Chapter 21: Heat

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Leon POV:

"State your name" I said strongly to the most amazing woman I ever laid eyes on. She was wearing a beautiful red dress that hugs her curves perfectly which represents her as the Luna, she walked over to me with a big smile on her face making me grow confused but happy for her at the same time, I was confused because this is the first time she smiles directly and willingly at me and happy because she's happy. "Deniz Yıldız House" she answered her voice strong and confident. Her name is just as beautiful as her.

"Deniz Yıldızı House, do you accept to be part of this pack and to protect and love the pack without hesitation?" the ceremony began

"Yes" she said

"Do you promise to stay loyal to this pack?" I continued.

"Yes I do" she said again this time smiling at the pack members.

"I, Alpha Leon Knight, accept you Deniz Yıldızı House as one of the pack members and I announce you as my mate and the Luna of the Black Moon Pack" I said and the pack members cheered, I took the knife and cut through my palm, my beautiful Deniz extended her arm and I took her hands on mine, they are too small that I think they might get lost in mine.

It's hurts me that I will have to cut through her palm too but this has to be done so I did it quickly, she only wince a little and when I looked at her she nodded her head smiling at me and I relaxed.

Our blood mixes as I hold her hands and I can feel her emotions and hear her thoughts, now she's officially one of us. She took a step back on put her hand on her temples I reached her and engulfed her with a hug from behind her, she didn't relax but sit down on the stage taking me with her.

"What wrong?" I asked starting to get worried.

"I can't block the pack members thoughts it's juat too much to handle" she said and crawled into a ball.

"Just take a deep breath and think about a wall that you need to build to keep you safe, can you do that for me?" I said rubbing circles on her back, the murmurs getting louder as the members were worried too about their Luna.

It seems like she's controlling her emotions and thoughts and blocked everyone else even me. I really wanted to know what she's thinking about right now but I understand that she needs her privacy too.

Deniz stood up and I took her hand. She just looked at me, her eyes are full with emotions like she was overwhelmed, I mean if I'm overwhelmed then I can't blame her.


It's been two hours now and I'm getting tired of chatting with all the members as they congratulate Deniz and I. We were standing by our own when Giovany and Rafa approached us.

"Hey, congratulations you look absolutely beautiful, you are very lucky man" Giovany said taking Deniz hands and kisses the too of it. I narrowed my eyes on him and tugged Deniz closer to me she just smiled shyly. "Thank you very much for the compliment, Alpha .. ?" she paused giving him a chance to fill her in with his name, my mate was clever to know that he's an Alpha. "Alpha Giovany" he said smiling.

"Can we continue the meeting now there is no time to waste" Giovany says in a very serious tone.

"You can go I'll go find Rose" Deniz said and I sighed "You are coming with us mate" I said and she frowned her eyebrows furrowed.

"Don't worry it will be okay" I said squeezing her hand a little she relaxed but I can tell she's worrying about it.

"Where is your father?" I asked Giovany as we walked to the meeting room. "He's waiting for us on the meeting room, he's not a public man you know" he said and I nodded understandingly, Alpha Enzo doesn't like to be in a crowded place.

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