#198: River Ship Fire Class

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From the Flaming Horn Tribe former home grounds to Long Boat Tribe, the
distance somewhat is slightly far, is not 1-2 days can arrive, the midway
must rest several times.
Yang Sui is quite familiar with here,
although cannot say too carefully, but where has any Tribe, which also has the rural fair, this can say.
In former home grounds, Shao Xuan
to deal with the Ten Thousand Stone Tribe person, injured at the same time, the clothes, pants that the body wears
caught the bloodstain, many
scratches, tattered, seems quite goes down in the world.
In the middle, many Tribe are taste­ful, especially thoses big Tribe, looked that the person analyzes with the
clothing from the beginning, dresses well, first will be divided big Tribe,
seems quite goes down in the world
sloppily, then the classification is not
small Tribe that is willing to pay atten­tion.
After rural fair, Shao Xuan has then exchanged a animal skin clothes. wild beast animal skin, puts on comfortably
without Ominous Beast animal skin,
but cannot request to be too many at this time, seemed the dignified point
was slightly good, after all, coming to the middle to shake, can't lose the
Tribe face is not? Must preach by the
words that the witch knows.
Besides changing some winter cloth­ing, Shao Xuan also food that prepares
on some roads to eat, inquired sur­rounding pattern, has improved the
map in hand.
Yang Sui also trades thick fur cloth­ing that several have put on the win­ter, he is not Water Moon Stone that
uses and so on crystal stone , has not used the jade, one shell that but uses.
These shell after polish processing,
have chiselled the hole, gets up with the rope substring, this is many people are used to exchange the thing „cur­rency”. Shao Xuan and Pu Tribe to­gether time listened to the person to say this shell class „currency” , has also seen at some rural fairs, but many
questions cannot be solved at that time, but used Yang Sui that the shell
traded frequently, then gave Shao Xuan one not to calculate the detailed
„This type of shell is very useful, mid­dle many people like polishing the deco­rations with this type of attractive
shell. In addition, this type of shell
grinds to pink / white, can apply drugs.
Can make the pigment, it is said. Rwan­dan Tribe person to beasts feeding of
raising time, likes mixing some shell
powders, had imitated to afterward
many Tribe , is the person of earthen­ware also to like with some shell pow­ders...... Yeah, many people like in any case, therefore this type of shell can
trade in the middle.”
Yang Sui gives a Shao Xuan shell,
„there our Tribe . Frequently some it is said the person who came from the re­mote seashore, they will bring this type of shell, we only needed to be able with
them to exchange the massive shell
with few things. I leave Tribe time,
brought many.”
Mentioned this, Yang Sui was self-satisfied, although Tribe was fre­quently arid, the crop was not good,
these shell that but came from other
Tribe that side pits, making Tribe over­flow pitifully, outside some frequently the person who went to take a walk.
Can trade many things with the shell
each time.
To a certain extent, Rain Tribe, was
local tyrant Tribe. The crop is not good. The shell collects, the day has
in the same old way.
It is not each type of shell will be popular, Shao Xuan also asked matter
about this Shell Money, 11 have recorded in the animal skin volume,
thousand years ago, unpopular this
type „payment” way, this must allow the Tribe person to understand when
the time comes do not come anything
not to understand.
Since is one type „coin” , Shao Xuan
naturally cannot take something for free these shell in Yang Sui . He used
Water Moon Stone to trade one string
with Yang Sui , loaded into beast skin bag . Waits for the Hui Tribe time belt
to go back together.
Shao Xuan has pinched these shell, but also is very solid. In this string of
shell. The color not completely is the same, the white shell is passing the
shining white gloss, like glistening
pearl, other color looks at well, no wonder middle these starts to pursue
„beautiful” the person has also liked
polishing the accessory with this type of shell.
„This day was really more and more
cold.” Yang Sui has gathered together
just a animal skin clothes that
changes from rural fair, was blown by the wind trembled, has a look at the
sky, said: „Shao Xuan, I thought that
within three days, here will snow proba­bly. That side Long Boat Tribe also simi­lar.”
„That must make the best use of the
time to hurry along.” Shao Xuan said.
Once snowed, hurries along more diffi­cult.
However, what is good, here winter,
and was inferior that side Flaming Horn Tribe cold, understood according to Shao Xuan the situation, here in the winter has not snowed, not always
under heavy snow, even the rivers of
some places will not ice up.
Was used to that world is the win­ter that the white snow and ice and
cold winds whistling blew, here, was not anything.
„Shao Xuan, aren't you cold?” Yang Sui looks that on Shao Xuan wears not a thick animal skin clothes, asked.
Shakes the head, looks from air­borne landing Cha-Cha , the animal skin clothes and wool cloak that Yang Sui changes today all puts on, will wrap with silkworm cocoon, the head
has also bound, reveals a nostril and
From the sky flies, will be colder,
starts to drop along with the weather
obviously, Yang Sui blew uncomfort­ably, can only like this.
Cha-Cha despised looks at one to bind the animal skin people layer by layer, extended the claw to grasp, the
wing inspired, flew once more.
In direction that Yang Sui refers , their hawk hurries along once more,
what is good, from airborne has facili­tated, has avoided many tortuous paths. Listens to Yang Sui that words,
Long Boat Tribe will not be far. In per­haps three day can definitely, two days
Shao Xuan was happy too soon.
One day later, Shao Xuan looks that front assumes the river that „y”
spreads out, asked Yang Sui, „where
The expression in Yang Sui surface
with constipation, silent a while,
replied: „Does not know.”
Even if there is map, but area this
Shao Xuan acts according to others'
description, drew approximately. This year head, this place, map impossible
precise, even if others looked at to
Shao Xuan the place map, there is not the place of permitting. Really is the
present map plotting too sketchily, sev­eral simple lines, are unable to find the accurate position.
But Shao Xuan, extremely believed the experience and sense of direction of Yang Sui this goods.
„I remember that following the river
escape, can arrive at that side.” Yang Sui is also helpless, he initially the
long journey team went to the middle
from another side after Long Boat Tribe, is not far from this river, remem­bers that has walked near the River De­partment, he has not known really that
here will really have such crossing, re­turns toward the edge from the mid­dle, did not permit the road.
Toward left is toward right?
Generally speaking, if a branch and a narrow branch of strip width, that for­tunately, Long Boat Tribe naturally
walks toward that side of broad
branch, is the present......
Looks at front two width similar
branches, even if Shao Xuan, which is unable to say chooses one side is cor­rect.
The surroundings have not seen a
person's shadow, had not found the
trace that the people move in this
nearby. In the small range , will not see
other Tribe.
Here is an unvisited place.
Either, waits, to have a look to have
other people here to pass through,
then inquired \; Either, lets Cha-Cha to­ward the forward flight, first searches
to explore the way, or turns back, finds the person to ask the way.
The former uncertainty is too big,
like Yang Sui said that the quick win­ter, the coming out person has been short now, who knows when can wait till can see the third person? But lat­ter, requires the time.
„That...... That what to do?” Yang Sui
is covering the hungry belly, asked.
Shao Xuan thinks that makes the de­cision: „Now the weather early, first
does not rest in the nearby an evening,
waits to say tomorrow again.”
„I also think that Long Boat Tribe
should several fleets not go back this year, they go back definitely will pass through here, we waited to be able to see the Long Boat Tribe fleet. Heard that they several days around snowing
will return to Hui Tribe .”
„Um, that in nearby wait / etc..”
Shao Xuan has swept around the eye,
aims at a nearby mountain, „that side
Has hunted for wild beast, has burnt the fire, roasted has been eating, Shao Xuan then arrived on the mountain,
from here, can see that side the river
situation clearly, will not leave out any­thing.
„If night has the Long Boat Tribe
fleet process, separates can see very much that River Ship Fire Class is not
talks nonsense.” Yang Sui said.
„River Ship Fire Class ?”
„You saw know.” Yang Sui has had a
yawn, first looks for a leeward position
to nap.
Shao Xuan opened the eye to look at the past toward the rivers road fork
that side, has not discovered anything,
but upward You Qiao, the discovery,
fire star was moving.
No, that is not fire star , but is burn­ing the ship of flare.
Waits for that side ship to be get­ting more and more near, „fire star ”
also turned into a firing line.
That is the Long Boat Tribe fleet, on
each ship is burning the flare, the ship
are also many, therefore, seems looks like a mobile firing line.
Is this River Ship Fire Class ?
This river, because has the fleet
travel of Long Boat Tribe frequently,
therefore is called „River Ship ”, but Fire Class, probably was now such situa­tion.
Cha-Cha sees that „Fire Class ”, the
fan a leaf of wing, falling asleep Yang Sui had been patted awakes.
Has the yawn downward to look,
Yang Sui at heart one happy: „Also re­ally bumped into! This is River Ship Fire Class !!”
Shao Xuan previous life has seen the thing are too many, now such pic­ture is not anything, but, this places
now under this environment, without doubt makes the person shock.
The Long Boat Tribe ship is very big,
compared with wants on big some that
Shao Xuan thinks, goes also steadily,
on the ship also has the mast and sail.
However now, the travel majority of
ship depend on the manpower, Shao Xuan can hear the delimiting underwa­ter sound that that side hears clearly.
„Do they night also hurry along?”
Shao Xuan asked.
Without the radar, does not have the navascope wait / etc. some auxil­iary means that but, the Long Boat Tribe ship actually in the same old way can go in the night calmly and steadily.
„The Long Boat Tribe fleet walks to­ward here frequently, was ripe, once many people also at night sailed a boat, many of but having an accident,
either hit to come ashore, either had
other accidents, but, little will hear ex­tremely Long Boat Tribe had the acci­dent. But River Ship Fire Class , is Long Boat Tribe most has a characteristics
picture.” Yang Sui looks below that
long Fire Class, admires to say.
Above River Ship, Shao Xuan looks that this „Fire Class ” arrives at the
road fork gradually, from the right that
branch in the past.
„Was that side!” ( to be continued )

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