#195: Does not know

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Some many people toward that side
in the past, but some people, have not compared to resist Ominous Beast ,
they treasure their poor life. Even if a little hesitates, after hearing that sonic boom roars, can guess correctly that
has met anything toward that side
past person.
Fortunately fortunately, not with the
Long shouted the one breath, hid the human in grove was rejoicing for
own choice.
Has submerged Shao Xuan that ap­proaches, jumps to leap from the
branch, stone blade in hand chops di­rectly.
Another person drops down.
The Shao Xuan several numbers,
stone blade in hand toward the side
traverse in the past, gives hewing two halves the snake that bit at heart.
Had not looked that again the
ground that also in the person who
two sections of snake bodies of sway­ing from side to side and died, Shao Xuan toward the great bear that side
in the past.
That side, body many bite, but also is inserting several long spear and ar­rowhead bears, lies on the ground, suf­fering from injustice as great Xiong who toward flushing called one, then
gives a tongue-lashing the tooth to roar in the directions of ten thousand
stone Tribe people loudly, looks like the female bear that told to rush to: The mother, is they bullies me!
intuition can in great Xiong Fennu,
violent anger that this stretch of forest region lords it over, crazy, murderous aura separates far away to feel, other
wild beast and Ominous Beast in sur­roundings grove by far avoid, is that
flock of meat birds also obedient
draws back toward their dens.
Just had ripped ten thousand stone beast, the great bear mouth full is the
scarlet. Is the blood of ten thousand
stone beast, is incarnadine that four
rampant canine, under the blood big
drop dribbles greatly. Explodes the roar
time, some blood fog spurt from its
mouth, is the blood of people and ten thousand stone beast.
The great bear under violent anger
condition, is the object who the Flam­ing Horn Tribe Hunting Squad person
avoids absolutely. But by ten thousand
stone Tribe people who the great bear
stares , was almost held one patting
by the bear's paws of great bear.
„Runs away separatedly!” Exclaiming of lead.
Enters the Ominous Beast wooded mountain, they most fear meets Omi­nous Beast , if general Ominous Beast ,
but can also anti- one resist. Tries to hunt and kill, but front this great bear,
gives them 100 gallbladders not to dare to go to touch hardly. Only re­maining escapes. Remains, one is one.
Will all be destroyed completely.
But to this time, has not been possi­ble to run very quickly, so long as com­pared with other person of rapidness,
were many a security. This, ten thou­sand stone Tribe people know.
Runs in forefront ten thousand
stone Tribe Warrior , he never so re­joiced that own speed advantage, his
strength is not older than others, but in
speed. Even if takes the lead, is not necessarily able the ratio to result in
When this person runs off from the
woods, when passed by a slightly open
region, in the sky passed over gently and swiftly suddenly a form, will run the person to hold fast.
That person only thought one likely
hard, but the stone upper band lives,
struggles is very difficult the effect.
The sharp claws penetrate his body,
before he died, he saw held his crea­ture .
Has not thought that had evaded
that is only great the bear, actually fell
in the claw of another Ominous Beast .
If there is a choice. He will not enter
this piece wooded mountain ab­solutely, but, he has not resulted in
Disperses person who escapes. By
Shao Xuan and Cha-Cha one after an­other „harvesting” .
One day later.
Bang !
stone blade and stone blade bump into, although blade has not cracked,
but the place of crash has the stone powder to explode the splash to all around.
Shao Xuan tigers mouth place be­cause of the strength of hit and vibra­tion of blade, but the lacerated wound, the blood flows off along the knife han­dle.
In the sky a form flashes through, the match because of this, the move­ment has the stop slightly, is guarding
Shao Xuan has not paid attention to the wound on hand, the ankle area
sways from side to side, ejection on.
Also is blade rudely cutting strikes.
When blade touches and goes the
air, sends out not big howling.
Feels ruthless strength that blade is transmitting. Shao Xuan front person,
in heart also various guesses. Body
quick strength barbarian. Leaves the
stingy to be spicy, who is this boy?!
Five squads, more than 100 individu­als, about 20 ten thousand stone beast, now, but also remaining how many?
After a Shao Xuan blade, the sec­ond blade , the third blade, the fourth
blade...... A blade meets a blade power­ful chops to chop continually, he must
snatch before the opposite party calms down, disrupts his position, makes
Cha-Cha in airborne make while conve­nient once for a while some trouble­some, shares the attention, can create the empty space, only then held that
empty space, he has the possibility of
Because cutting of this blade blade
strikes, Shao Xuan felt that grasps the
arm of blade soon to break.
Airborne Cha-Cha was also anxious,
The matches realize the airborne
sound, is an extremely short stop.
Is now!
The Shao Xuan wrist shakes, this
time has not divided to chop again,
but such as the stone arrowhead the
blade in hand projects generally.
The opposite party responded also
quickly, retroceded fast one step, but can also block the knife point that
flew to shoot with blade.
But Shao Xuan when projects stone blade, follows close in, fierce cross
one step, the ground of under foot in­stantaneous gets down forward hol­lowly. Left holds the stone blade knife handle that kept off, Shao Xuan has not managed the blade that sweeps,
must perish together likely, cuts to­ward the opposite party.
Shao Xuan felt, the blade that one­self cut, was quicker than any blade of
past, even if now on already lacerated wound, even if the arm bone must dis­rupt, but he thought that this blade is
he starts now, a quickest blade from the hunting. He can feel to this control of stone blade, is more skilled, is more accurate.
Blood from the side neck blowout of opposite party.
A blade cuts, Shao Xuan also
slightly moved the body, the chest
stiffly a blade that suffered the oppo­site party to sweep away.
The opposite party stares the big
eye, he chopped obviously several
times, why, why on this boy injured to­gether?!!
Also has made up a blade, Shao Xuan looks at the person who the
ground died, has flung the blood on
stone blade .
The person of ground is the leader of fourth team ten thousand stone
Tribe enter the wooded mountain, is different from first several, this person
is high-level Totem Warrior , Shao Xuan
taking advantage of the disturbance of
great bear, sneak attacked several
times to have an effect.
Has saying that although ten thou­sand stone Tribe reputations are not good, but can be called one of the cen­tral powerhouses, is competent. High-level Totem Warrior compares Middle Level Totem Warrior , is much more for­midabe.
On the Shao Xuan arm, on the calf,
is the knife wounds, only torso to the
part of knee, on animal skin clothes
and pants, although many slashes, ac­tually bleed few. Including that blade that the opposite party sweeps away fi­nally, has not made Shao Xuan bleed.
Opens out on the animal skin
clothes the blade by one that cuts,
Shao Xuan is looked leather clothing that inside that sews specially. That
was he initially with Cha-Cha went to
eagle mountain the time, skin that in­sect that fished shed. Clothes that
makes. The extremely dangerous sev­eral blades are it keep off.
Initially Shao Xuan picked the insect
skin time, has not thought will have
such effect.
However, although that several
blades have blocked, had not been cut and injured, but internal injury actually
many. The rib also broke several.
Calmly looks at the ground that per­son, felt was producing in flesh wound
because of the two days bloody battle,
after this time matter, Shao Xuan
knows. Some own insufficient places,
cannot underestimate anybody. If this
time many two high-level Totem War­rior, that result were again entirely dif­ferent.
In the air the smell of blood has filled the air, Shao Xuan has traced
under the wound on arm, gains ground, has a look at the weather, en­ters the woods.
Quick, does not have many remain­ing.
Has not walked far, saw the person who ten thousand stone Tribe disper­sions flee, is grasping the blade . Shao Xuan snatches before the enemy at­tacks rushed.
...... Two...... Three......
He two days a night has not rested,
if not for body, is not necessarily able
to continue such bloody battle now.
When Sun starts to fall toward the
mountain that side once more. The
Shao Xuan whole body blood stain, is raising blade, walks in the former home grounds direction.
This that the ancestors leave be­hind blade, stone material possibly
above high grade , but one fights, on the blade unavoidably will also leave
many traces, the gap that on the knife edge also many sizes vary. Must find a time to seek the block good hone to polish again. Shao Xuan thought.
Airborne, Cha-Cha looks at surround­ings vigilantly, although these repug­nant people have solved majority. But
against, present Shao Xuan was not having many strengths.
Looks at not far away the stone of
that raising up. Shao Xuan walks, but also brings the palm of blood to put in the stone that to rip the place of
moss. Falls on „Flaming Horn” side of
two characters.
The deep breath, Shao Xuan sighed,
receives to reach behind the back,
catches a fruit that Cha-Cha throws to eat, Run dry throat. With finding herbal medicine has smudged to wound sim­ply, is rubbing the ache chest and
belly, was guessing the internal injury
has multiple.
Looked at the surroundings, the
Shao Xuan half step walked toward the
former home grounds central zone Fire Pit position.
But that side ten thousand stone
Tribe, Chief face haze stands in Tribe
boundary, looks at the Ominous Beast
wooded mountain the direction. By
him, the Tribe witch calmly is also standing, the complexion is not simi­larly good.
Starting from yesterday, some peo­ple come back from the Ominous Beast wooded mountain one after an­other, is a wound, was one received the distressed appearance of big at­tack, simply has not had any useful in­formation.
Some people said that they were frightened this by Ominous Beast ,
some people said that they the human
are chased down this by in the
wooded mountain is hiding, no matter
which type, made ten thousand stone
Tribe will of the people Reamon get up a shadow. A short time ago did not re­main with other Tribe the joy of vic­tory.
Also front, was a person ferments
qiang coming back, Chief is hinting the
surrounding several people to bring in the past him.
„Several?” Wu asked.
„Six.” The Chief facial color is even more cloudy.
More than 100 individuals, only
came back six to the present unexpect­edly! Moreover, this inside leader does not have!
Ten thousand stone beast, has not come back!
Looks leads person who toward
here, before ten thousand stone Tribe
Chief strides arrive at his body.
Sees the Chief facial color, that per­son has shaken looks awful, in the
matter by wooded mountain frighten­ing, facing the face of Chief that bot­tom of the pot, the balls quickly has frightened to break now.
What the Chief opposite party has not shaken, asked the person who sev­eral issues, these issues he to first
several coming back has also asked that but, no matter front that several,
are now this, is the similar replies.
Who is the opposite party?
Does not know.
What is the opposite party long?
Also does not know.
Is the opposite party the human or
Ominous Beast ?
Still does not know.
More than 100 individuals, come back is also less than ten . Moreover,
is the human is the beast has not clari­fied including the opposite party!!
This Chief violent anger time will not say a character, but begins di­rectly, no, foot that this time moves di­rectly.
A foot will kneel in front person
tramples to fly, has not managed that
person of life, Chief angrily goes back.
( to be continued )

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