#221: Dug

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Came such by leader bat, dug the
good hole to abandon, can only start over from the beginning.
But these days of digging a hole,
sends for Hui Tribe going haughtily,
said here matter to Wu.
About Shao Xuan and Fire Crystal and these details of half Wang Ji
leader bat, haughty have not made the
person convey a message, but has peeled animal skin, wrote above, has the matter that to write here in inside
in detail, bundles with the grass rope,
then makes the Hui Tribe person take to the witch this. Some matters, he
needs to inquire after the witch, does
to decide again.
Haughty was not worried that in the
Hui Tribe person will open the animal skin volume watches writes the matter
secretly, does not pass through per­mits, the Tribe person will not look at will randomly that the haughty this con­fidence has, trust the Tribe person.
Waits for Hui Tribe Warrior to come back, they have also brought the
Shaman answer.
Arrives at the place of nobody
haughtily, opens the animal skin vol­ume, looks content that inside witch
has written.
Thinks that the witch will write lots,
tells leader bat how they treat that
only half Wang Ji, actually does not think, after opening the animal skin vol­ume, Ao Zhi saw a few words: Asked
Ah'Xuan .
If not for knows that the witch has chosen Gui Ze to take over, thinks the
successor who haughtily the witch
chooses is Shao Xuan .
Is it possible that does the witch
want to make Ah'Xuan work as next
Chief? Ao Bujin thinks.
No, should not.
To know about Shaman haughtily
that he knows, if Wu Xiang trains into
Chief Shao Xuan, is not the present ap­pearance.
Shakes the head, since is unable to guess the Shaman goal, haughty were not many thinks.
At this time, is primarily the present
The day passes by day-by-day, the
hole that excavates once more arrived under the mountain of that mountain , to continue to dig 2-3 days to be able
probably again to arrive at the day pit
under. At that time, can know under
day pit whether such as Shao Xuan said that Fire Crystal existed.
These days, everybody fear to
leader bat has been short of a point.
Because that leader bat several days
had not appeared here, before a Shao Xuan early morning will be driving , the
bygone days pit, does not need it to come again.
Ten days pass by. Shao Xuan con­sumes the Fire Crystal speed to be get­ting quicker and quicker, if looks with the field of vision of special strength. The red energy line that braves from
Fire Crystal just started to be much more crowded, this also means that the Fire Crystal energy came out
Sometimes, Shao Xuan can also
catch up before Sun descends the mountain returns to under the moun­tain, met with other people. Caesar
was also called to help other person of together dig a hole by Shao Xuan in the past.
But in day pit these days, Shao Xuan
also slowly finds out the bottom line of this leader bat.
So long as does not take away Fire Crystal in day pit, it will not act crazy.
Shao Xuan is consuming Fire Crystal
these days, but also has cut the two
big ivories of that mammoth. As well as the great angles of several great
corner/horn deer carry off, it has not paid attention.
On this day, when Fire Crystal con­sumes, that leader bat has not flown from seek for food, does not wait for
Shao Xuan to leave, then the fan the
wing has been expelling a day of pit
Shao Xuan.
Before leaving the day pit, Shao Xuan sees, thicker black mist, spurts
from its mouth and nostril.
In the day pit, starts from the base.
Because of these color deeper black
mist, becomes such as black ink is gradually ordinary.
At this time, even if Ao Dai the medi­cinal herbs is going. Cannot shoulder.
The black mist, from above day pit
emits, by the mountain top spread to
mountain foot , even if some anti- poi­sonous high poisonous herbs and med­icinal herbs of life on mountain, died the larger part.
„This mountain, could not go in thor­oughly.” Looks at the black spread
haughtily the mountain, Shuo said .
„Luckily, we have dug the hole from
here.” The tower sighs with emotion ex­tremely. The digging a hole place, the
black room has not surrounded.
Has dug the hole. Then does not need to contact Shan Biao these black
mist and miasmas, even if these mias­mas seeped in the soil and rock. Ar­rives in the hole are not many, every­body can withstand.
„Was its this must again carry on to transform?” Gui He asked.
„Very likely.” Haughty Shuo said .
Beast King ......
That leader bat left Beast King to enter one step.
„Was inferior. We while this opportu­nity,......” tower are taking the blade on
hand it, compared with posture of
Gains ground with Gui He and Dai
several people haughtily, like looking
silly x looks to the tower.
The expression in tower surface one
stiff, realized the words that probably
one spoke a moment ago much are also stupid.
First did not say can shoulder these
black mist to go, said initially, five
Hunting Squad Team Leader in Bian­fudong met leader bat, it has not trans­formed, can bring „shell” migration to be free, the wheat they are unable to nose to its trail. But now, that leader
bat has promoted a rank, that not to mention. Even if not Beast King ,
makes great strides forward a stride
toward Beast King once more, thinks
to make the person nape of the neck
send coldly.
Soon returns to the former home grounds, this danger, haughty does not want to brave, does not dare to brave.
Wu said that they must face in the fu­ture, is more people, many formidable
Warrior , but non- Ominous Beast , is not Beast King .
„Is only, if cannot slaughter it, when
it woke, was fiercer, can pursue Tribe ?”
Dai was worried.
„Has Fire Seed, should be insuffi­cient.” Haughty Shuo said . They trust
Fire Seed strong in all. If there is fierce
Ominous Beast to attack, the Tribe per­son could not resist, the witch can
draw support from the Power of the Flame quantity, action of driving away.
Dai still did not feel relieved, „, if
when the time comes we returned to the former home grounds, was natu­rally better, but if when the time comes
has not returned, must come out to hunt, it will not pose the threat to the
team of hunting, won't slaughter War­rior?”
„Cannot.” Shao Xuan Shuo said , „, so long as does not provoke it on own ini­tiative, it will not slaughter the hunting
Warrior .”
„Why?” Some reply doubts of Gui He
to Shao Xuan . Why did Shao Xuan so
„intuition .” Shao Xuan said.
Shao Xuan has the secret. This Gui He and tower they know that but this
secret, knows haughtily that he does not want to tell everybody, therefore,
cuts off the issue this, hasn't seen the
Chief warning the look?
Several people were saying here, that side broadcasts a wild with joy
sound from the hole, is Keke that big
„Boss! Chief!”
The Keke half step runs out from the hole, smiling in surface pushed not to have the eye.
„Came out! Dug! Fire Crystal, has
Fire Crystal really!”
„Really? I have a look!” Could not sit still haughtily, with spring from ground
In Keke is taking together not big
Fire Crystal , only then the fingernail
size of pinky, but that truly is Fire Crys­tal without doubt.
On Fire Crystal , but also is bringing
some soils and stone chips, truly just
Ao Xiaoxin receives that not big Fire Crystal , places in the control, cleans the superficial dust.
The thing that under the sunlight, the fiery red luster, must moving likely
burns general.
It is not under day pit is bringing the
humus and bat excrement these, this
is belongs their, Fire Crystal that they
„Good! Good! Good!”
Continually said three good charac­ters, laughs haughtily.
Did not have the disturbance of
leader bat, has dug out Fire Crystal ,
these days the depression diverges
thoroughly, smiles the chest cavity to shake haughtily.
Excited! Excited! Carefree!
„Father, gives me, shows me.” The
tower called before the people rarely
directly like this haughtily, usually had
other people, he was calls haughtily is
Chief, now shouts, must let know
haughtily that your son was still wait­ing in side.
But haughtily had not realized that
son's present mood, the five fingers
gather together, grips Fire Crystal .
„Also has?” Asked haughtily to Keke .
„Should...... Should have.” Keke flex­ure scratching the head, this he is unascertainable, he after digging to
this Fire Crystal , reported good news
on Ben Guolai.
„Walks, goes to have a look!” Ao Dai the person is walking toward hole in
Shao Xuan falls on finally, before en­tering hole, he looked up front that to cover the black mist the mountain, as well as such as black ink general
mountain top.
„Ah'Xuan , comes quickly!” In the hole the Keke urging said.
The line of sight takes back from the mountain, Shao Xuan lifts the foot
to walk toward the hole. ( to be contin­ued )

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