#201: How you come

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Shao Xuan sits on the stool, and
does not care about the threat of Jiao Wu .
„You are not my match.” Shao Xuan
Shuo said .
Jiao Wu snort , said: „Our brothers
two together , two dozens one.”
„Two cannot hit.”
„Your boy......” Jiao Wu must begin,
was roasted by the flame prevents.
Sits to nearby stool on, the flame
roasts looks to Shao Xuan: „Said your
Shao Xuan urgently has not been ex­plaining purpose in coming, but asked:
„I want to know why you so do guard
to me? Is it possible that doubts my
Here, Jiao Wu does not have sound,
but in the eye was having the obvious
hatred, this hatred was not to Shao Xuan, but has remembered any mat­ter.
Silent a while, the flame has roasted Shuo said : „We see the consan­guineous person, the first feeling will
think kind. Has to acknowledge that
you give my feeling is very actually kind, your status we did not suspect.
However, even if you are the same with
us, is the Flaming Horn Tribe posterity,
Shao Xuan thinks that said: „Had
you been betrayed?”
Jiao Wu wants to say anything,
looked at the flame to roast one, has suppressed, but layer on layer gasps for breath, was mad, this air/Qi was is not coming to Shao Xuan.
„Really.” Regarding this type, Shao Xuan is also helpless, this thinks that the Flaming Horn Tribe tourist, can
such as Yan Shuo like that later sees
old he, thought that the Tribe people
are not easy, has been insisting the
faith, is the firm and resolute people.
Shao Xuan has also listened to something from old he there, is not the descendant of each Flaming Horn Tribe person, is be easy getting along with. Also is not everyone is loyal, un­avoidably can have the rebel, this kind of person is few, but exists absolutely, the person who can betray the belief,
has to guard!
Left Feng Tribe that time in Shao Xuan. Old he had reminded also Shao Xuan, if found the Tribe tourist, first ob­serves. If these long were crooked,
does not recognize.
In the future these disposition not
good people. Even if returns to Flam­ing Horn Tribe , will be dropped by the
witch. In the Shaman standard, was rigidly defined to this Tribe these
Totem Warrior , let alone the rebel.
Therefore, the Tribe tourist who
even if Shao Xuan wants to find some
meeting shipbuilding very much, but
also first observes. The way nature that the different people, treat is differ­ent.
But Brother Jiao Wu , the time of
Shao Xuan contact are very short. But the impression is good, the two broth­ers, a calm, is slightly irritable, but is not that disposition is not likely good.
Sighed, Shao Xuan did not continue
to tow, no longer rubbish, pulls out to­gether Stone Tablet, put on the table.
Saw on Stone Tablet design that
flickers, the flame roasts only thought that the breath stopped. Does not wink
is staring at Stone Tablet. Jiao Wu
wants to pass to take up, feared that
was roasted by the flame said that anx­ious touching own ears and cheeks
place. What to do does not know should.
Long time, the flame roasts Shuo said : „Is this our Flaming Horn Tribe
Totem? This is my first time, sees so
clear Totem .”
Was saying the flame roasts puts out palm of the hand long small stone blade, on wooden table that cannot publicize, on Totem according to
Stone Tablet , bit by bit portrays. He
carves very slowly, but carves very
Nearby Jiao Wu is also staring, be­comes cautiously, for fear that makes a move to alarm the movement that the flame has roasted.
Shao Xuan in affirmed to these two
brothers at heart once more. Fortu­nately fortunately. This is two good
After carving, the flame roasts the
design that traces to carve carefully.
Must print it likely stubbornly in the
brain general.
When gaining ground, the flame
roasts looked that has relaxed much
to the Shao Xuan look. Also is having
some gratitude.
„Sorry.” The flame roasted has smiled bitterly, „was really, had been be­trayed......”
The flame roasted simply said to
Shao Xuan matter that a next past years had.
At that time, Jiao Wu is ten -year-old over kid, but at that time had roasted in the flame that the fleet
worked, was undertaking in the family the complete labor force. In the past, in Long Boat Tribe also several people,
about, were counted Jiao Wu , eight
people, everybody was together very
well, has thought that the consan­guineous people were this.
Until one day, one with was the fel­low of Flaming Horn Tribe posterity ap­peared, at that time he was chased down likely, the body was injured, the
flame roasted and the others to res­cue him. Afterward, he deceived every­body saying that a place was good,
there person was much better com­pared with the Long Boat Tribe per­son, urged everybody together in the past.
Because he said too happily, is too attractive, regarding person, in the
Long Boat Tribe difficult practical train­ing must be a scapegoat, everybody
Afterward, everybody joint effort,
produced a ship, although did not com­pare the Long Boat Tribe ship to be big, but was much better compared with these boats of tourist area. Every­body gathers in together , plans to leave together. But when, the ship
goes to one, he designs everybody has pushed out of the ship.
„There two branches collect one, be­cause a branch is the black, is the
putty yellow, the rivers that therefore,
gathers, have two colors in road fork
there, but in such place, some are grow­ing the fish of canine. Falls into eight
people in river, finally lives has three.
That rebel is bringing the ship, walked
toward the downstream, I to the pre­sent still remember that he takes the
wooden oar to whip the movement of
falling in the water person...... After­ward, our three upward walked ran­domly along the river, returns to Long Boat Tribe , for the shipbuilding, our sev­eral generations of older generations
kept here thing, was consumed, but
that person, was having our surplus
savings, left, had not appeared again.”
Narrated, the sound that the flame
roasted was very tranquil, but the ha­tred in eye was extremely deep. This is
they guards against the Shao Xuan pri­mary cause, the past attack was too big, has not recovered consciousness
to the present.
Because had been betrayed, has ex­perienced the lesson of blood, there­fore when facing the Tribe posterity, re­veals to be vigilant the meaning.
„My brother for me, was nipped in the past by these fish very has not come almost, even if lived, the body
also missed. The Yan Zhuo elder brother pushes to come ashore him,
oneself actually cannot live.” Jiao Wu
is red eye Shuo said in side.
Yan Zhuo in Jiao Wu words, is in
present Tribe the third Flaming Horn Tribe tourist besides Brother Jiao Wu ,
lives in the log cabin in next door, now
should still work outside, has not come back.
„That was the past matter. A while ago, our bodies presented Totem Pat­tern, our strengths were also big, my
body also improved.” The flame roasts
looks to Shao Xuan , „you have pre­sented whether also Totem Pattern ?”
„Totem Pattern ?” Shao Xuan doubts.
Initially Yan Shuo because of him
originally a little light Totem Pattern ,
but listened to the flame to roast this
meaning, they were the same with old
he, before had never revealed that why
can suddenly appear?
Inquired specific time, Shao Xuan
discovered that they revealed Totem
that day, is he, when former home grounds Fire Pit .
It seems like that Fire Pit of former home grounds has the effect.
Sees Shao Xuan not to reply, the
flame roasts thinks that he has not re­vealed that then the plan comforts,
was preparing saying that saw on the
Shao Xuan face to reveal very clear
trace, that day was much clearer than
their traces!
But generally speaking, Totem Pat­tern of such degree, is the person of
Totem Warrior rank, can have.
„You...... You......” Jiao Wu are point­ing at Shao Xuan, „you” several have not suppressed other characters.
Shao Xuan has not managed the ex­citements of these two brothers, pulls out a animal skin volume and pen,
asked that the flame roasts: „What did
that person call?”
„Who?” The flame roasts not to re­spond for a while
„That rebel.”
„Dao Yu, he called Dao Yu.” The
flame roasts to carve this name with
stone blade in the corner of table. Be­sides the earlier parents' professor,
after the parents leave the world, be­cause he works in the Long Boat Tribe
fleet frequently, some understanding
characters, but this name, he never for­got.
Looked at that two character one,
Shao Xuan has then written down in the animal skin volume.
„Traitor, will never be forgiven. Even if he runs away to the ends of the earth, even if he has hired oneself other
big Tribe , so long as there is an oppor­tunity, will make him pay the price.”
Shao Xuan Shuo said .
Was needless to say with Wu that
Shao Xuan can guess correctly the
witch knew choice after this matter.
If hires oneself other Tribe because of the livelihood, although the Flaming Horn Tribe person will be unavoidably disappointed, but is not necessarily able to blame, after all the tourist is too difficult. Rebel but who if perse­cutes the consanguinity, that will be is forgiven absolutely. In Flaming Horn Tribe, will be executed. By, that side
river Flaming Horn Tribe that Shao Xuan knows, all previous witch, the
person who no matter how their dispo­sitions, violate the stipulation regard­ing these, will use the blood and iron
method absolutely, does not appease, under the mountain climbs mountains
is so.
„In your hand this is?” The flame
roasted saw the corner/horn of animal skin volume, that above has written
many characters, but there are him not to understand.
„These must bring to go back to give the witch to look.” Shao Xuan Shuo said .
„Witch?! Do we have the witch?!”
Two brothers simultaneously startled
called out.
„Naturally has. Tribe also, Fire Seed
also, but leaves quite far. Otherwise,
you think how my this Totem Warrior
does come?”
Totem Warrior Totem Pattern , this
matter is without a doubt, was differ­ent from past that rebel, Totem Pat­tern , this was the most directly most powerful proof, was more effective than 10,000 words. The flame roasts the brothers not to doubt.
„That that...... We...... Can...... Goes back?” Usually always the steady flame
roasted also stuttered at this time.
„Naturally , is only somewhat far, is very dangerous.”
„We did not fear!!” They with stylish.
„First waits, I look for Yan Zhuo they.
Shao...... Shao Xuan, can you again
wait here?” In the words that the flame
roasts is even having the meaning of
„Relax, I.” Shao Xuan earnest Shuo said .
„Thanks...... Thanks!” The flame
roasted to scratch the corner of the eye, the deep breath, opened the door
to exit.
After the flame roasts leaves, Jiao Wu that nobody controls has let loose
thoroughly, howls, a voice almost
frightens Shao Xuan not to sit.
But Jiao Wu did not think that has
any improper, sits on the ground di­rectly, nasal mucus tears, said to Shao Xuan: „Do you come? If early several
years, we did not need to be deceived
by that rebel...... Can we go back re­ally?”
Hears the reply of Shao Xuan, Jiao Wu was howling loudly, howling at­tracted the nose, was howling to at­tract again.
Shao Xuan looks in the surface to pull out, traces beast skin bag , put out
inside one coldly the barbecue handed over.
Does not cry.
Jiao Wu sits there eats the meat
while attracts the nose, Shao Xuan has not managed him, he records in detail
Brother Jiao Wu matter in the animal skin volume. In this animal skin vol­ume, but also writes Yan Shuo and old
he their matter, has not fallen, includ­ing that rebel. ( to be continued )

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