#225: Ruins completely

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What Chief and Wu said is must dig a big basin, everyone with a sudden burst to dig, when hunting Warrior go out, there are person who keeps Tribe
digs, some leg and foot inconvenient
people can also pass to help, in Tribe
many cannot awaken the Power of Totem women also to pass to help
After waiting for the first hunting,
Shao Xuan Hui Tribe time, that side
has dug 400 even big hole, and is con­tinuing.
Under the mountain, the children
from cave is helping to boil the air bladder rubber.
A 20 meters wooden boat puts there, the flame roasts several people
busy the sealing.
This is only the first ship that they
experiment, side two ratio this are big­ger, but has not finished.
Shao Xuan took up the tool to help
in the past.
„How?” Shao Xuan asked.
„Before rainy season, these three can
make, when the time comes these
three ships try first.” If successful, they
try the scale to be bigger again.
Like such that Wu said that ship that produced, but concerned the en­tire Tribe person, the quality must be up to standard, otherwise the line ar­rived at the midway, in the fish by
river was hit two on the water leakage,
that cried to have no way to cry.
„Hunting achievement how?” Nearby
Jiao Wu cannot bear ask.
„Also good.” Shao Xuan this time
with the green space that Advance Group goes. This time found one pre­hensile tail medicine to plant in the
green space, the midway has also hunted for many game, the harvest is satisfactory.
„We must with hunt.” Jiao Wu Shuo said .
„Right, but must to below next time.”
Shao Xuan said.
The flame roasts several people same as most new Warrior , first twice
not with, third time, but, because the
flame roasts several people of special­ness, will send when the time comes definitely for protecting.
„We leave, here gave you.” The flame
roasts to Shao Xuan said.
The flame roasts several people to stagger with Shao Xuan hunting time.
This can guarantee that some matter
people of shipbuilding look each time,
give other people, they did not feel re­lieved.
Flaming Horn Tribe is digging a pit.
Has scraped out a lake directly, even if is the Long Boat Tribe fleet puts also
has the big piece leeway. Digs Warrior of lake also to dislike insufficiently in a big way, because if not for periphery
is the mountains, is not good to dig,
they will dig toward the surroundings
Rainy season time, rainy season
here will start to store water, after
waiting finished, in the river does not have the xylophage time, then directs the water.
From lake to river. Also has dug a
about ten meters wide canal, this con­venience the ship direct line in Hou Lake arrives in the river at the ap­pointed time.
Under the guidance of the sugges­tion and Shao Xuan, entered nearby the river mouth also to cultivate a
floodgate, had finished that time
strobe after the rainy season opened
beside, other time will be closing.
„Lake and canal dug, waited for the
rainy season to arrive.” Rainy season the precipitation, pilots from the river,
can fill up the water this lake.
„What pitifully is, this year, we could not go back.” Lang Ga looks to dig the
good lake and canal. Shuo said , „in the
river these insects, we do not need to spend these many strength to dig the
lake. Put in the river to try the ship to be good directly.”
„This does not have the means that
will wait next year, next year should.”
When the Flaming Horn Tribe per­son is busy at work, another side of
river, the Flaming Horn Tribe former home grounds, in the Ominous Beast
wooded mountain, Ten Thousand Stone Tribe Chief, leading large quanti­ties of people to go to that side.
Person who this time he brings,
near Tribe all Warrior one-third. In
wooded mountain plant because of var­ious Ominous Beast and dangerous,
buckle many. But had found finally also the Flaming Horn Tribe former home grounds.
Blows the moss and vine on stone
with the blade , the body also brings the ten thousand beast stones of
blood stain to lead Fei Ji. Looks in the
stone is carving character, read gently:
„Flaming Horn?”
Immediately the pshaw smiles, dis­dain to witch Shuo said that side
walks: „Is this your worry? This already
perished Tribe ?”
Ten thousand Stone Wu did not speak.
Fei Ji is bringing the face of smiling,
while convenient becomes fierce,
fights with the fists to the big stone of
carving characters.
Bang !
In the hard stone, presented a fist
big pit, but stood steadily in the stone of ground, was overthrown by this vig­orously, leave toward the distant place.
Has not gone to look to leave far
stone, Fei Ji continues to lead the per­son to proceed.
Shortly, they arrived at the place of
From gets up early very much, Ten Thousand Stone Tribe knew here once
Tribe, but, that Tribe vanished, stayed behind Chief that only then stretch of
ruins, afterward, took over again have not cared about the stretch of ruins in
wooded mountain, because of day by day outward the wooded mountain of
expansion, making nearby the ruins
also even more dangerous, they also
little again walked toward.
This stretch of ruins, record the past
that world great change historical event, but in the past dwelled Tribe
here, already no longer the past magnif­icence, nobody stayed behind, was tac­itly approved by everybody to perish.
although now is the vegetation luxu­riant season, the surrounding wooded mountain has filled with the vitality,
but, each stands the person before
this piece of ruins, actually can feel to wipe the desolate meaning, as if an
old person, has lifted the obstacles, re­veals body that is scarred.
The honor is also good, the shame,
that was the thousand years ago mat­ters, except for the Flaming Horn Tribe
person, other people, simply did not have that deep feeling.
On such as stands the Ten Thou­sand Stone Tribe person here, when be­sides initially sees this ruins that Dian Dian inexplicable mood, is thinking
whether here also has the precious
goods to leave behind.
Ten thousand stone Chief Fei Ji
looked in the tread the obvious that
six traces, the eye has narrowed nar­rowing the eyes dangerously.
„This is, the trace of sacrificial offer­ing?” Fei Ji points at these are being
have burnt likely six lines, asked the
witch. although he does not under­stand this sacrificial offering way, but can also see, after this likely is an­other Tribe ceremony, trace that
leaves. Each Tribe has the respective
sacrificial offering style.
„Should be.” Witch Shuo said .
The witches, said: „I have not felt
this place to have Fire Seed to exist.”
„Here naturally does not have Fire Seed! This Tribe already perished!” Fei Ji loud [say / way] .
However, does not have Fire Seed,
why will have the situation that Fire Seed suppresses to appear?
Presents Fire Seed to suppress, ex­plained that another Tribe, wants to be stronger than them.
Big Tribe that was not of past years
perished, is it possible that was the
central other Tribe plots?
Their Ten Thousand Stone Tribe re­peatedly looks for the trouble of Lu
Tribe, had been warned several times
by central several big Tribe .
Holds the activity of similar sacrifi­cial offering in this intentionally, for
frightens their Ten Thousand Stone Tribe? Perhaps, before that matter, is the central these fellows puts in order!
Fei Ji thought. After all, except for
them, nobody cannot pass with one­self, is impossible the situation that
causes Fire Seed to suppress.
More side wants more to think the
possibility, Fei Ji has not managed the
witch who starts to speak but hesi­tates, called the person .
„Periphery ruining! Ruins thoroughly!
Especially here!” Fei Ji has referred to
six traces centers, „these exhaust! Do not let me see these again!”
although he thought that is middle the behavior of that several old fogy,
but he is not good to here feeling, par­ticularly is setting upright that high pil­lar, probably in ridiculing their Ten Thousand Stone Tribe , what although
said is middle one of the power­houses, but compares several other
big Tribe to plan weakly, Fire Seed sup­pression.
„This, destroyed!”
He does not have the means with the central that several old fogies, doesn't could it be that have the
means with here these stone ruins?!
These things remained in any case
were being also useless, Tribe did not have, did these stones have what the
significance of existence? Looks to be an eyesore.
In the wooded mountains, along with a explosion sound , Shao Xuan
had stood sets up high there stone col­umn, poured.
Moreover, Fei Ji looks at the stone column that pours, was unsatisfied,
making the person succeed in giving up one section of one section the
stone column, but also has chiselled
many holes on the shaft of break, pic­ture that on the stone column carves,
was destroyed fuzzily, almost cannot see a complete pattern.
Surrounding ruins, was more rem­nant, the stone buildings of some half
collapses, drop down completely, the
large piece flagstone was knocked the
scrap, the scrap was thrown in each di­rection toward the distant place.
The stone material is better, was poached takes away.
The place of Fire Pit , had scraped out every large or small pits, com­pletely does not have Shao Xuan ini­tially came the time appearance that
The tree has chopped, the grass has dug, the trim place, was almost raised a skin, changed.
Looks at the final achievement, Fei Ji is satisfied, is laughing, has put a
fire in the grove. Burns down thing that
these are an eyesore, perhaps, burnt down, nobody again came to here to cause trouble. Had better be able give
to burn down here grove, but this is im­possible, nearby basin are quite many,
Ominous Beast . Ominous Beast , some
also understood how to fight fire.
Really regrettable. However, cannot
all burn down also well, otherwise, all
forces here Ominous Beast , their Ten Thousand Stone Tribe first meeting with a disaster.
Even if cannot burn down com­pletely, this procedure can also make
Fei Ji feel better at heart, he likes de­stroying, the feeling of destruction , is very personally carefree.
„Walks!” Looks the fire and thick smoke that burns, Fei Ji turns head to shout.
This season, this place, the speed of fire intensity spread is not fast, sur­roundings many tree seeds do not ig­nite easily, today does not have any
wind, has given their sufficient depar­ture times.
although this time entered the
wooded mountain to fold many peo­ple, but Fei Ji thought that this came the value, has removed a worry.
„Looked after these old fogies have
anything, move!” Fei Ji Shuo said .
although his moral nature acknowl­edged that how many established pow­erhouses, strive to excel compared with their Ten Thousand Stone Tribe,
but he did not fear, how many? These
Tribe people, is impossible to use the
strength of entire Tribe , comes to hit
with their Ten Thousand Stone Tribe?
Fei Ji leads the person to leave, has not walked far, the sky starts the
falling a little bit rain water.
The rain gets bigger and bigger, fire that good that before put did not burn
easily, extinguished gradually. Thick smoke of raising, was irrigated.
„Bah, got down unexpectedly!” Fei Ji
discontented tunnel.
Today the weather is truly dreary, he
knows that will have rain, but has not thought such skillfully, just set on fire,
got down.
However Fei Ji has not planned to turn back again, extinguished extin­guishes, in any case this doing did.
To be different from the Fei Ji good
mood, Shaman had mixed feelings, be­cause, his uneasy rises . Moreover,
compared with before. Hoping is he is oversensitive. ( to be continued )

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