compared a blade to chop Shao Xuan of person a moment ago, they also re­ally insufficiently looked.
Ok. Here should not be in the way.
Kun Tu hints the relax easy and the others and together descends the mountain.
The interaction of Shao Xuan and
Kun Tu, some Shan Tribe naturally
also people saw, saw that Kun Tu they
leave. Some people also want to block, realizes together the line of sight. Looked at the past, happen to
on Shao Xuan vision. That several War­rior of mountain swallow the saliva, the foot that just moved shrank.
The person who the person stop of
Shan Tribe, other have not watched the fun does not want to mix, lets the
opening, making Kun Tu they descend the mountain. If no Shao Xuan and
wheat they appears, but has Kun Tu
they, person who these people natu­rally can be another manner, the
tourist and have Tribe. Very significant
difference treats.
The relax is easy to leave, but also
by that cave toward place Shan Tribe
looked at one, in prairie Tribe long jour­ney team that that side rests, several
people were his understanding more than ten years, thinks that relationship
was good, but these people had not stood a moment ago stop Shan Tribe,
even has not spoken a few words for
To on relax easy line of sight, that
several people have moved out of the way the vision artificially. Actually, if not for Shan Tribe finds fault. They will be also easier to the relax herbal medi­cine , but, the relax was easy to annoy
Shan Tribe . They will not meddle eas­ily, no one willing offends Tribe Totem Warrior for a tourist.
After looking at the eye, relax Yi
Biandai the person is leaving with the
Kun Tu half step. He did not complain about them, but, cannot the long-stand­ing and deep-rooted friend.
When the relax is easy they to de­scend the mountain, Shan Tribe , from the hole walks a person, is third Ad­vanced Level Totem Warrior in this
place Shan Tribe long journey team.
After he comes out, Shan Tribe,
three Totem Warrior were in atten­dance.
„What's the matter?!”
In the person hand that walks is raising a ratio thigh also thick stone
stick. The stone material seems good,
at least should be the high grade rank.
Stone Bang near action is slightly thin. The just right hand can grip. Because
probably is commonly used, the hand
is grasping dent that the place some
fingers have created.
Does not know under many person
many animal life mourning stone
sticks. On the stick also has the dry
bloodstain of not having washed off,
perhaps, is he desirably does not wash, remains to deter the person ,
blood-stained Stoneware , always com­pares smooth anything no Stoneware
to give the impression of person to be profound.
Person who coming out listened to
nearby Warrior to say simply two, then
Ha Ha smiled, the stone wooden club
on the ground, smiled does not relax.
The place Shan Tribe people who is familiar with this disposition, tremble
at heart. More smiles, murderous aura
is heavy.
With the laughter, supports Stone
Bang the person, among the facial fea­tures fast is also collecting murderous aura , complexion also becomes
gloomily twists. Smiles to finish, poiso­nous snake look sweeps to the sur­roundings, the line of sight has not stayed on ground that half corpse, but
looks to Shao Xuan.
„Courts death!”
„horse said well!” With the wheat is confronting that place Shan Tribe
Team Leader Shuo said . They indeed
do not need to dread because of the
blade of that boy a moment ago, does not need to see that opposite party
two Advanced Level Totem Warrior are flustered. That several tourists who he
looks at bitterly descend the mountain,
looks straight ahead the opposite
wheat. Two Advanced Level Totem Warrior how? More than 20 individual
imposing manners how? Us has three
Advanced Level Totem Warrior , Middle Level Totem Warrior are also many,
many Primary Level Totem Warrior , the human hair has the group to at­tack, can these people block?
Since courts death, that removes.
Survival in this world, not only wants the strength, can deter ominous of per­son is very important, why Shan Tribe
can seize above the mountain side big
cave here with ease, but doesn't have
other Tribe to dare to come to snatch?
Because of their Shan Tribe ominous
name! Once there is a provocation ap­pearance, they be relentless will slaughter opposite party, making other
people not can be popular the thought of revolt and provocation!
Only then with slaughtering with the
blood, can make ominous broadcast,
making more people dread that such as lives in Ominous Beast wooded mountain Ten Thousand Stone Tribe
like that making the person hear the
name to shiver.
Looks complexion that the opposite party transforms, wheat also under­stood the choice that the opposite party makes, greeting has not hit,
Power of Totem rises dramatically in­stantaneously, on arm that in the sur­face, the nape of the neck, reveal, the
Totem Pattern road appears, stone blade that in the hand grasps, as if
merges into one organic whole with
himself in this moment.
The strength that sticks out sud­denly, the body with the fast friction
sound of air, as if wooded mountain fe­rocious beast is calling out, but the
wheat, such as the swift and violent
predator, attacks toward the game,
stone blade such as in the jungles
locks game the sharp claws of giant beast, chops to the opposite Ten Thou­sand Stone Tribe long journey team
Team Leader forehead.
In that moment that the wheat be­gins, Flaming Horn Tribe other people
also almost at the same time get rid.
Said that makes war makes war,
from the start does not need other
preparations, directly enters the battle condition, this is they when the tacit understanding that in wooded moun­tain hunting fosters, does not need say­ing that a character, should get rid
gets rid, everyone not again shouting
sentence idle talk before getting rid. In the wooded mountain, many sound,
will then make the game vigilant. If be­fore getting rid, screamed, that Hunt­ing Team person already starved to death.
More than 20 individuals, almost at the same time, transfer Power of Totem in within the body , the imposing manner rise suddenly in this instanta­neously, just likes pulls out suddenly,
but the mountain, turns, has pressed
toward place Shan Tribe that side, has broken through Shan Tribe ominous
abundant imposing manner that com­pletely, because the arrival of horse ac­cumulates with great difficulty.
The place Shan Tribe people who is considering the balance at heart, be­cause of the change of this suddenly ,
responded, except for three Advanced Level Totem Warrior as well as some
vigilances, but beside the keen person,
other people had the lassitude of mo­ment.
Response slow person, has not taken an action, the sharp blade air/Qi that stone blade brings then arrived,
wields the blade wind that the knife
brings merely, can make people feel the fierce and brutal meaning.
Ten several responded place Shan Tribe Warrior that puts in an appear­ance is broken out directly.
The sharp weapon of flashing, brings an intermittent bloody slaughtering
aura , more than 20 people of tacit co­ordination, sticking out suddenly of
this flash attacks, has not made the
mistake, each time seems a blade that
as if disregards, actually can avoid the
person on one's own side to chop to the enemy opposite party.
Although only then more than 20
people, actually look like to the feeling of person have the mighty force able to move unhindered . The place visited, is the cutting off limb wreckage, the re­actionary reign of terror.
In blows to walk into the mountain the wind, this irritating the nose bloody
various places of belt to mountain.
But has been staring at that side by­standers, after seeing this, complexion
also again and again changes.
Slaughters, every day has, here, is not I kills you, is you kills me, every­body also saw, was numb, but, this
was their first time sees the so fierce and brutal offensive.
Shan Tribe here person is startled the scalp quickly to jump. After re­sponding, started the counter-attack.
To Shangdi Shan Tribe long journey
team Team Leader , the wheat every
time attacks fully, when this that al­most uses still retained once was hunt­ing the custom, not mincing matter
strength, facing place Shan Tribe the
Team Leader , he does not dodge does not evade, directly by this rude and un­reasonable , but the fierce way moves forward to meet somebody, every step
steps forward, steps on the ground
just like the heavyweight Ominous Beast superhuman hand, will make the
stone under foot ground turn into the
detritus surely, the stone chip and dust
flies randomly.
The collisions of two Team Leader ,
coming face to face with an adversary of strength, no one makes conces­sions, the ground of under foot in the
instance of collision, a rock dehis­cence of body, the stone that jumps
splashed, such as an encrinite of
Here, the horse after shock from the beginning, is the endless anger, he has not thought that this any Flaming Horn Tribe person, really dares to get rid un­expectedly directly!
A person club hammer nearby that
front will block, horse no matter also the life of that clansman, direct im­pact on recent Totem Warrior .
Encircled cares about around horse
people also to hurry to disperse, no longer proceeds to collect. Disturbed the fight of horse, will be the same
with that pitiful clansman a moment ago, came up by a club hemstitch.
Saw the horse toward Lang Ga in the past, the Shao Xuan transforma­tion goal rushed to that side.
Lang Ga deals with other people
good, but to horse on Luoxia Feng .
Has not thought nearby suddenly the offensive, the horse could not at­tend to Lang Ga , blade collision that in
Stone Bangwang top of the head, with
dividing in together . Is blocking the
blade potential the instance, the look of horse changes, wrist|skill and arm
to shoulder, because of a moment ago
this collision, but transmits a tyranni­cal impulse, even though this Ad­vanced Level Totem Warrior , is unable
to look down upon this strength.
Has a look to divide the person of
this blade again, in horse Xin once more surprised, this is in the before­hand blade solution team Middle Level
Totem Warrior that young people. ( to be continued )

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