#208: Shan Tribe

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The line of sight moves out of the way from or the earthen mound, Shao Xuan looked that to standing there is shivering three people. The earthen mound has brought ten people, but he
has only killed five, was put by him,
that person ran in his behind direction,
but that side, the flame roasts several
hiding positions.
That is Shao Xuan leaks intention­ally, that person is Primary Level
Totem Warrior . Moreover, compares
front the people of several being killed violently, that person of although look
is mean, actually when clashes truly is bringing hesitant, obviously, he was worried that he fears death.
Such person, cannot compare sev­eral other like that to renounce, roasts
several people to practice acquiring a skill to the flame is better.
Is standing three people as for that
Also living the line of sight that
three long journey feeling Shao Xuan
looks, shook fiercely, felt that the both legs were soft, almost the direct kneel­ing ground, they also wanted to scat­ter the foot to escape by far, actually when the discovery in the Shao Xuan
vision swept, the courage that they es­caped did not have.
„Your which Tribe ?” Shao Xuan
A moment ago or the earthen mound words have not said that Shao Xuan wants to know what he said is
which Tribe.
„I...... I......” among three people that the eye round and round rotation, am thinking how should reply.
In he thinks, is bringing the knife point of stone icy cold temperature, ar­rived in his throat place, making him al­most frighten urinates to come out.
„...... I said! I said! We are Shan Tribe ! Is Shan Tribe !!” That face fright­ened white some, could not attend to
wanting to be too many, hurried to an­swer.
„Are you, Shan Tribe long journey?”
Shao Xuan looks that person of eye
The person who questioned, can only nod again and again.
„Bonus...... Forgives!” Nearby person of direct kneeling ground asked.
Shao Xuan looked at their one eyes,
turns around to leave.
Three people long shouted the one breath, was this lets off? When the
back to Shao Xuan, in three people of
eyes flashes through the ruthless of­fense, waited for Team Leader to come. Has this boy to feel better!
Three people just planned to run off,
steps forward one step, feeling nearby
sharp cold wind has swept. Then, any­thing does not know.
Has flung the bloodstain on blade.
Shao Xuan has made up a blade to al­ready or the earthen mound that can­not speak, roasted toward the flame
that side in the past.
Listens to the sound, that side
progress is good.
Really, waited for the Shao Xuan
past time, the ground has lain down a
person, was somewhat pitiful, was pounded by the stone, was shot by the
arrow arrow. Was chopped by the
blade, several wounds.
But the flame roasts four people, is gasping for breath.
„Does well.” Shao Xuan Shuo said .
Shao Xuan these words, have given
to that person of recent Jiao Wu many
courage, he has also killed people, but, the beforehand match is the tourist who and they snatch the thing, the dis­pute between tourists is also in­evitable, a side that loses will even be killed. But conflicts with Totem Warrior
directly, this is his first experience.
Has gripped tightly making a fist.
Jiao Wu is feeling the strength on fist,
his although cannot compare Shao Xuan, but made him be full of confi­dence. Lifted that only to bind the big
foot of broken fur lining shoes to step on a foot toward that person of
ground. The inspection confirmed after the opposite party has not been mad, periphery is self-satisfied holds up the head, seeks has such person.
„Was good, we hurry to leave here, the person who pursues also has many,
possibly also has Advanced Level
Totem Warrior , cannot the front impact.
If wants to hit, when you arrived at
Tribe , has awakened Power of Totem .
How casual you hit.” Shao Xuan Shuo said .
The flame roasts several people to look at each other one mutually, saw the anticipation from each other eye.
Gets down from the older genera­tion. To their here, aggrieved these many generations. Has avoided these
years, can see the hope that stands up from failure finally.
The first time, they feel the blood in
within the body to burn, in the ebulli­tion, seems hiding a fire.
In order to prevent the power­houses in these long journey chases down, Shao Xuan decides to sneak off
If opposite party other methods of
tracing, against were also selecting.
He did not fear, even when can imitate
to solve such of Ten Thousand Stone Tribe person in the former home grounds, one by one these chasing down solutions, but he must give a thought to the flame to roast them
Shao Xuan has the flame to roast
several people to arrive at one, making
Cha-Cha lead them, flies another
mountain from a mountain. Has 2-3 in­dividual short flights each time.
This can avoid these to rely on the
person who the trail on snowy area
chases down temporarily.
Let Cha-Cha help several times, af­terward while the clear sky, has marched on several days of road after
one after another, they do not have the person who runs into to chase down again, but Yang Sui said and has the snow to arrive, this time will con­tinue longer, probably ten days of ap­pearances, will also possibly have the
heavy snow.
If a Shao Xuan person, even if in
heavy snow day, can hurry along in the same old way, but has the flame to roast several not to be good, found a
place to endure the snow day to say
first again that because of hurrying along to make their bodies be injured,
gain does not equal the loss.
In previous the day that the snow ar­rives, Shao Xuan has not hurried along
again, but is Cha-Cha together seeks for the cave.
When seeks for the cave, Shao Xuan
has also chopped the thin branches of
some bushes, but also has cut several
types of the bark of tree. The flame
roasts several people to think that
Shao Xuan only treats as medicinal herbs, Shao Xuan had not explained that only spoke of the time they to know.
Finally, Shao Xuan had found a cave
in mountain side , is not big, but
enough six people rested.
In the cave bear was hibernating, fi­nally, when food puts into the pot.
Before living, before Shao Xuan lit , the acquired these plants, then fought fire with the smoking.
The flame roasts several people
then to see that the massive insects
run from the cave.
Actually these types smoke the in­sect the plant and nobody use in Flam­ing Horn, because the effect is too not good, cannot compare other plants, is
here, did not say that found these dein­sectization effect extremely good
plants, in the winter many vegetation
fell the leaf, the leaf that wants to look for some deinsectization is too diffi­cult.
When all handle, Shao Xuan has burnt the fire, six people encircle be­fore the fire of high-piled firewood,
„Have you heard Shan Tribe ?” Shao Xuan asked.
„Shan Tribe ? Before probably had lis­tened, the impression was not most.
However, day Shan Tribe is actually very famous. One of central power­houses.” Yang Sui Shuo said .
„Day Shan Tribe with place Shan Tribe what relationship ? Isn't brothers
relationship ?” The flame roasts asked.
He worried that because of several
people of reasons, but brings trouble­some to Tribe , if two Tribe are not both small, they gave Tribe to look for
without doubt greatly troublesome.
Hasn't gone back to make one pile of
trouble, Tribe will accept them?
Not is only the flame roasts, Jiao Wu their three also worried.
Yang Sui shakes the head, „, if Shan Tribe and day Shan Tribe are equally formidable, will not have the fame.”
„But day can Shan Tribe support to
place Shan Tribe ? Their these two Tribe
sound very much to have relationship .”
Jiao Wu Shuo said .
„Do not want to be too many, what
now is most important how to return to Tribe safely, when time Tribe re­turned truly, even if day Shan Tribe
wants, because this matter meddles,
we also not necessarily fear him.” Shao Xuan said.
By the temper of Flaming Horn Tribe that group of people, not be­cause who quite strong lets one step,
instead will fight a war highly-spirited.
However, Flaming Horn Tribe person,
has been short. When time Tribe re­turned to the former home grounds,
should have more tourists to seek in the past, at that time the Tribe all-round strength naturally can enhance.
No matter what, now thinks that
these also early, must wait for him to go back to say again.
This matter record in the animal skin volume, Shao Xuan planned to go back to ask Wu to discuss.
„We following, where can go to?” The flame roasts asks.
„First goes to here.” Shao Xuan
some position has referred to the map that oneself drew up, „met several peo­ple, with your same tourists, he called
Yan Shuo .” ( to be continued )

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