#241: Often takes a walk

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The car(riage) that witch time is
smallest one, here only then he and
Gui Ze two people, naturally , the fire seed also places inside.
Smallest car(riage) , is the most im­portant car(riage) , car(riage) surround­ing Warrior is the Tribe elite strength,
as for pulling a cart, is that alligator
Do not look that it is usually disin­clined to move, must run really on the
land, is not necessarily slower than the person , even if the speed cannot compare several other, so long as can
follow the speed of team, that was enough.
The quantity of car(riage) is limited,
definitely cannot everybody go in like the fleet, boarding, only then the old , weak , sick and disabled in Tribe is pregnant. But Tribe Warrior do not enter the meaning in car(riage) , has not awakened the Power of Totem per­son, walks outside as far as possible,
tired boarded.
Many children, so long as will walk,
carries off by their fathers, cannot take a walk boarded the rest, rested to hug
to walk again.
They thought that this is also an ex­ercise, cannot be too delicate, particu­larly after seeing the tourist and Slave
living condition, the wish of strengthen
is stronger. Before, they followed the
ancestor to teach, but closed up in the
direction of powerhouse, but now,
they to survive, for entire Tribe .
The Flaming Horn Tribe people so,
these tourists cannot work as the ex­ceptional case oneself, so long as can
walk will not board, boarded is de­spised, even, will possibly be given up
by this Tribe. Some such a hope, has been able on the new life, naturally un­able to instigate with great difficulty at
this time.
In the plan, the land route, goes round the place that several big Tribe
were, at this time, Flaming Horn Tribe not good to have the conflict with the
big Tribe person, according to the
Shaman meaning, returned to the for­mer home grounds first, burnt the fire seed to say again.
[ 800 ]
Therefore, Tribe walks is some
smoke scarce places, passed by many
Tribe. Several times also almost hit,
but, sees that several Ominous Beast that Flaming Horn Tribe pulls a cart, the opposite party hesitated, finally
helplessly looks that this line of teams
pass through their main house gate.
The witches and Chief have also re­strained the person in team, all mo­tions obey the director. Do not handle affairs recklessly, serious kicks Tribe.
The detouring line, not only to avoid the unnecessary conflict, the team
also needs food, but seeks for food,
best is these person quite few moun­tain juicy many places, the danger in
may the withstanding range , can walk.
Crosses the mountain? Pulled a cart
cannot cross the mountain?
Who said?!
The car(riage) does not facilitate,
can with shouldering. Several Warrior ,
lifted one to pack the car(riage) of per­son, in the same old way proper.
Flaming Horn Tribe , by the potential of sweeping, toward former home grounds sweeping in the past, these
wild beast in mountain does not know
completely was eaten many, the place visited, the person and beast are all startled.
The person in team. The mentality
gradually is also transforming. When
that side river, except for keeping in
Tribe. Exits to guard, wishes one could
to fall to lowly own existence feeling,
but, here, is clearly opposite.
Meets troublesome, these do not keep eyes open to look for a job.
These were sent probe, they will use the most violence most direct way,
tells in the back the person who these
ponder over the small thoughts, re­ceives your claw, otherwise. Chops
without the amnesty!
This all the way, does not know left behind many to be bloody.
However also some long journey
teams, specially follow to walk behind
Flaming Horn Tribe, because of this
team, not having wild beast dares to come the attack.
So long as these long journey teams
do not think the crooked thoughts,
witch and Chief not multibarreled, but can also collect the protection money.
„I felt that the former home grounds
drew near.” Was encircled in the most solid that car(riage) , the witch looks at the fire seed that front beats, excited
[say / way] .
Many years, former home grounds...... What appearance can be?
The witches look to jump jubilant
fire seed , is lost in thought gradually.
Outside, Shao Xuan looked at periph­ery the spacious prairie, Warrior that
goes out to hunt came back, but
seems quite depressed, this surround­ing vegetation are many, but wild beast is few, food that found, but also
insufficiently they eat, even if can
maintain today, that tomorrow? Place that perhaps tomorrow goes, wild beast are less, what when the time comes eats?
They thought wild beast has eaten
easily hungry, does not like, now is about not to have including wild beast!
„Chief , what to do?” Keke mentioned a hare on hand, shook shaking, de­pressed.
tuo is dragging an arm thick snake,
comes back listlessly, this snake also
insufficiently he eats.
The input cannot catch up with the
output, many Warrior bellies started to call.
How haughty does not know should,
cannot reply immediately.
„We trade food, here did not calcu­late to Rwandan Tribe far, their Tribe
raising beast are many. I lead some
people to pass with them to trade, the
beasts that trades raising. Proceeds
again, only if arrives at the former home grounds, food that can find will not be many, definitely consumption in
insufficient team.” Shao Xuan said.
Here to raise and agriculture is in the majority, moreover in this dis­tance, the mountain was few, has is also the short mountains, large-scale
wild beast are not many. To hunt for
enough food, the difficulty is large.
Rwandan Tribe matter, from the
record of Shao Xuan Jie Guo, naturally
knew haughtily. Regarding this Tribe,
haughty very has the favorable impres­sion. In order to raise the beasts to maintain the livelihood, the central
good-hearted person, such Tribe, truly
can pass to trade.
After the consideration, has nodded assent haughtily the suggestion of
Shao Xuan.
The team is not good to continue to stay here to wait, Shao Xuan had fore­cast the approaching speed of team,
meets in a place with the haughty
agreement, then took some Water Moon Stone, Shao Xuan called 50 War­rior, left the team to go to Rwandan
Leaves for two years, sees Lu Tribe
person once more, that the person who called Yan Jiu still remembered
Shao Xuan.
Heard Shao Xuan saying that must
trade some raising beasts, the Yan Jiu
warm region Shao Xuan one line is
then entering the feed farm choice of
Although before , listened to Shao Xuan to say Lu Tribe raising scene, but
saw truly, made Keke and the others
surprised. Sees Keke several people of
responses, Yan Jiu looks the smug look, showed off with them Tribe vari­ous raising beasts.
Regarding eating for several days
has not drawn several small wild beast
Warrior thinly, saw these with fearing the crane large birds, the saliva quickly
flows, the eye stared straightens.
That is the meat, is the meat!
„How, to think that which wanted?”
Yan Jiu asked to Shao Xuan. He can see, in this line, although young of
Shao Xuan, is actually the person of
taking responsibility.
„Ah'Xuan , that only that! Fattest that only need take!” Keke hurries to refer to Shao Xuan looks.
„Which also settles on, I made one
to bring to you.” Yan Jiu smiling tunnel.
Shao Xuan has selected, several
people that side cannot bear also per­sonally select to go forth to battle to choose.
When Keke they elect, Shao Xuan
calculates the quantity that bring
Water Moon Stone can receive in ex­change, is good Water Moon Stone
rises in value the middle, thing that
can trade were many.
Waits for that side to elect, Yan Jiu
considers as finished two to raise the
beast quantity in the heart intermedi­ate total, said: „250, yes?”
Shao Xuan: „...... Yes.”
Put out corresponding Water Moon Stone to give Yan Jiu, Shao Xuan
looked at these already by the raising
bird that five tied up together, saw that some people pushed the plank car(riage) to come, access road: „Car(riage) does not use.”
„?” Determined that Shao Xuan does not want the wooden animal-drawn cart to ship, Yan Jiu brings more than
ten bird's eggs, „, since does not need
us to ship, gives you again some eggs.”
The bird's egg belays with the cane
grass net, Shao Xuan makes Cha-Cha
raising. Warrior five that other raising
beasts, have.
Looks that Shao Xuan one line of everyone anti- five that big raising
birds can also run to jump, in the Yan Jiu surface pulled out has pulled out.
Delivers Shao Xuan several people
to leave Tribe, Yan Jiu says with a smile: „Later also needs to raise the
beast, making the person have words
on the line, I deliver to you!”
„Ok, we must return to the native land quickly, when the time comes sta­bilizes, often takes a walk.” Shao Xuan
was saying turning around, carried on the shoulder with Keke and the others
at the back of the raising beast that the transaction must come, leaves
Rwandan Tribe.
„Where your does Tribe arrive to sta­bilize?” Yan Jiu asked.
„Ominous Beast wooded mountain!”
Stands in same place Yan Jiu: „......”
Rubs the expression that on the
face stiffened, Yan Jiu cannot bear
pull out the ear, asked that to the per­son of nearby similar delay, „he just
said after them, where can go to stabi­lize?!”
Stands swallows the saliva in Yan Jiu nearby person, said stammeringly:
„Probably is...... That side Ten Thou­sand Stone Tribe , Ominous Beast
wooded mountain.”
Ten Thousand Stone Tribe was need­less saying that the Ominous Beast
wooded mountain was place of the
danger, do they also want to settle down there unexpectedly? Added any­thing...... Often takes a walk?
Who dares?( To be continued..)

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