#246: Former home grounds reignition

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Shao Xuan with is haughty they re­turn to former home grounds together the time, full is the crushed stone
waste residue place, had been cleaned up, the dignified weed has also pulled out, these dangerous plants in sur­roundings woods have struck off.
As for wild beast, early ran, has not run entered the pot.
The Fire Pit place had been piled up, that side Fire Pit compared with
river also wants to be big about one
time, is originally the Fire Pit size. So long as the underground hot [lineage/vein] still, Fire Pit can still restore to the original appearance.
When the hot [lineage/vein] , are ini­tially the ancestors hastily left stay be­hind, is part of fire seed, perhaps in the past, the Flaming Horn ancestors
left because of the disaster of sud­denly arrival hastily, has not actually thought that leaves, is nearly thousand years, the fire seed that these years,
leave never again has also come back.
If must migrate, wants to carry off the fire seed completely, requires the
time, like, when that side the river, the
witch takes away from Fire Pit the fire seed, passed through for a long time
pray and worshipping, then consumes the mental effort to be separated from
Fire Pit the fire seed completely.
What is good, now came back, the
hot [lineage/vein] had not been de­stroyed thoroughly.
Although Fire Pit has completed, but the fire seed has not ignited in inside
The witches must hold the sacrifi­cial offering ritual, then lights in Fire Pit the fire seed , lets the fire seed and
hot [lineage/vein] is connected.
The surroundings started to cut trees down to prepare to make room,
strength big Totem Warrior transport the stone.
Wu Dai in the car(riage) , has not come out.
Shao Xuan comes back, Gui Ze is taking the medicinal herbs that is pro­cessing to jump out of the car(riage) .
„How?” Shao Xuan has a look at the
wooden car(riage) , asked Gui Ze.
„Witch sadly.” Gui Ze sighed.
Returns to here with great difficulty,
sees this place in confusion, the mood
good to be fishy . Moreover, by the
Shaman attitude. Sees to feel, should
all record in Shaman Book , waits later
to inherit.
Shao Xuan has knocked the door­frame of car(riage) .
„Comes.” The sound that inside
spreads cannot listen to the happy
Cannot listen to the happy anger.
Places on this old man, was not the
happy meaning.
Really. After Shao Xuan goes, sees
witch to write to draw in a animal skin
„How?” The witches have not gained ground, ask.
Shao Xuan said the matter simply.
„Haughtily what does is right, we
also need the panting for breath time.”
Wu said that and asked: „Can you turn round to carve that stone column?”
„Can. However an expenditure time,
stone material is not good to look,
needs to open cutting. Or do I look
now?” Saw that succeeds in giving up
many sections of stone columns, Shao Xuan does not feel better at heart, two
years ago he comes time. That stone column with terrestrial reference, he
still has sat above.
The witches shake the head, „, that
temporarily does not put aside, waits for the fire seed to ignite, Tribe must first do, is the tourist who exits to aid
these returns.”
When the fire seed ignites in the for­mer home grounds once more, tourists who leaves, will come back. This was
old he initially said to Shao Xuan.
„The time of that sacrificial offer­ing?” Shao Xuan asked.
„Tomorrow evening.”
The time of sacrificial offering de­cided that the people like that prepare
according to the old times sacrificial offering now. The stain on pumping the body and clothes washes off, the
sacrificial offering beast clothing also
This time, does not have at the be­ginning of the year sacrificial offering
that many steps. Only for ignites the
fire seed in Fire Pit of former home grounds.
2nd day evening.
After the clean, exchanges the Flam­ing Horn Tribe people of sacrificial of­fering beast clothing to gather around
Fire Pit , including afterward joined these tourists of team. Beside the
tourist as for Flaming Horn Tribe , they have not participated, only stays in the
nearby looks.
In the sacrificial offering, is the im­portant person, position before, ap­proaches Fire Pit . Has changed a
place, this rule also similarly exists.
Shao Xuan is before a group of peo­ple. Only Middle Level Totem Warrior .
Is laying aside the car(riage) of fire seed already in side, the surrounding
atmosphere is tranquil and solemn and respectful.
Is fixing the eyes on that side to the
slightly far tourists. Also does not dare
to say a character.
Here is not the original that moun­tain, place that they are at now. Also
not in mountain mountain top. ob­serves the situation all around, the dis­tant place, the hills revolves, to com­pare, is here of low spot, in addition the surrounding woods mask, is not conspicuous.
A piece silent, the witch boards
carefully, a moment later, when he
from vehicle, in the hand is holding
small flame, but this flame compared with initially left that side the thaw
time, wanted in a big way one time, but also was beating in the witch
As the witch approaches Fire Pit
step by step, in Fire Pit also appeared
has wiped the flame, emerged as the times require, then, by the center of
flame, branched out six firing lines in
six directions, each firing line travers­ing stood in the surrounding crowd,
spread toward the distant place.
The witches more approach Fire Pit , the flame in Fire Pit is brighter, six hot
[lineage/vein] are also thicker.
When the witch enters Fire Pit , when fire seed places the hot [lineage/vein] center that point, one bunch of
flames shoot up to the sky, such as
thousand zhang (3.33 m) tall Ta, en­ters the horizon, in this nighttime, is especially conspicuous.
Withdraws from the Fire Pit witch,
kneels to lie with everybody together
in the place, by the Tribe highest ritual,
greets the reignition of fire seed .
In Fire Pit , the column of flame
coarsens rapidly, spreads to entire Fire Pit , the tuck dive flame makes distant place these be continuous fluctuating the mountain ranges cover a strength,
looks like world marvelous sight that
suddenly presents. Everywhere flame,
has not actually been burning a leaf.
Moreover, the flame in Fire Pit ,
along six branch veins, spreads toward
all around.
Each hot [lineage/vein] , look like a
lead wire, the Fire Pit fire, directs to the distant place instantaneously, but
shoots up to the sky the flame that
from the ground hot [lineage/vein] , just like a giant god soldier of suddenly
present world, breaks out this piece of
black nighttime sky, divides six sub-ar­eas, passes world boundless meteorol­ogy that is unable to explain.
The tourists in border place felt im­mediately the body shakes fiercely,
their spiritual was attacked, all around
imposing manner makes them tremble,
felt that the whole body the fine body hair has stood. They have never seen
such situation.
The fire seed , this is the Power of the Flame quantity. Let impulsion that the person has to plant prostrates one­self immediately.
Such fire seed , can drive away Omi­nous Beast .
Such fire seed, can in this mountain scene forest, protect Tribe, the multipli­cation lives.
Shao Xuan is gazing in Fire Pit the
unusual change of fire seed, felt the
flame that Power of Totem in within the body also along with leaping
rushes, is surging little.
Once, the Totem flame in mind,
likely was the non- root floating mat­ter, drifted from place to place, but
now. They had found the support and
backing point likely, stabilized, the
flame body was also higher.
From the fire seed and hot [lineage/vein] connected. Shao Xuan felt that the body is at emotional state, Totem in mind is also in stimulated that con­tinues an extremely. Power of Totem in within the body . Becoming by the in­travenous drip rushes such as the bil­lowing river current, is restless in
within the body galloping, must drill
likely general from each pore, Totem Pattern , even more profound clear.
The heart, is beating strongly.
The blood, was boiled likely general.
All mood, ignite instant.
Ao Suiran kneels in the ground as before. But the upper part stands, face up toward in Fire Pit that cannot see the peak „flame tower”, lifts up high the both arms, roared loudly. Because the mood is extreme, the sound is bringing obvious hoarse.
Vented likely, summoned likely.
Rushing Power of Totem, along with
blood ebullition, blooms, across the
skin of body surface, runs out.
Body. Under the flame shines the
sacrificial offering beast clothing, re­ceived the shake from Totem Warrior
whole body air current, was delimited
slits suddenly.
The both legs are kneeling place. The ground was under the impact of
eruption air current, the crushed stone and dust overflows to fly upwards,
sand storm that flies, the flame that
was seethed quickly is involved, swal­lows.
After haughty, big Team Leader ,
Hunting Squad Team Leader , as well as each hunting Warrior , roared one after another. The sound with almost il­luminates the flame of this mountain scene forest, reverberates in the
wooded mountains.
Never has well ups proud.
Each Flaming Horn Tribe person at heart. One is the glory and pride of
Flaming Horn person, this pride. Never
vanishes, thousand years ago Tribe , to continue now.
Observes with the eye, feels atten­tively, the surroundings have one invisi­ble strength, lets everybody's each
blood vessel, each muscle, each skele­ton, and even all spirits, rapid are fus­ing with this strength.
Shao Xuan looks at the Fire Pit di­rection, listening to periphery these to whoosh the sound, in the eye is having the happy expression, roared, shared
with them together excitedly like this.
The witches look at the eyeful
flames, looks in Fire Pit , in the flame of that shooting up to the sky, is famil­iar cannot familiar two horns Totem, in the eye the tears flash through.
We are still formidable, we also
never forget, glory as in, but we came back lately.
Meanwhile, Ten Thousand Stone Tribe, ten thousand Stone Wu and
Chief Fei Ji , looks small flame that in
Fire Pit cowers, complexion haze.
Incessantly is Ten Thousand Stone Tribe, other Tribe can also feel, particu­larly central Tribe , these big Tribe , the
feeling is clearest.
The fire seed in their Fire Pit there­fore has swung. Only the formidable
fire seed , can initiate so the phenome­non.
Is who?
Entire middle, except for known how many, but also who can achieve
Many people think unclearly.
In leaving a Ominous Beast wooded mountain farther place, the Mang Tribe
witch, stands on a Mang Forest moun­tain, has swept the eye surrounding big
piece dark green woods, then looks to a direction, in the eye flashes through the complex happy expression: „That
group of barbarians, came back re­ally......”
On the plateau of length and breadth, Feng Tribe.
old he looks at the ratio of present­ing before clearer Totem Pattern , with­ered full is the fold cheek is vibrating,
then to a direction, deeply is worship­ping on bended knees, a little bit tears
drop in the thick patch of grass, perme­ates in the soil.
Many years. Finally was waited till
by him.
Old he is also drawing the spouse
and grandson kneels down. How long
has not known, when his Totem Pat­tern vanishes gradually, sets out.
The old woman also wants to sup­port by the arm knelt down for a long time old he, was shoved open by old
he. He felt that now the whole body is
strength, although cannot compare
these Totem Warrior , but, compared
before, was much better, took the
bucket not to bring to shake.
Sees the old he mood extremely to be roused to action, the body is still trembling, the old woman somewhat
worried that asked: „Do you, how feel?”
The old he stiff lumbodorsal region,
pulls is growing many little grandsons,
air/Qi full tunnel: „Hungry!”
Old woman: „......”
„Packs the thing, we must prepare to go back.” Old he said. He once in the
prairie Tribe trading hours, had seen
other Tribe several Flaming Horn clans­men, and agrees, if they can wait till
that day that the former home grounds
fire seed ignites, they form the team,
goes back together. ( to be continued )

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