Chapter 16: Beutiful and Mine

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Deniz POV:

I turned around glaring at him as he looked at me too but his gaze held nothing and his face was emotionless which only made me more angry "Why are we staying here all by ourselves when we could just live with the others in the pack house, I don't want to stay with you here, I wanted to live in the pack house with everyone else I wanted to spend time with Mason, Rose and William" I stated crossing my arms under my chest, his eyes turned to black as anger was now what his face held " You are staying here until you are convinced that you belong with me, your mate, not with William or anyone eles, and yes that means that you are not going to step a foot out of the mansion" he said as he stalked towards me and I stiffened as he came closer but he just walked passed me, I felt anger boiling inside mof me, who is he trying to control, I followed him talking to him as he kept walking ahead of me.

"Y-You can't just lock me here, I will go out and you will not be able to stop me" I said as he ignored me and we were now heading upstairs "hey, are you listening to me" I said as he fastened his steps, I'm now further behind him as I couldn't keep up with him, He entered a room and closed the door behind him and it's just shut on my face. I blinked several times not believing what he just did and opened the door angrily revealing a totally naked Leon.

I looked at him shocked but immediately turned around, my back facing him as I covered my eyes with both of my hands, I can feel the heat of my cheeks as the blush settled there, I'm sweating and shifting nervously, I don't know how I managed to put myself in this situation.

"You don't know how to knock, don't you?" he asked and I can feel it in his voice he was grinning, like I wasn't embarrassed already, why would he say that uggghhh I want to punch his pretty face and then see if he can grins again. "you can turn around now" he said breaking my thoughts of distorting his beautiful face. I turned around to see him only in boxer and my cheeks turned even reder "Put something on, what wrong with you" I said as I shifted my gaze to the closet in my right as if it was the most interesting thing in this room which it is not.

"Nothing wrong with me, you are in my bedroom and I want to sleep, you are the one who came in" he stated and I slowly looked over him "Yes I know but-" I didn't really now what to say the conversation downstairs has been forgotten and my anger is now replaced with unknown emotions inside of me. He noticed my lack of words and my nervousness as I again for the third time looked away from him.

"Look at me" he said and I just stood there stupidly I wanted to turn around and get the hell out of here but in mere a second I was pinned to his door with him towering over me my breathing hitched as he was so close that I can feel his body heat and his breath fanning my forehead. He grabbed my chin lifting it upwards forcing me to look in his eyes. His beautiful icy blue eyes were captivating I could watch them forever and never get bored of them. his hand snaked behind my back as he pressed me against his body even more and I let out I yelp a beautiful sensation erupted into my body making my legs feel weak, I grabbed his shoulders in case of my legs decided to fail me "Do you feel that?" he asked referring to the sparkly feeling that only he can make me feel it.

I looked sideway and bite on my lower lips in attempts to take control as his lips are to close of mine making Calista going crazy on my mind trying to take control and kiss our mate "stop or I will kiss you right now" he said and my eyes shot back to meet his lustful dark eyes, I released my lips and swallowed loudly.

Leon POV:

She was making me crazy all what Kai want is to mark our mate right here and right now I wanted that too but she's not ready not yet, we missed her so much, her lost was something I will not tolerate if it happened again, I would die if that happened again. she is so beautiful and pure, I looked down to her pink soft lips, I wanted to taste them, to feel them on my lips, no I didn't want to I needed to feel them, and that was it I could control myself anymore I attacked her lips taking her in surprise she gasped and I took that to my advantage as I pushed my tongue into her mouth not leaving single spot untouched. A possessive growl came out of me as I loved the way she tasted, finally she kissed me back and we kissed until I was afraid that she was going to be out of air and I forced myself to pull back nibbling on her bottom lip. I broke the kiss as she sucked in air, she looked up at me and a smile tugged on my lips as I so how shocked she was, she looked to my eyes and then down to my lips then again to my eyes, I leaned in for another kiss but she pushed me back lightly taking me off guard and ran out of my room.

I signed as I shoved my hand through my hair, how am I supposed to win her back? I don't know the answer for this question but I do know that she's my world and my heart will stop beating if she didn't accept us, Kai howled at the thought of our mate rejecting us but I've been a jerk and although I know she deserves someone better than me but I will die before someone lay hands on her I shook my head to get rid of these thoughts and the smile from earlier came back as I closed my eyes and remembered the kiss, she is so beautiful and MINE.

Deniz POV:

I ran out of his room into another random room slamming the door behind me. my heart rate is over the moon, I left my hand tracing my lips with my fingertips, I have only kissed him once before and it was nothing like this, it happened so fast yet so slow like my mind was numb and I just couldn't process anything at all, I don't know what is happening to me.

'Are you stupid you're falling for our mate, finally'

Calista said it in duh voice like it's so obvious 'No I'm not, its just can't be' I replied

'why not he's our mate for moon goddess sake' apparently she's not letting this go so I blocked her out of my mind and looked around me, I don't have an idea where am I, it's a big room with king size bed, the walls are white and there is a bookshelf with a seat next to it, it's so nice and peaceful I liked it, I decided to sleep here for now and hope that Leon won't mind. I set my phone alarm at 2:00 pm so I can eat lunch with the pack but let's just hope that I will wake up since I love to sleep and when I do it's hard to wake me up, I closed my eyes and went straight to the dreams land.

what Deniz room look like :)

_______what Deniz room look like :)

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