Chapter 1 : Mate?

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This is her outfit "you will know for what soon hehe :) "

Deniz POV:

       Finally, today is the day that i will officially be 18 and find my mate! it's my birthday and I'm 100% sure that my mom is downstairs making me a delicious blue chocolate cake as usual.

I yawn and glance at the clock it says 11:30 am "ughh it's just too early for me" I mumble to myself  and get off of my bed and walk towards the bathroom, I took a shower and brushed my teeth.

I look at my reflection on the mirror, I'm 5.3 tall, I have a long brown hair with a typical green eyes, my eyelashes are long and that what catchs people attention when they first sees me.

      I start drying my long long hair that takes forever to just dry! and wear one of my blue dresses, I just love blue it reminds me of the sea. Well I guess I should go and check my mom.

    "hello mommy, good morning" I greete her and just like i predicted my mom was busy making me the most delicious cake that you will ever taste! ohh yaah I forgot to tell you that my mom is the pack cook and she makes anything you can ever imagine except for sea food. My mom is a mermaid and well she can't cook her friends! She met my dad when she was exploring the beach in her home land hawaii, my dad was there in a vacation with his friends and that how they met and that why I'm half mermaid and half werewolf.

    "good morning , happy birthday my angel, wait a second I will give you your present now" my mom presents are always my favorite, she came back after she disappear into her bedroom to get my gift " here, this is my necklace it belongs to your grandmother, since you're finally 18 then it's a matter of time until you find out what is your special power and this necklace will help you in the right time " her eyes now full with tears " ohh mom I love it! thank you it is so beautiful, please don't cry" I kissed her cheek and she kissed me back "it's just feel like you're growing too fast" she says before going back to her business.

     I heard the front door open and my brother Mason yelled for me "Hey fat sister wake up it's your birthday and you will finally find your mate and get out from this house so I can have it all for myself " for some reason Mason is more excited than me about me finding my mate, he is 22 years old and unfortunately didn't finds his mate yet but he didn't lose hope either, he is around 6.1 and muscular guy, he has a brown hair just like me but his eyes color is a typical brown. " I'm not fat, duck boy" I said while he was surprised that I'm awake well you see I'm not a morning person but today is my birthday no one can judge me.

" oghh we're back to the duck boy nickname again!! just don't call me that fatty girl" he roll his eyes! " well then you should quit calling me fat girl when I'm perfectly slim girl" I huff. he chuckles and leans down to kiss my cheek " happy birthday beautiful sister " he smiles at me, I return his smile and mumble a thank you.

      " So when are you planning on going to the party" he asked me and I mentally faced palm myself, today is our Alpha birthday too and he invited other packs Alpha too so it's a big party! " I totally forgot about that! I'm supposed to meet with Emily she's doing my makeup and my hair " I said and he node his head while heading to his room doing whatever he want to do.

    I rushed out of my house It's already 12:30 pm. I called my best friend Emily telling her I'm on my way. She is the best friend one can have although she's kind of crazy person and she doesn't have a filter on her mouth but she's my friend since Kindergarten and I love her so much. The moment I reached her front door she brust the door open! " I said be here at 12:00 pm you're a half hour late!!! " she practically yelled on my face! "ahhh Emily the party start at 5:00 pm we have plenty of time to prepare" I huff she's can be so annoying sometimes. " Still we don't want to be late, alot of packs members will be there and maybe I will find my mate and you too, and if we don't we can pick any handsome guy we want and give him the night of his dreams" she said while flipping her hair and changing her voice to a sexy woman. My face turned to a furious red, I don't know how she can say theses things freely without even blushing! " Ewwe, Emily please don't say that this is absolutely disgusting " well you kind of get me now when I say she is crazy.

      " Yehh yeh, come on we don't have all the day " she tugged me along with her to her room and started with my hair, then my makeup.

" Wow you look so beautiful, such a lucky boy is your mate" she said softly. I smiled and looked at myself in the mirror " wow you did a really good job thank you!"

she pulled my hair into a braid a beautiful one I don't know how did she manage to braids my hair like that, she used only mascara for my eyelashes and pink lipstick on my lips.

      " ohh god it's 4:30 already! you can head to the party and I will go by myself when I'm finished " she was panicking about getting late which for me it's okay we don't have to be there exactly at five but whatever.

" Are you sure? I kind of feel bad after what you just did to me, I don't want to ditch you like that"

she glared at me " Are you kidding me, you know that I will never let you stay with me stuck in my room when everyone else are enjoying their time" I signed " okay if you say so".

I took my light blue dress of Emily closet and wear it with silver heels.

      I went to the pack house where the party is being held. Our Alpha Raimond is standing on the stage and beside him the soon to be Alpha, his son Jasper.

" Today is the day that my son, your Alpha is going to lead Black River pack and he will protect you and do his best to make sure this pack will be forever safe" he started his speech then he faced his son Alpha Jasper " Will you promise to protect the pack with your soul and body and make our pack proud as long as you live?" he asked his son "yes I will with my honor" as soon as he finished his sentence we felt the connection between us and our new Alpha, all the pack members drooped their heads respectfully. " you may enjoy the party" Alpha Jasper announced.

     There is a sweet smell of wood and blackberry drifting to my nose and my wolf was purring happily in the back of my head! "what is it Calista?" I asked my wolf although I know what does that means!! ' it's our mate!! he is here I can smell him go find him please ' My heart was beating so fast and my mind is going crazy by his scent! and I saw him standing with alot ot other packs Alpha. 'Mate' my wolf purred inside of my head happily.

He turned around he's very handsome wearing only black buttons up shirt showing his muscles perfectly and black jeans, his beautiful blue eyes looking at me and they went black as soon as our eyes met! "Mate" he growl! but he looks angry?, what wrong!? I shivered when he stalks closer to me with a very angry steps!

This is the end of chapter one I hope you guys enjoyed it, I will probably post the next chapter next week stay tuned!! :) 💙

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