#232: Slaughtering

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Feather Tribe the bird, was traded to help to look for missing persons or in­quire some simple news by other Tribe
generally, can be used to forewarn,
but, must exchange such bird, food that needs are many, with the Shell Money words, several strings can trade
one, is not this crown kite, the thing that the crown kite needs are more.
Expensive, is popular, particularly in the middle.
Was once failure makes the Martyr Tribe person worry a point probably,
this time did not hesitate to spend the
high price to trade a crown kite.
The crown kite is quite strong in the
inquiry circumstance, in the surround­ings wooded mountain is hiding other
people, is this crown kite informs „to” .
In addition, crown kite compared with the common kite, is stronger in the im­posing manner plans, has the crown
kite, in the wooded mountain many
birds will avoid, even if not avoid, will not collide with it easily.
„To” will stand the crown kite on
arm has shown off to the jian Tribe per­son, then said slowly: „Inquires that side trend, depended on it.”
In the person heart of jian Tribe to
approves of „to” this act, thinking, this
person has not been considered as that insane to disorderly. However can
trade such bird from Feather Tribe,
wants compared with spending many
things? Trades to make their jian Tribe,
definitely will not trade a bird with too
many things.
„To” told to that crown kite several,
lifts the arm.
The crown kite flies, cries, seems
making the surrounding other birds
allow to pass through.
Looks that the sky flew the past
form toward Drumming tribe, in the
happy expression „to” surface was get­ting bigger and bigger, „soon, it came back to inform the trend in Drumming tribe .”
What a pity, „to” words just said
that smiling in surface has not disap­peared, sees to fly into the Drumming tribe domain crown kite, sharply
sharply flies toward here, making an ef­fort fan wing. Is behind has anything
to pursue likely. wild beast that if
moves on the ground, can with „scared shitless” describe.
The jian Tribe person looks at the
crown kite that in the sky has made haste to fly anxiously, simultaneously
turns head to look to standing there
happy expression already stiffly on the
face „to” . Is this „soon can know”? Was
this too also quick?
No matter what who noticed that
such situation will suspect, the inquiry
such does not inquire.
Obviously. Has does not suit.
„To” is constraining the anger in
heart, pulls out the wooden sentry post, blows, is suppressing not the
wooden sentry post crumb.
After the crown kite that flies hears
whistling tone, was only the movement of fan wing slightly, the meaning of but
not having stopped, from above their
glided directly, a twinkling did not have the shade, no matter how what
„to” blew a whistle. How to cry out,
that hawk does not come out.
„Ha!” The jian Tribe leader laughs to make noise, he is glad to look that the
Martyr Tribe person makes a boner.
Flowered that many things, trade such a gadget.
„To” air/Qi wooden sentry post
„Did not need to inquire again, at the appointed time directly flushed!” The
manpower that this time he has with
previous time attacks Drumming tribe the time were many 200 people, but also is Middle Level Totem Warrior , is
elite, Advanced Level Totem Warrior
were also many they, under the moun­tain also has part of manpower, in ad­dition jian Tribe person. About 2000
people, definitely compared with previ­ous time come easily, definitely to suc­ceed to rob Water Moon Stone . Drum­ming tribe total number of people are many. But truly threatening, are actu­ally not many.
Tribe also planned to send 1000 peo­ple to come again, „to” had been re­jected, the person are more, the merit that he fishes are less, must know, in
thing that he brings, some spoils of war can receive.
They to rob the thing, do not carve out holding. If takes two Tribe to make war, that was not only only the matter of this person.
Might as well directly Drumming tribe extinguished good. No. Was not good, extinguished Drumming tribe.
How can Water Moon Stone come?
„To” depresses the idea in heart.
But jian Tribe, then sent two people
to enter the Drumming tribe inquiry
once more, this time not thorough,
came back actually, inquired the Drum­ming tribe aid to call „Flaming Horn ”
Tribe. However also that is all.
„How, did I say?” To has not heard
Flaming Horn Tribe, „does not have
fame edge small Tribe , does not need
to worry.”
jian Tribe some people have heard
actually, is only not many, did not think that important, probably is nearly
two years hears, but middle indeed
does not have this kind of Tribe .
This jian Tribe person was more re­lieved, so long as does not have cen­tral Tribe to be good, copes with small
Tribe of edge, they felt that is quite re­laxed, is confident.
In an instant several days pass by.
When moon/month circle also fi­nally arrives.
The Flaming Horn Tribe person, first
time sees Drumming tribe such mar­velous sight. Obviously the turbid
water, unexpectedly becomes limpid
transparent, under the river bottom
also has the stone of illumination!
The Flaming Horn Tribe person
many value concepts, had not noticed that now Water Moon Stone also looks at freshly, this gadget is unedible.
Sees the response of Flaming Horn Tribe, the Drumming tribe people felt relieved finally that thinking, this Flam­ing Horn Tribe person, is being the
good people!
Ao Qinzi leads the person to defend a region in Drumming tribe domain.
„This is we arrives at here first fight,
is a significance significant fight. Our
matches, no longer are Ominous Beast in these wooded mountains, but is out­side the Tribe intruder. Is with our
same people. But, what I must say, the
although intruder is also a person , but
non- Ominous Beast , I still hope that
you put out the hunting Ominous Beast
appearance, seriously treats these
threatening enemies. Like Keke , making
these intruder have a look at my Flam­ing Horn Tribe ability, making them re­member, my Flaming Horn Tribe , how
is defeated their!”
Was praised by Chief in the pres­ence of everyone haughtily, Keke is self-satisfied.
„Self-satisfied anything, when the time comes I definitely hunt for com­pared with you a lot.” In tuo several
people of hearts secret passage.
The haughty line of sight here has swept from the accumulation people,
said seriously: „The person of invasion,
my clansman, the intruder, does not kill!”
The people as if returned when
Tribe, before the hunting, stands in
mountain top, makes the mobilization before hunting.
At this time, very much wants to sing loudly « Hunting Song», what a pity, Chief did not permit.
Spoke, waves haughtily, gathers the
person here, immediately disperses to
various places, this is they assigns
ahead of time, takes Hunting Squad as the unit, has various responsible
places respectively.
Shao Xuan was divided in Keke their
team, is the Advance Group members,
later specially catches the fierce per­son, for example Advanced Level
Totem Warrior and so on.
The first time facing such hunting,
many people are very intense. Also is more excited. Suppressed was so long,
finally can hunt.
„jiao” airborne, Cha-Cha warned.
Immediately. Not far away, the
sound that also transmits the Drum­ming tribe surrounding to make an in­spection tour the person who makes.
This means that side person, left offi­cially.
Ao stands in the original position,
has not moved, calmly is listening to
nearby sound, some small sounds that
as well as the distant place ap­proaches fast.
An arrow, from another side of
woods, the direction of fire stands there haughtiness. Takes the hand­some man!
This arrow manufactures quite care­fully, arrowhead is also the good
stone material polish, can penetrate
tree trunk of tree easily. The arrow law of archery is also extremely good,
arrow passed through the woods actu­ally not to bump into a branch, a leaf,
held has linked up that Dian Dian indis­coverable crevice of woods.
But, threatening arrow, when to dis­tance of haughty vesting, was held
steadily, then has flung backhandedly.
Almost along the path that the arrow
shoots, but, has missed after all micro
boldly. Finally „duo” , injects in tree trunk of tree.
Projects this arrow „to” , looks to
being away from a haughtiness of
small woods, the eyelid jumps, an in­tense sense of crisis surprise attack
comes, he is Advanced Level Totem Warrior , stands the person there, simi­larly is also.
Looked to prick that arrow on not far away tree trunk, „to” looked at the
past time toward that side of woods.
Happen to on haughty look.
In Ao Na begins long spear, closely
stares at the person who was shooting arrows a moment ago. The Power of Totem revolution in within the body to the peak , Totem Pattern appears com­pletely. Advanced Level Totem Warrior
flaming Totem Pattern almost covers entirely the whole body, extends the
The intense ominous feeling spread
to whole body, „to” immediately jumps down from the tree, leaves the original position.
Such Totem, absolutely is not he
has seen any Tribe!
Is this Flaming Horn Tribe ? In the
sincere and truthful heart considers.
Moso of thumb when long handle,
then, such as hunting thousands of
times has thrown such, projected long spear in oneself hand haughtily.
The lightning that projection long spear such as chops suddenly, that slit
in the woods, touches and goes mid­way process the bark of some trees
fast, then, penetrates the body of in­truder has rushed ahead.
long spear has passed through his
body, bright red blood along with long spear passes through to carry over,
but, long spear generally has not actu­ally departed to stop with the blood,
but compared with a blood quicker
speed of splash, penetrated two trees,
toward „to” in the past, was only, „to”
fast transformation position, but place that just now he was, another Martyr Tribe Warrior process.
Penetrates person of two trees, long spear pierces second the body of in­truder, finally deeply sews on a bucket
thick tree!
The spear point institute and place, the bark and sawdust on tree trunk
blast out, make bang a sound.
Ka ka ka
That tree, poured.
„To” sees that side situation, in the
heart in great surprise.
Flaming Horn Tribe, as if not think
like them like that weak.
Besides the haughty that side, other
places are carrying on the battle and
Martyr Tribe some people, as well as the jian Tribe person, truly is good at hiding, Flaming Horn Tribe person but who, better Ominous Beast with
these wooded mountains has to do re­garding in conceal frequently, this also is really not anything, this was also at that time Keke after receiving the early warning prompt of Shao Xuan , reason that realized the opposite party posi­tion.
Shao Xuan wields the blade that be­gins, flies high stone blade that chops
to change to together the grayish white lightning, after entering the front
thick patch of grass, when soon is ac­tually dividing the thick patch of grass,
grasped the wrist|skill of blade to shake, the blade that divided slightly
changed the original route immedi­ately, pricked in the thick patch of grass.
Saw the blade that Shao Xuan
chops, but takes up person who the
Stoneware plan on hand keeps off, un­expectedly Shao Xuan in the midway
suddenly transformation offensive, he
transforms radically without enough time, stone blade that the small arm
was then punctured pierces.
Across arm bone a blade , kept the
fallow land pricking that person of
nape of the neck rapidly!
Pulls out the blade, Shao Xuan
looks at the person to other places.
A tuo blade cuts to fall a jian Tribe
intruder, has not had the half minute to idle, such as haughtily said that treats
each intruder, when such as initially
hunted faces Ominous Beast like that.
Each blade that eruption Power of Totem, wields, each offensive, one
such as initially in the Tribe wooded mountain hunted such, did not leave the blade already, a blade , the blade
blade was chops to chop the Ominous Beast strength.
Is intimate including thick-skinned
armor hard Ominous Beast must see the blood, let alone is the humanity of
these not armor?
The blade of tuo, compared with the
strength that Keke of that day chops,
but has suffered the person of tuo this
blade, cannot say that half character, the body then splits to both sides,
bringing the blood of heat degree to spray, splashes on the ground, on tree trunk, in thick patch of grass, some
stick on the tuo body.
Has not stood still, tuo focuses in the second person quickly, snatches
brandishes a sword before Shao Xuan ,
blade draws together the arc of trans­verse shift in the airborne rapid, the
second intruder, cut in two at the waist directly.
The attack forms a coherent whole, the rapidness of speed, the motion de­cides ruthlessly, the violence of blade
potential, completely has been above the imagination of intruder!
Scarlet dispersing, as if red fountain.
Suffered the person of this blade, the upper body also remained air­borne, was, under the waist, actually
also ran two talents but actually.
When Fu Shi is bringing two Drum­ming tribe Warrior , has a look at Flam­ing Horn Tribe here situation time, hap­pen to saw this. They see many similar
situations along the way, has made in
their hearts also raise a chill in the air.
Holds breath to bring the bloody
cold air, has a look in that execution ground the behavior wild conscious­ness actually calm unusual person, Fu Shi several immediately to feel that
again head hair is about to raise up.
This...... What people are this?! Com­pletely not under their Drumming tribe
Their Drumming tribe person also vi­olence rips excellently, but sees Flam­ing Horn Tribe conduct of so, cannot bear pull out the cold air/Qi .
Realizes Fu Shi several people of ar­rivals , after having divided the third in­truder, tuo turns head to look to Fu Shi
several people of directions, thinks that smiled in a friendly way, but, be­cause is in the battlefield, in the eye
flood, is being Dian Dian radiant cold brightness.
Deeply inspires, attracts one again,
Fu Shi several people felt that in cold­est the ice by the winter had been irri­gated one likely, felt that the whole body quickly cracked as a result of freezing to blast out.
Martyr Tribe bloodthirsty?
jian Tribe bloodthirsty?
Naturally .
That Flaming Horn Tribe?
The Drumming tribe person at heart
was asking such one.
This is not the bloodthirsty or not
issue, this is more like, slaughtering of
another level.
Looks at Fu Shi several people of
like that dull responses, Shao Xuan
also is actually very sigh with emotion.
Before, he thinks that the Flaming Horn Tribe person, because of first
time facing with for the intruder of hu­manity, will show mercy, will have
some not good trauma and physiologi­cal reaction, but, Shao Xuan acknowl­edged that he was too naive.
From Keke starting from, Shao Xuan
knows at that time that facing the simi­lar, so-called trauma, the so-called
physiological reaction, almost does not have. Here, has Tribe, only then
person on one's own side, as well as
enemy. This deeply carves probably in­born in their blood. Naturally , includes
the body of Shao Xuan present.
Flaming Horn Tribe these people,
looked like are blocked for a long time
human form weapon, before was only encircled in not the known place prac­tice, but now, these human form
weapons are put finally. ( to be contin­ued )
ps: Has overestimated the symbol
speed, the next chapter of code does not end, 4000 character big chapters
asked for mercy, the third chapter with the tomorrow's together round. Um, to­morrow should be able the trigeminy.

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