#200: Misunderstanding

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„Yeah, what do you run?!” Shao Xuan
although according to the Shao Xuan ability, overtakes Jiao Wu not to be difficult, after all compared with
not awaken the Power of Totem per­son to get the advantage by Totem Warrior . But why he has doubts Jiao Wu to have such response, after run­ning fast several, has postponed the
step, falls behind Jiao Wu the dis­tances of ten rice, maintains this dis­tance.
Therefore, the Long Boat Tribe
tourist area, walks outside many per­son saw that Jiao Wu is running fast,
behind also with individual, likely pur­sues debt.
„What matter did Jiao Wu handle?”
Some people asked nearby person.
„Does not know that is it possible that some people do closely examine
his Totem matter?”
„Possibly, many people of that day
see their brothers three Totem Pattern
after all, is simply unbelievable, my
look after him brothers grow up here,
actually never sees on them to present
Totem Pattern , aren't they the tourists?”
Since Brother Jiao Wu presented
Totem Pattern after on that day, in the
following day, often some people look for them, some tourists think curious,
wants to ravel, some people are hold­ing the thoughts of winning over, be­cause after that Brother Jiao Wu sev­eral strengths obvious and big, some
tourist area women looked that their
brothers' eyes brave up.
Shao Xuan pursued Jiao Wu to pur­sue segment Lu, ran shortly the travel
person area, stopped, has not contin­ued to pursue. Waited for the little while, front saw did not have the Jiao Wu shadow, then the round trip
He knows that Jiao Wu is hiding a
not far away place, has not run far, but
a moment ago when passed through
one, the eye of Jiao Wu glanced sev­eral times toward that side, that log cabin should be the Jiao Wu housing
place. Discussion sound Shao Xuan of
surrounding person also heard, he ex­tremely determined now that Jiao Wu
is the Flaming Horn Tribe person, in
moving. Shao Xuan felt one to belong to Flaming Horn Tribe Power of Totem
from him, before had not realized that
should be the result of Jiao Wu spe­cially hideaway.
Those who make Shao Xuan happy
is. According to the views of surround­ing these tourists, does Jiao Wu have the brothers? That was better.
Shao Xuan walks toward that log cabin. In leaving the Shao Xuan not far
place, Jiao Wu hides behind others'
log cabin, thinks the area of conceal­ment, sees Shao Xuan to be getting more and more near to the log cabin
that side, he also worries. He knows that own several obtain the attention of many person because of the Totem Pattern matter, the person who the
envy even bears a grudge are also many, he feared that walked, these
issue about the Totem Pattern heard
bothersomely extremely bothersome.
Therefore, hears some people to call
own name, is a strange sound, he is subconscious the opposite party classi­fication is to look for trouble, his elder brother does not permit him to fight,
he can only avoid.
The snow got down in a big way, the surrounding tourist saw may not
look lively that returned to the room to go, nobody went to talk with Shao Xuan, if in those days. They are glad to inquire in leisure time actually that
looks for a pleasure, but now. Returns to the room to burn good of fire of high-piled firewood. In order to prevent the cold wind blows the room, their
window all drawing.
This long and narrow aisle, became
Shao Xuan looks at that log cabin,
does compared with initially Yan Shuo
his family is much better, the plank
splices quite neatly, looks also solid.
Approaches that side, Shao Xuan to knock on a door, has not seen some
people to open the door, has not heard the sound that in the room
some people move.
Shao Xuan is just thinking must
clutch to consider as finished Jiao Wu
directly. Listens to behind a sound of footsteps to approach.
„Who are you?”
Shao Xuan turned around to look at the past, what coming was a young
woman. animal skin clothes looks well,
not only does not have the hole. With­out the bare wool, the wool on leather clothing is very thick. The head also
handles very neatly, the skin color is slightly black, because probably often
outside moves, is similar to the Long Boat Tribe person, was tanned by Sun.
She is not a tourist, is more like the
Long Boat Tribe person.
This is the first feeling of Shao Xuan.
„I am Brother Jiao Wu friend.” Shao Xuan Shuo said .
Can see from the manner of oppo­site party that she quite maintains to
Brother Jiao Wu . After hearing the
reply of Shao Xuan , the opposite party
looked that the Shao Xuan look is still bringing vigilantly, „I have never seen
you in this.”
„I come today Long Boat Tribe .”
Shao Xuan sweeps in the opposite party hand was taking an old animal skin clothes, the wool on animal skin
is quite long, but is somewhat sparse,
above has also drawn a chart in the
place of bare wool, seems like the
Flaming Horn Totem chart.
„What this picture is our Tribe
Totem?” Shao Xuan asked.
„Your Tribe ?” Her surprise.
„Yes, I am the Flaming Horn Tribe
person.” Shao Xuan Shuo said .
„Well, originally are you also?!” Hears the Shao Xuan words, her eyes color of being vigilant has been short.
„Snow got down in a big way, hid to
side quickly.” Shao Xuan makes the op­posite party stand under the eaves of
log cabin.
Here ordinary day rain, the slope of roof of log cabin is very big, the eaves
also extend outward compare to be long, facilitate to take shelter from the rain. At this time can also evade snow.
Moreover, Shao Xuan also wants to un­derstand Brother Jiao Wu from her
Therefore, hides in not far away
looks own room entrance there Jiao Wu , the fist pinches ka ka the sound,
thought before the room, what
crooked thoughts that boy definitely, at heart seizes for own elder brother anx­iously, the wives quickly false start,
when the elder brother can you come back?!
Was urged by the elder brother do not begin to the person at will, Jiao Wu wants to run now punched the per­son in the past. Can exit? Exited he to fear that one could not bear the fist,
but did not exit, looks that side situa­tion seized anxiously.
Because Shao Xuan that side speak­ing voice is not big, Jiao Wu leaves is not near, cannot hear clearly that side
dialog. But the two under eaves, seem
discuss really happy.
Shao Xuan knew that this woman
called wooden Qian, was the Long Boat Tribe person, Brother Jiao Wu is the coolie in her family, but, Shao Xuan, since she mentioned that in
Brother Jiao Wu expression, can look
that wooden Qian's elder brother flame
to the Jiao Wu roasted the favorable impression, because the flame roasted
initially had rescued her one time, if not for the flame roasted, she in these
fish by river biting to death. She is tak­ing the animal skin clothes roasts to the flame , but the flame roasts has not come back.
This is not that kind of matter of
wealthy family young lady and pauper,
should be the extremely rare incident
in this place. Has not thought of this
two brothers also very abilities. The
Shao Xuan heart said.
The animal skin clothes that
wooden Qian brings is her elder brother passes through, generally speaking, the Long Boat Tribe person
wearing the old clothes will throw to
these for the tourists who oneself will work, as reward, but, these animal skin clothes mostly broke or bare
many wools, on wooden Qian hand in
these old clothing will be good, will be
she selects specially.
Totem that in order to eliminate the
wooden Qian's still left over that suspi­cion, Shao Xuan draws up on the ani­mal skin clothes her has drawn on the
ground again. Wooden Qian draws not
standard, or Brother Jiao Wu are not necessarily able to draw clear Flaming Horn Tribe Totem , wooden Qian also
by the influence of Brother Jiao Wu .
„Our Tribe Totem is this appear­ance.” The Shao Xuan finger chart that
is well-grounded face paint to come out, Shuo said .
„Originally is this.” Seeing Shao Xuan
can draw Flaming Horn Tribe Totem
accurately . Moreover the picture
roasts in the flame her is clearer, that
suspicion that at heart there sees also
thoroughly vanishes. Thinks Shao Xuan
a moment ago said that she then
thinks Shao Xuan is the same with
Brother Jiao Wu , is the tourists.
Since Shao Xuan roasts same as the
flame is the descendant of Flaming Horn Tribe person, the wooden Qian's
manner to Shao Xuan was also warmer. These look like in Jiao Wu ,
has sounded directly the alarm bell.
In the tourist area, except for own
brothers, when sees wooden Qian to
other people have been such manner?
Gets more mad indignant, endured unable to bear, endured again, perhaps
elder brother's women must false start.
„You boil!”
Jiao Wu bellows to rush toward
Shao Xuan, to Shao Xuan is being a
Shao Xuan from was paying atten­tion to the Jiao Wu sound a moment ago, he can also guess correctly that
selects the idea of Jiao Wu . Avoids the fist of Jiao Wu , evades foot that
Jiao Wu tramples.
„Jiao Wu , stop!” Wooden Qian was calling in side.
Jiao Wu does not listen, to continue
toward Shao Xuan to shake the fist.
No matter what a pity, how he hits,
even if not give a thought to elder brother's urging, uses all strengths, still
did not hit, including the Shao Xuan an­imal skin clothes by, each time has not missed such Dian Dian.
Jiao Wu more hits more is mad, is mad and aggrieved, starts also to se­lect the vital part to hit , because of the mood image, hits is hitting, the
movement on hand was chaotic.
„Stop!” Nearby calls out.
This time is not the wooden Qian's
Hears this sound, Jiao Wu stops.
Shao Xuan looked at the past, com­ing the person to put on wool not to be long is not thick is also bringing the
crack animal skin clothes, did not have the Jiao Wu that long beard, was slightly thinner than Jiao Wu , but the
look was very sharp.
This person should be the Jiao Wu
blood brother, wooden Qian the per­son flame that comes to look for
This weather, regarding Totem War­rior, but can also endure, but has not awakened regarding these Power of Totem, the condition the difference
puts on not the good person, was bad.
But the flame roasts could not feel
likely surrounding cold as, shakes has not shaken.
Just worked will come, the flame
roasted in the hand also some scratch­ing, the wound was not deep, the
blood coagulated.
„Elder brother, this boy he......” words
said half, Jiao Wu does not know how
should say.
Wooden Qian walked at this time,
said: „Shao Xuan said that he is also the Flaming Horn Tribe person.”
Shao Xuan discovered that Jiao Wu
two brothers after hearing wooden
Qian these words, looked that the
Shao Xuan look has not changed are too many, in the eye slightly dodged,
but was vigilant that the meaning has not reduced.
„Advanced room said again.”
Before the flame roasts arrives at the gate, does not know that intends
or has no intention, separated in the
past between Shao Xuan and wooden
Shao Xuan has twitched slightly cor­ners of the mouth. These two guard against the heart is very heavy.
Sees only the flame to roast after ar­riving at the gate, has pulled out a
light bamboo thin-bladed knife, inserts the slit between boarded doors and
wooden walls, then upward selects.
The gate opened.
Has not locked in the family nobody
time, they open the door the way of
being uses. Behind the gate is the
structure of that type of similar cork.
After entering the room, Shao Xuan
looked at ornaments in the room ap­proximately, although has calculated not good, but must be much better
compared with initially the Yan Shuo
„First does not need to manage me,
you have discussed beforehand.” Shao Xuan looked for a wooden stool to sit down, Shuo said .
Sees the atmosphere not to be right, wooden Qian has not stayed for a long time, roasts to the flame after the animal skin clothes, went out.
Waits for wooden Qian to go out,
Jiao Wu on the general's family on the
gatekeeper, is moving the fist, looks to
Shao Xuan . The stance that closes to start. ( to be continued )

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