Chapter 7: Darcy Zoma

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Deniz POV:

My bedroom door slammed open and I opened one eye glancing at the crazy person but all I could see is a figure. I closed my eyes again not really interested in waking up, I'll kill Mason later for this dirty habit of his, waking me up is something worth to kill for. "You are sleeping I can't believe you! Leon is going to Darcy Zoma the most dangerous man in the world, all the mafia leaders fear him and my brother thinks that it's okay to meet him just like that". for my surprise it's not Mason but Rose. Wait what? Leon? Darcy Zoma? Mafia? I jumped out of my bed and grabbed Rose arms "What what happened to Leon!" I panic and she free herself from my grasp and sit on my bed. "Can you shut the door please" she asks after inhaling sharply and I do as she requested. "Please tell me what the hell is going on, is Leon safe? huh?" I bleed for her to speak. "Yes he is but that stupid man is going to be the death of me" she says and throw herself back into the mattress. "When I found out that he's going to Darcy Zoma I went straight to talk to him, after all what he did to us, he can't just go and meet him, but no how can he just listen to me when he have a rock instead of a normal head with a brain in it" she sits up beside me to face me "he said and I quote him: Rose don't think of stopping me it's non of your business" she says furrowing her eyebrows and changing her voice imitating Leon. "Rose what did Darcy Zome did to you?" I asked and she shivered slightly. her gesture only made me more curious. she signed taking a long breath. "I wanted you to hear it from Leon but you're his mate I don't think that it's something he should hide it from you, what I'm about to tell is going to stay between us" I noded my head waiting for the rest to come.

She take another long braath before talking "all of this happened four years ago, Leon and I were close, he used to take me with him every night to get some ice cream from the human town although it's too dangerous but he couldn't turn me down when I use my puppy face" she smiled and her eyes held a shade of joy "however one of these nights I got kidnapped by mafia members and then it's turned out that they were the strongest mafia ever. They knew about us, werewolves I mean. they've been watching us and although we are werewolves we couldn't even feel them stalking us! so they are this dangerous, when they kidnapped me they wanted to sell me but Leon found me right on time. Things got heated and a lot of warriors got injured some other died" she paused her tears are falling down her cheeks nonstop and I hugged her to my chest trying to give her some kind of comfort "I'm sorry" I said whispering into her hair.

She wipes her tears and continue "At the end both sides knew that this fighting is pointless so Leon and the mafia leader aka Darcy Zoma cut a deal; in exchange of me Darcy Zoma is going to have ten werewolves warriors to protect him from his enemies. Darcy Zoma wasn't satisfied at the beginning he was going to get a fortune by selling me but Leon convinced him that with our abilities as werewolves he's going to be more powerful and protected and that how Leon got me back, there were also conditions and alot of things but basically that's the deal" she say and wipe the tears from my face, tears I didn't even know that shed.

"When we got back to the pack he told me to stay away from him, you may judge him saying that he should protect me and keeps me even closer that before but, the problem is that my parents died when we were younger to protect him from a rogues attack, he was and still blaming himself for their death and the whole kidnapping incident made everything much worse, he thinks that his existence only brings sadness to his loved one" she sighed holding her head on her palms.

"I'll make him better I swear" I say and she left her head looking at me when tearful eyes. "I didn't know why he is acting like this before, he was so complicated and mysterious, sometimes kind and gentle others rough and angry" I hold her hands on mine "he's my mate I will do everything to make him better" I say smiling at her and she hugged me tightly to her. "I knew you will" she say. "I saw the way he look at you when you were sitting outside the pack house" she smiled "and believe me Camila is going to be so jealous when she finds out that you are his mate" she say wiggling her eyebrows and I chuckled.

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