Chapter 28: Complicated

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I opened my eyes to someone shaking me and I saw Xiaver's mom.

"It's time to leave" She said while worriedly looking back and forth between me and the door.

I jolted up and wear my shoes quickly. Natasha started tugging me with her as she walked to the door.

"What if we get caught?" I stopped her and she turned around to look at me.

"Everyone is sleeping, there are rules in this pack and one of them is, no one is allowed to be awake at this time" she said and start walking again.

I can feel my heart race faster in my chest with every step I take, I don't know this woman but I have to trust her if I want to escape this place and right now I have no other choice.

When we walked out of the room, I saw that there are no other room near tge room I was staying at and there is an alley that leads to another door, we walked through the alley and when we reached it Natasha placed her ear to the door and it's seems that there is no one out there because she nodded her head at me and opened the door.

When the door opened I saw a big yard ahead of us. "We have to go around the cottage and then into the wood but as soon as we reach the borders then you are on your own" Natasha said and I nodded my head.

We walked silently around the cottage and our little escape plan came to an end.

Alpha Xiaver stood there his arm crossed over his chest and next to him is his dad Alpha Dougles. When Natasha saw her husband she began to shiver in fear. Both Alphas had a scary angry face on but Alpha Xiaver eyes were pitch black and he was staring right at me.

"I swear I didn't mean to betray you" Natasha said in a very low voice, she was looking at Alph Dougles with watery eyes but that didn't stop Alpha Dougles from slapping her.

I gasped at the scene in front of my and Xiaver growled slightly at his dad.

"What do you mean you didn't betray us! how can you help you son's mate to escape and then say I didn't betray you" Alpha Dougles voice boomed making my knee feels weak.

"Mate! Mate! what mate are you talking about she is not his mate and you know that but still kidnapped her anyway" Natasha screamed at her husband. Alpha Dougles eyes went wide and he turned to look at Xiaver.

Xiaver face held shook and betrayal, he looked between me and his mom and dad.

"What are you talking about mom!" Xiaver roared as he walked to his mom and grabbed her shoulders. Natasha just cried shaking her head.

"I'm sorry son, but all what we taught you when you was a kid is wrong" she said and Alpha Dougles growled "Shut your mouth Natasha" he angrily took his wife from Xiaver's hands and yelled at her.

"Don't destroy what we built for the last twenty five years" he squeezed her arms so tightly that I could see blood oozing out of it.

"Dougles, she has a mate, we can't take her. That's wasn't our agreement. We talked and we said if she had already found her mate them we don't go on with our plan" Natasha said with a sad tone looking at me with the corner of her eyes.

"I don't care" Alpha Dougles said and then called for guards.

"I can't believe this! you were lying to me for my whole life!" Xiaver said looking at nothing in particular, his eyes are yellow and his hand is closed into a fist. he looked at me with agony and I lowered my head, I feel sad for him, that why he thought I'm his mate. His parents must taught him something different than what we all know about mates.

When I looked up again to Alpha Xiaver he our eyes met and then his eyes closed for a moment and when he opened them they were bright yellow, he then shifted to a very larg gray wolf and ran into the forest.

Huge guards came and stood in front of us. "Take her to her room now" Alpha Dougles said pointing at me. I looked over to Natasha and she avoided looking at me.

"No, No No, leave me alone" I thrashed in the guards hands but that didn't affect them and because I didn't eat for too long I quickly lost my energy and let them take me to the same room from earlier while silent tears ran out of my eyes.

The guards threw me in the room and locked the door behind them.

I sat down on the bed and rested my head on my hands. This is so complicated how I'm I going to escape this place.

I felt so tired so I curled up in the bed and closed my eyes and welcomed the sleep to take me away from this reality.

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