#227: Turning over to

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The rain crash-bang is washing out the earth.
Along with the rainy season arrival,
in the river, in these giant rivers the
overlords, are carrying on every year a
migratory event.
The place that in the river, cannot see, many aquatic creature , are doing
in overlords similar behavior with
these rivers.
But compares liveliness in river,
Flaming Horn Tribe actually appears
peaceful. Besides assigns in the
guards in various places, most people
stay at home.
Does not know the insect where
drills, is moving these innumerable
claw, crawls toward the room in fast.
A wolf claw pats maliciously above,
will be wanting the insect of room to pat flatly.
Caesar lies in the room, its almost the space of hall stopping up fully,
puts in the entrance, is an excellent likeness with the gate, anything must
crawl immediately to pat toward the
Old Ke stands is usually polishing in the Stoneware room, looks at the
heavy rain of out of the window, in the
eye is having the hope.
In him behind , already the pack
good wooden chest put aside there,
stone box Stone Xiang who the corner of room, some old sizes vary, but,
these cannot carry off.
„Was quick, quick......”
In Tribe , are many with the Old Ke
same person, already the pack family's
thing was good, because the place is limited, the thing that everyone brings
has the limit, wants to bring to report,
has been allowed to be good, other­wise, when the time comes directly
throws, if who does not give up fam­ily's thing, he stays here to act as com­panion with these things.
mountain top, Shao Xuan looks at
Wu stands near Fire Pit , was reading
These days, every day the witch will come one here.
Wu said that wearing is a cere­mony, a farewell ceremony. Waited
rainy season to finish, Tribe must leave
this piece to live nearly thousand years
places. Fire Seed naturally must carry off.
The fire in Fire Pit , rains, snows,
blows the gale time. The flame re­mains unchanged, any was not af­fected.
After today's ceremony completes.
Wu Zhuanshen leaves Fire Pit , walks
toward Shao Xuan.
„Ah'Xuan , you said that after Flam­ing Horn returns to the former home grounds, how can?” Wu asked.
Shao Xuan thinks that said: „Will not be tranquil.”
„Yes, was no longer tranquil.” The
witch visual distant place smoke wave
vast river, the although expression is sigh with emotion. But the eye color of
resolution never changes.
Nearby haughtiness has not spoken,
in surface is having the happy expres­sion, grips the tight fist to show that this moment was still excited. He is
Chief, in the future, even if after he
passed away, the Flaming Horn Tribe
latter people will still remember him.
This is in the Tribe history, an impor­tant turning point, their names, will be recorded, in the inheritance gives in the animal skin volume of posterity.
This is the unsurpassed glory.
After mountain top has stood, the
witch and Shao Xuan, return to the
stone building haughtily. In the room,
two big Team Leader and several other
old men arrived.
„Good, today determined plan that
once more one returns.” Spreads out an­imal skin haughtily. Shuo said .
Every other two days, this group of
people converge here, a day does not come the discussion not to get a grip
on the whole body, but as important
one, Shao Xuan frequently was also called, who lets him is only has the
person of navigation experience.
When rainy season eventually fin­ished, silent rainy season people, was excited.
Should leave.
although to their many people, here
looks like the ancestor place. Their
grandfather's grandfather generations,
Zu Grandpa's Grandpa Zu generation.
Waits for some people, here was born.
Here departs, if said does not yearn , is absolutely impossible, but, Wu said that Flaming Horn Tribe ancestor by no means here, they then believe that hav­ing the hope of older generations to go back.
The people on mountain, bringing every large or small box to descend the mountain, everybody, one after an­other, from Path of Glory , downward
walk from the mountain, perhaps, this
was their this lives last time to take
this road.
A child is holding own beast skin bag , follows to descend the mountain
side the parents, arrives at half, turns head to look to the direction of own
room, did not know, has cried why.
A rough big hand places on child,
turns his head to front, „looks at the
road, do not turn head.”
Under the mountain, is usually re­sponsible for delivering food toward
hole in the standard and other people,
then the direction hole children leave.
Cha-Cha grabs Old Ke bunch of
good several boxes, raises the launch­ing to the artificial lake ship, Caesar
carries Old Ke , with other person of to­gether under mountain, goes to that side the lake.
Which people while which ship, this
already arranged . Moreover, everyone
adapts on the ship after a period of time, after being insufficient to em­bark, is ill immediately.
Shao Xuan was called to climb mountains to help by Wu, the witch
there thing is most, others' box can re­duce, witch here is not good, even if
Wu Xiangjian, other person willing ,
these may not be the ancestor remain.
Helps to move Warrior of box to be careful with holding fragile, complex­ion is respectful, the body is stiff,
walks one step to be discrete.
Moved, Shao Xuan went to that side
Old Ke to look at the situation, after
definite safe, then arrived on the moun­tain.
Before climbing mountains, Shao Xuan went to cave there to look.
In the past he woke in this hole, a twinkling, passed is so long.
Arrived at that to draw the mural
stone chamber, Shao Xuan was look­ing at the picture on hole wall, the vi­sion, in picture end stayed, thinks that
Shao Xuan in the following blank,
carved several characters we to return to the former home grounds with
stone blade .
After having written, in end of those words, has carved „unreliably” charac­ter.
Stands up, Shao Xuan with the
stone and bushes, blocks the vent,
then walks outward.
Gust has blown, in the wind has the
fish fishy smell that has not been di­verging.
Shao Xuan has a look to approach
cave entrance cliff, in the past when
above also has he had not awakened
Power of Totem, in an above quarter
character, with carbonization branch
picture picture.
Besides the Shao Xuan picture, near
thousand years, live in various traces that the children here leave, has fish bones that gnaws to leave behind,
have worn-out animal skin, pile the dis­orderly bushes......
Goes out of the hole, Shao Xuan
moves not far away big stone, blocks
cave cave entrance , has blocked from
all in hole.
Climbing mountains time, the thing
moved, did not have his matter, but the witch has not made him leave.
Not is only Shao Xuan, Chief is haughty, two big Team Leader . The old man who the wheat and other Team Leader in Hunting Squad , that several
always participate in discussing official business, has not left.
The witches are leading on them
mountain top. Gets down again time,
in Shaman . Was holding small flame,
Fire Pit time is much smaller, looks like that a wee bit flame that on a
birthday candle ignites, was held by the witch carefully in the control.
Chief walks by Shaman haughtily,
Gui Ze as the future Shaman succes­sor, helping the witch take that walk­ing stick, will stand falls behind in an­other side slightly in the haughtiness.
But other people, then protects in the
Downward walks along Path of Glory . Person who road two sides sta­tions two rows of Warrior , in these peo­ple, has not been lower than the Mid­dle Level Totem Warrior rank.
When the witch passes through, will stand will kneel to lie there Warrior ,
line of Tribe highest rituals, after the
witch will leave, they will set out, fol­low on the heels, eyes will be red.
Goes down from Path of Glory , ar­rived to stop that side the artificial lakes of 23 ships again. The witches
walk not quickly, does not have any­body to complain, person who gone on board. Does not have slightly is impa­tient.
Biggest that approach shored,
wooden ladder puts down from the
place above.
On ship, Fire Pit of diminished ver­sion, only then the basin size, after the
witch comes up the Fire Seed belt,
then lays aside in that.
After Wu Nabian good, Ao Bian an­nounced.
The bone bugle call resounds, on
various ships the responsible person
then immediately directs the person to hoist the sails to depart.
They have undergone the training.
Controls, although cannot compare
Shao Xuan to be skilled, but also as­sembles.
Ships leave artificial lake one after another. To rivers opened from the
canal strobe of lake, the ships of travel
drive out of the canal one after an­other. Arrives at the river
„Was good, now everybody must be careful, pays attention not to fall be­hind!” Exclaimed haughtily.
The fleet is better is farther, moun­tain that Tribe is, changes in the field of vision is gradually small, initially
Shao Xuan had experienced all, this
everybody will experience.
Under the water surface, every large or small Piranha Fish are enlivening. If
stands near the ship downward looked
that can see many also wants the long
big fish compared with the person ,
sometimes from nearby You Guo, will rub disembarks, hits the ship sway­ingly.
Along with the navigation, Shao Xuan of examination on various ships
had discovered that to central Huge Ship farther ships, more easily was dis­turbed by the fish.
From the beginning Shao Xuan did not understand, some guesses, but when Shao Xuan sprouts up the fan­tasy, with the special ability field of vi­sion looks, then the discovery, from
that Huge Ship of midpoint sends out the ray, has touched to Huge Ship re­cent several, but that several, are short of by the fish is extremely hit.
Fire Seed ?!
Holds the hawk foot of Cha-Cha ,
Shao Xuan arrives at central Huge Ship
from the ships of fleet addendum cir­cle, said own discovery and guess to
Wu He Chief, but has not said own spe­cial ability .
„Fire Seed reason?” The witches
think that look one bright, „was, Fire Seed, can protect Tribe , was exempt from the invasion of other wild beast
and Ominous Beast. The fish in river,
Saying, Wu was reading making in­cantations, like sacrificial offering time
like that let Fire Seed by small flame,
expanded to entire Fire Pit , was only,
the temporary Fire Pit on ship was much smaller.
„Makes everybody approach.”
Witches to haughty Shuo said .
Ao Chuqu told everybody the
Shaman meaning that other ships
close up toward here, but cannot be too near, too near was easy to have an accident.
Goes out of the cabin, Shao Xuan
looked again that sends out the light that from central Huge Ship , was brighter, outward expands some, the
ships that happen to will depend on
Later ships, although occasionally
also by some curiosity overweight big
fish rubbing two, but the number of times has been short, initially alone
navigated when compared with Shao Xuan was much better.
Day-by-day passes, the fleet navi­gates is smooth, to make the best use of the time, besides the sail, on each
ship some people are taking turns row­ing. although this time does not have
Cha-Cha to draw ship, but the ship's speed is still permissible, has set the
direction, catches up toward that side,
only if meets some floats to obstruct
in water surface the corpse of large-scale fish, or will meet certain hazard factors to avoid beside, will be as far as possible navigates along the
straight line, after all, if before the
river surface will drop cannot rush to the opposite shore, has wasted all pre­vious efforts, in that case, Flaming Horn Tribe really must leave the histori­cal arena thoroughly.
Meanwhile, Shao Xuan that strange
feeling at heart came.
This time had Fire Seed and protec­tion and many manpower, Shao Xuan
were also many some free time time,
he used this free time time carefully to observe the surrounding river surface,
has not let off including the cloud layer, moon, star light sky.
Shao Xuan suddenly had a guess at heart.
Perhaps, this river, does not imag­ine like him that greatly. ( to be contin­ued )

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