Chapter 5 : Rogue

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The next morning I wake up at 7:00 AM, I don't know when the breakfast will be set ready so I guess I'll have to start showering and get dressed. I get up and walked to the bathroom I took a quick shower and brush my teeth, I went to my closet and stood there wondering what will my outfit for today will be and I settle down on a black cotton-like dress with jeans jacket and boots, I wear my watch and fixed my hair as a mussy pun and headed downstairs to the dining room.

  Our Alpha Jasper sent five warriors to this pack including me and Mason there are Zac the first best warrior, Oliver the third best warrior, Tresha as the fourth best warrior and if you were wondering yes my dear brother is the fifth one. All of them are seated on the left side of the table with some other warriors from the Black Moon pack I don't know who are they since this will be my first time meeting them but beta Sam is here sitting next to the head of the table which brings my attention to the empty chair where Alpha Leon supposed to be sitting. I sat next to Zac because it's the only other empty chair. "Hey, I heard that you had a little problem yesterday, you went to the hospital?" Zac said looking at me. "Yes it's wasn't something serious although it's a heart attack but you know my condition", "Ohh, I thought that your father found appropriate medication for that didn't he?" ohh poor Zac you don't know that this medication have to be taking while staying away from alot of drama and tragedy events, " Yes he did but I forgot to take it yesterday sooo" I shrugged my shoulders and he shakes his head but doesn't comment he know that I don't like it when people keep lecturing me about that.

  "Finally we can have the pleasure of meeting the second best warrior of the Black River pack, how do you feel now I hope you feel better?" someone that I don't know his name was talking to me, he look very nice person and maybe he's my age I don't know, "Thank you for asking yes I feel better and I'm sorry that we couldn't met before. My name is Deniz House it's noce to meet you" I said as I extended my hand to shake his and he accepts it. "The pleasure is all mine my name is Harry Smith, this is William Jerard, Cara Montero, Jen Yomer and my little beautiful sister Jessy Smith" he intreduce them all at once and they just glared at him. "Harry you know that we can talk and speak for ourselves" Jessy said as she slaps his neck "Ttt ttt, so aggressive" he shake his heas dramatically "said the man who threw a branch on me" she smirks while eating her toast and Harry just chuckle, I smiled at them as they remained me of myself and Mason. "Don't worry you will get used to them" Cara said after she noticed me looking at them, she look like a very shy person, she was blushing and her voice was little. "No I'm already used to it, see this big boy over there he is my brother and our life can't be any different than theirs" I smiled at her and she looked amused "Wow he's your brother you don't look alike at all". "Yes I know, someone as handsome as me can't be a brother for such an ugly girl" Mason said and I scoffed. "The only ugly thing in this room is your face" I threw back at him "Don't be jealous it's just your destiny, you'll have to accept it sooner or later" he say teasingly and I roll my eyes. "You are a beautiful young lady Deniz we are lucky to be in present of such a beauty" William says and I blush really hard "Thank you that so sweet of you"  I really don't have much to say I'm not good at replying for compliments. "Your welcome" he said and wink at me". "William don't hit on every girl you see, I hope that you find your mate soon so the pack ladies can breathe a little without you flirting with them 24/7" Jen said while peeking from the corner of his eyes seeing william. We all laugh at William's expression his eyes and mouth are wide open as he look at Jen. "Well I'm sorry that you found your mate so quickly that you couldn't enjoy your life like me" William say as he smirks. Jen looked at Cara and blow a kiss to her! "My Cara is my everything I only regret every second of my life without her" awwww "That's so cute, you are very lucky Cara" I said and Cara smiled at me her cheeks are red like they were set on fire. "Thank you, did you find your mate or yet?" she says and my smile drops, I wanted to say something anything but my mind went blank because what should I say yes I found my mate, he is your Alpha and now I'm you Luna? at this moment Alpha Leon enters the dining room with Levi on his side he looked at me then shifted his gaze towards Sam "Sam it's almost 8:00 AM if all of you guys finished breakfast you should start training".

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