#244: The thunder is furious

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Shortly after the people of ten thou­sand stones leave, the Flaming Horn Tribe people, then went to this place.
These that once laid aside portray the chart mark, the boundary tablet
common stone, or in the original posi­tion, either had not been pounded to chop, the damage is quite serious,
even also has the trace of ignition.
Is the people of ten thousand
stones does most likely.
Gains ground to have a look, had not seen that is similar to stands erect
high the stone column above woods.
In the Shao Xuan heart has an omi­nous feeling immediately.
Perhaps, that side Fire Pit is not good.
Not only Shao Xuan , some witch
also premonitions, take the hand of
walking stick somewhat to shake.
Likely is the combustion general fir­ing line, has extended to the under foot of Flaming Horn people.
They do not feel the fear, does not think frightened, only then the intense
kind and familiar feeling, finally found the ownership to be ordinary.
Totem in mind, is all enlivening, is energetic.
Sets foot on this lands merely,
makes their whole body shake, has been full of the innumerable strengths
Former home grounds!
This therefore!
In the people eyes reveals the antici­pation.
To will have drawn near. Several far,
have several merely steps......
But when, they pass through the
woods, arrives at the place of that
ruins, when sees the present situation,
Beyond natural destruction , collapse
house, after two times, three times,
even a more multiple artificial destruc­tion, has looked awful completely \; The central that place, was dug a big
pothole \; The stone column of drop­ping down, was telling the matter that the person of arrival it experienced.
The trim ruins, are passing the
dreary feeling.
Beautiful sunlight, is unable to scat­ter this dismal.
„This...... This is...... Former home grounds?” The haughty sound is not steady.
How can be this appearance?
Sees this Flaming Horn people sud­denly, is somewhat vacant.
Wu Ji walks several steps to go for­ward, must approach, to have a look here situation likely clearly. His foot­steps somewhat stagger. Shakes the
hand of walking stick to make an ef­fort to grip tightly, on the hand back a
bulge meridians one after next is beat­ing, because of various mood of see­ing this raising. Made his body re­straint shiver freely.
Many years, Flaming Horn ances­tors. Waited for many years, returns to
here with great difficulty once more,
has not thought that unexpectedly
what sees is such one.
Besides anger, deep sadness.
Is staring at these disruption could not see clearly the original design the
stone, the witch only thinks that such as the acupuncture is ordinary.
When Shao Xuan goes back from
here, once the situation in former home grounds in the Shaman Book
form, drew up in the animal skin vol­ume. Has looked to the witch. There­fore, in entire Tribe , witch besides
Shao Xuan, is most familiar with the
former home grounds appearance. The
house where, the stone column where,
Fire Pit where, the witches are also clear.
Two years ago, here although was still stretch of ruins, was having hero
late in life going down in the world and
desolate feeling, but. At that time was also well below now to be so ruined.
Was dug including Fire Pit !
Absurd, simply scoundrel!
Lifts old such as bark common
hand, covers to suppress the chest
Never has really pain!
From birth. To taking over witch po­sition, to the present, the old man
never has had so had felt. Does not see a blood, actually painful to mar­row.
Old person is too excited, Shao Xuan was worried the attack that the
witch comes under is oversized, hur­ries to support by the arm.
Sees the Shaman line of sight is staring at that collapse stubbornly is hewn the fragment the stone column,
Shao Xuan Shuo said : „Now we came back, has dropped down a stone col­umn, we set up one to be higher again. The design that on the stone column
portrays I still remember, appearance when the time comes illuminates the
ancestors. Leakproof duplicate carves.”
Naturally , these words also merely
play some comfort roles. More impor­tantly, here had been destroyed time and time again, these matters subtract
9/10, enough launches the Tribe war.
This is a provocation, under trampling
to Tribe Totem, how this lets the Flam­ing Horn Tribe person to bear this
Haughty resenting gets hold of the
double fist, the anger of not restrain­ing, sends out from this Tribe Chief.
„Who is?! Is who does?! Comes out!”
Several roared one after another,
such as the shell explosion, blasted out in this stretch of grove, startled fly­ing many birds.
When was calmer, the haughty
thought was also flexible, has thought quickly then possibly created all these
people, Shao Xuan and has had here
circumstance the matter has told
Ten Thousand Stone Tribe!
Strokes these to bring the stone of
calibration line, clenches jaws haugh­tily.
As contacts the Stoneware person
since childhood, on the judgment of
trace regarding Stoneware , already un­derstood clearly in the heart . The trace on this stone, before few parts are for a long time is very very long, create,
other, half from one to two years, the
other half, are very new, is new, time that scoring resorts to arms, definitely
before they arrive.
The surroundings have many are the
activity trace of person, these are demonstrating, ruins the person in
their former home grounds, just shortly after left.
Is stroking the stone, in Ao Yan sad
gradually dissolves, ominous light that
what replaces it is accumulates
rapidly, in both eyes becomes because of the anger scarlet-red .
„They have not walked away!”
„I pursue!” The tower cannot bear
„I also go, ‚snow’ can help to find
these people.” Gui He Shuo said .
„Snow” is Gui He that white bird of prey, and seeks for the game as the
detection, can play very major role.
„Several other also take, their senses of smell are very keen.” Shao Xuan
Shuo said . Now the rain stopped,
smell will not be drenched completely
by the rain.
Stands up haughtily, looks to behind
whole face anger Flaming Horn people, the line of sight carries over the witch.
The witches have not spoken, but,
covers to press the palm of chest to move out of the way, then layer on layer outward wields.
Was needless saying that everybody
knew the Shaman manner. This is
makes haughty they go about some­thing with a free hand with Shao Xuan .
„That here?” Asked haughtily.
„Does not need to be worried, here,
therefore! Our Flaming Horn former home grounds!” The Shaman words
such as the sinking stone falls, pounds
in the people heart.
Because, because of Fire Seed , the
hot [lineage/vein] , was therefore pro­tected, can only be the Flaming Horn
„Understood.” Ao Shenshou has se­lected that several Ominous Beast ,
hints them, but also a little 30 people.
Shao Xuan and Caesar drivehead.
Besides pulling that turtle of Fire Seed vehicle, several other are all leav­ing.
Whiz whiz whiz
Is unloaded beast skin bag by the
form that hits the mark haughtily,
takes up the weapon, the fast passing over gently and swiftly thick patch of grass, pursued that several Ominous Beast to go tightly.
In the woods, the person of moving,
has met some ferocious beast, the
centralized team also dispersed.
Ten thousand stone Warrior with
other companion running powder, be­cause runs is too tired, falls in the
place, the heart jumps crazily, panting for breath, the body is keeping shiver­ing, the mouth of opening makes an ef­fort to breathe, once for a while
looked panic-stricken, in the eye has been full of the fear.
The cry heard, sits such as is poked
in ground ten thousand stone Warrior
by the nail, from the ground ball, the
mission ran.
In it behind , five meat birds were yelling pursues tightly, their speeds are quick, is also familiar with this forest lands, the speed of running does not lose to the front person.
Is listening to more and more near
sound of footsteps and cry, is running
ten thousand stone Warrior at heart de­spairs, here only then his , he copes with the following five meat birds,
does not die also meets the severe wound. He made an effort to shut clos­ing one's eyes, when opened again, got hold of the blade in hand, planned that
turned around to spell.
When ten thousand stone Warrior
brandish a sword to turn around,
planned when the doom spells, five
meat bird all that the discovery, a mo­ment ago was also actually in hot pur­suit sharply stop, muddy water that the
bird claw pushes splashes to hit on ten thousand stone Warrior .
Has not waited for ten thousand
stone Warrior to resort to arms, that
five bird then escape ran, called not to call one.
Warrior of ten thousand stones
stand there, is grasping the blade,
stares that five are running to form,
puffs. Is thinking temporarily saves the
life time, he heard clatter clatter clat­ter the sound, sounding the sound of footsteps comparisons with these
meat birds to look like, is only, this
time is quicker.
Why these usually the rampant meat
birds escape departure? Really be­cause of?
A bigger panic raids.
He changes the direction that es­capes, toward being far away from the
sound of footsteps position runs.
This time pursuer, is much fiercer.
Clatter! Clatter! Clatter!
The rear each footsteps sound, re­sounds in his heart like the stuffy thun­der. Who he cannot even attend to
turning head to look at chasing down
is, is considering only escaping.
Has not waited for two minutes, bird
such as knocking of hoe to person of
running. Knocks the person directly
falls to the ground, the person of
falling to the ground, the neck rear area has a blood hole, the blood rum­ble braves outward.
Follows close on is fearing the
crane following wheat also along with
it arrival. Had the person who no mat­ter falls to the ground died, waved is a
blade has made up.
„Continue!” The wheat patted side to fear the bird head of crane, Shuo said .
Also wants to pursue that several
meat birds in the past the fine food
one, listening to the wheat saying that
it also can only temporarily give up
these delicacies. It is not anxious,
later what are in any case many are the time.
Is similar this, various places in the
grove is occurring.
This time, selects haughtily, besides
Shao Xuan this Middle Level Totem Warrior , other 30 people, is Advanced Level Totem Warrior .
The sky, has Cha-Cha and that only
White Falcon, in the grove, several
Ominous Beast , are leading the per­son , was pursuing the people of these
ten thousand stones in the past. So long as in the grove, haughty has not planned to let off.
Meanwhile, in Ten Thousand Stone Tribe, ten thousand Stone Wu hurries
to rush is merry ten thousand stone
Chief Fei Ji rooms once more con­stantly.
„Chief , the fire, Fire Seed changes!”
Looks that compared with previous
time also wants the scared witch, Fei Ji discontentedly, this witch becomes
bits off in the two years, always
thought that in the grove will be threat­ening, but sends for each time, has not discovered any exceptionally.
Fei Ji intuition is middle that sev­eral looked that he not pleasing to the eyes old fogies create, is suppressing at heart also all at once. Now looks at the Shaman appearance, in the Fei Ji
heart surprised uncertain, the plan led
a group of people to have a look in the past, had better be able find an evi­dence, when the time comes flung on the faces of these old fogies. They usu­ally did not say that doesn't launch the
war on own initiative? Now how? If
can extort, was better.
Fei Ji does not fear to queer, in any case here is his domain.
A foot tramples to open the door,
calls the person , Fei Ji plans in the
grove to stroll. ( to be continued )

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