#238: The humans affair is variable

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Originally Shao Xuan plan and Yan Shuo and the others walked, went to
initially that several tourists with Yan Shuo together to bring, in the route of
original plan, did not pass through that
side, this river midway furcation were too many, Tribe fleet from another
quality compensation road in the past.
But before leaving, Wu stopped by calling out the people who plans to leave.
The Shaman meaning is, let the
fleet toward the place that Yan Shuo
once lived in the past. Shao Xuan has told him, that side has many life diffi­cult tourists, there is Slave .
„Made them look in the past.”
This is words that the witch spoke
at that time.
Let be isolated the Flaming Horn Tribe person outside, looks to live the
tourists in crevice, looks that other peo­ple after Tribe was extinguished two
life tourists, as well as Slave .
Witch this is must give the Flaming Horn Tribe people on first a class.
Since crossing river, Shaman had
feeling to be lower, in Tribe, a lot was
Chief and Wu discussed, decided that
but after coming, the witch little med­dled, more often was haughty directs
in front.
Now the witch expresses the opin­ion rarely once more, whom naturally
does not have to oppose.
The fleet has circled the long jour­ney, from the route of plan, arrived at the Pu Tribe long journey team to take a walk frequently that waterway.
„Y” the rivers road fork of font, on
nearby land, Slave early morning was called to work.
On the river surface has every large or small bamboo raft, this matter
Slave are catching fish. Has them,
tourists do not dare to go to snatch
with them, because will be besieged. The shore is taking the major-domo of
whip, is fixing the eyes on the river sur­face, whom preventing to be loaf, is guarding against the tourists.
These major-domos only compared with Slave of lowest level fairly good,
title Slave rank, but also are at least many strength that some Slave Master
have granted. Has not awakened the
Power of Totem person to strive to excel compared with other on plans,
stays here to the tourist who these are ready to make trouble is also a deter­rent.
Can crawl from the lowest level to
supervising this rank, is the person of
ruthless burning. Looks at mean in
their eyes to know.
To the Slave slightly far place, some
tourists also start the activity.
Several clothing compared with
other person slightly many tourists. Is having the yawn, arrives at riverside
leisurely, has drunk a water, washed the face with the river water directly,
Slave that the look looks at begin,
that person of lead has spat a saliva
toward that side.
„Boss, recently, some long journey can start?” Some people asked.
„Long journey are many. We can also
fish to do from these Slave inter-finger space exactly.” Another person of Shuo said .
That person of lead set out to wipe the face, „stared to be tighter, be not snatched!”
Now the tourist area here, can re­sist with them, these people who only then initially Yan Shuo led, two side
troops directly to killing, but mutually
„Did not hear that they later will leave? Goes to Yan Shuo Tribe .” Some
person of Shuo said .
„Leaves? Scoffs!” A nearby full beard
laughs to make noise, hugged to taunt the manner to those words a moment ago, „they also can only say here. Left
here, how long can live? Perhaps, two
days had not been gnawed by wild beast . Was killed by other Tribe peo­ple.”
„Good.” That person of lead ap­proves of the Dian Dian head, „first did not say they are capable of leaving,
even if can leave, what Yan Shuo Tribe
is, who knows? The tourists live under the Tribe control, that is more difficult, the Tribe person looked that who was not pleasing to the eyes directly has killed, especially thoses lacked food
small Tribe , said that will not permit
also to work as food the tourist. We have to see. The words that must go,
go to big Tribe . Central these.”
„Central big is Tribe , what long?”
Has young asking.
That person of lead was self-satis­fied immediately. Lifts the chin, hints
nearby person to make way the place,
he passes to sit in the high stone, then
narrated in the past outside drift time,
has experienced some scenes.
Actually, many scenes he did not re­member that is too fuzzy, but does not have relationship , under he only
needs to fool to stop these people on the line.
„...... Especially Long Boat Tribe , that
is the genuine aquatic powerhouse, oth­ers that ships, are much higher than
our rooms, which looks like that helps
Slave use, some simple wooden rafts,
but also water leakage! Surroundings
these long journey Tribe are also not much.”
Was saying, takes the lead that per­son of suddenly to discover that he
said such a long time, other person ac­tually responses do not have! But also
moreover, looks to other places. Is
was looking that these in aquatic with
Slave that the net does catch fish?
„What do you look at?!” Takes the lead that person to be discontented to say.
„It is not, the boss, that side has the
ship.” A person has referred to trem­blingly.
„I said that many times, these Slave
use, cannot calculate the ship!” Takes the lead that person to be discon­tented.
„, The boss, that you told, our room
also high these is the same.” Another
person of also Shuo said .
„Oh!” Other people make an effort to nod.
Is bigger than our room?
Sits cross-legged to sit the person
in shore stone, turns the body to look that to position that other people refer.
This looked that is startled he al­most to sprain the waist.
On the river surface of distant place, ships come toward here, each
ship is higher than the room that they
live, particularly that three biggest, let
take the lead that person to think in
fuzzy memory, once met the situation of Long Boat Tribe fleet.
„Long Boat Tribe ?!” Takes the lead
that person to call out in alarm.
„No, is not right, Long Boat Tribe is not such Totem , the reversed image
is......” takes the lead the long beard that near a that man radical slightly
thin person clutched himself not to shear for a long time, „the design on
ship, somewhat looked familiar, where has probably seen.”
„I good to want also to see.” Some
people echo, „in tourist area.”
„Tourist area? Is impossible!”
„Looked quickly, came! Will they stop
here? Words that stops, we can defi­nitely fish the matter?”
Looked that such battle formation
does not know affably, they killed peo­ple seized the thing and so on any
crooked thoughts not to have, closely
was staring at more and more near
But on the river surface, Slave have been boasting, depends on toward the
river bank near the wooden raft, if also
stays in the river bank, they blocked to say. They ride long journey of wooden raft bamboo raft not to dare to offend,
let alone is such fleet?
Does not need the major-domo to fling the whip, for fear that fell behind
to annoy to trouble.
Presented the fleet, naturally is also the big event, must report. The person of supervision shouted makes noise,
informs the above person the matter of river surface. Slave Master is not,
but, has stayed behind effectively en­slaves in this.
Also keeps the person who the
tourist area has not gone out much, ap­proaches toward the river bank, has a look fleet that suddenly presents. In
them many people, lives now, does not have here, has not seen such Huge Ship, naturally thinks very strange.
The fleet approach shores gradually, a water spray one after next is wash­ing out the silt on river bank.
Slave waited there, is taking the ma­jor-domo of whip, at this time has traded another face, received all ruth­less offenses, in the surface was hav­ing the color of flattering. If the matter
manages well, they can be rewarded.
After the ship approach shores, has not put down ladder, some Warrior
jump down from the ship one after an­other, drivehead is Yan Shuo.
Looks at this familiar and strange
place, in the Yan Shuo heart sighs with emotion.
A major-domo hangs the whip in the back, slightly ran to go forward,
plans to say anything, but, in seeing
Yan Shuo appearance later, all words
cards in throat. His understanding Yan Shuo, Yan Shuo with that time that the
person leaves, he is standing in the
river bank.
Yan Shuo has swept around the eye,
vision in that several of not far away
on the tourist who is stiff such as the
stone to be like the stay moment,
looks to the direction of tourist area.
„Before this is you, has lived in
place?” Jumping down Warrior asked
Yan Shuo.
„Right, is here. The change is some­what big.”
At the same time was saying, Yan Shuo led them to look initially kept
here friends.
Shao Xuan has not gotten down, he
stands on the ship, looks at distant place about ten meters high stone buildings, initially he left, may not have
these, obviously is these two years
makes Slave construct, is the Slave Master thing.
If lives to long journey, only needed
some simple log cabins to be good, is worse to the place that Slave lived,
but was not behind the woods that
stretch of camp constructs likely gener­ally.
„Slave Master , seems attempts really
in a big way.” The Shao Xuan heart
said. Originally is only meets several
people, has not thought that will see
such as the camp general big piece
stone building of these establish unex­pectedly. If not for stands on the ship,
but stands in the ground, will be very likely to block from the line of sight by the woods.
Shortly , the flame roasts to lead more than ten individuals, had initially
him to be familiar, there are joins the
person of clique in the two years
newly, they want to leave with Flaming Horn Tribe , agreed haughtily.
The person who was brought em­barking weeps, has a new lease of life
likely general, but these stand on the
river bank is waiting and seeing other
tourists, in the eye is endless envying and envy.
Who can expect, in the past mixed
miserable person such, will really have
such spell of good or bad fortune?
Who can think that temper was initially obstinate, is having the wife and chil­dren arduous life the person , unexpect­edly will become Totem Warrior ?
The humans affair is variable.
The Flaming Horn Tribe fleet has not stayed for a long time here, takes the
person to leave, the witch makes the
Tribe person have a look here tourists
and Slave miserable situation, calls a
preventive inoculation them.
The Shaman goal has been achieved, no matter roasted the
tourist area to walk a person with the
flame , stood on the ship looks that
these pulled out the whip was working
numbly the Slave person, the psycho­logical impact was very big,
Chaos caused by war, if defeated,
except for dying, probably was these
Therefore, no matter will face any­one in the future, they cannot defeat!
Cannot defeat absolutely!
The fleet arrival of Flaming Horn Tribe left , to continue along the new
route navigation that they plan. But the
tourists as well as Slave on this lands,
have remembered „Flaming Horn” this
Tribe name, as well as flame of that on ship's sail by two horns Totem Pat­tern that wraps.
That by the steward who Slave Mas­ter Shi Shu leaves behind, after waiting for the fleet to leave, goes back, has put out Slave Master the animal skin
volume that before the box leaves be­hind, is moistening the pigment with the beast writing brush, today's matter
will write. The masters have said that
if has Flaming Horn Tribe to appear,
writes a letter to inform.
Flaming Horn Tribe, really exists!
( to be continued )

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