Chapter 8 : Beloved

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   We had three rogues attack the last two days and each time the guards took them down but they were already in the pack land, Aloha Leon assigned exploration tours to the warriors including me. However, today is saturday there is no training for today and It's Cara birthday, the problem is that I didn't buy her anything and I don't know if I'm allowed to go to the near by town, even if I'm allowed I need to go with someone so I decided to ask Rose to go with me. I leave my room closing the door behind me. I went to Rose room and knocked on the door three times, "Come in" she said and I enter her room and saw her standing in front of her closet "Good morning" I said and she glanced at me and replied back saying 'morning', I jumped on the bed and took a pillow putting it behind my back, I leaned on the headboard and watch Rose searching on her closet. "Rose can I ask you a favor" I say and she turned to face me, "yeah sure anything" she replied smiling and I smile too "Can you go with me to the town? I didn't buy Cara anything and I really want to buy her something plus I don't know what does she like I'll meed your help." I say and she bites her lips. "of course I'll go but, you know that we will have to take permission from Leon?" she asked "Yes I figured that we will have to, that why you my beautiful best friend are going to ask your brother the permission" I say beaming at her and plinking my lashes innocently. "No the last time I asked him he said if I'm to go out of the pack I'll have to take two guards with me" she huffed, I don't see the problem "Please please" I bleed to her giving her my best puppy face ever. "ugggh fine, you owe me one" she said pointing her index finger up to my face. "thank you" I squealed and hugged her. "wait let me see where he is" she stated and her eyes seemed unfocused so I knew that she's mind linking him. "He's in his office, let's go" she said but I gulp. "No you're going alone I'm not coming" I can't face him after what happened last time, I'm so embarrassed and not ready to see him again. "then we are not going anywhere" she said and sat on her bed. "No no, okay I'll go with but I'll keep my mouth shut don't expect anything from me" I said and she signed, she stand up and we both headed to Alpha Leon office. Rose knocked the door one time and enters it before we got the okay from him to enter. I walked in behind her and Alpha Leon head snapped up and our eyes met for a moment before he go back on reading some papers on his desk, he's wearing glasses that makes him look even hotter, he's wearing a white button shirt, the first four buttons are opened exposing his chest "Leon you know I love you right?" Rose said smiling widely at her brother "What do you need Rose?" Alpha Leon asked her and she sat on the chair opposite from him while I stood on the same spot. "I want to go shopping in human town near by" she stated and without lifting his gaze from the papers he's reading he said 'no'.

"why not, Deniz is the one who wanted to go not me" Rose said, I'll kill her this time she's really dead, why did she involved me in their conversation when I specifically told her not to. Alpha Leon looked up at me, "What do you need from the town?" he asked, "I want to buy Cara her birthday present" I said, short and simple but he shakes his head again "No, it's not necessarily or emergence thing" he state but I don't take no as an answer so I continued "It's not just that I need to buy a weapon for me too, please it's important for me" I said and he removed his glasses and looked at me with one raised eyebrow "What kind of weapons and why?" he asked, I swallowed before answering "I usually use nunchuck when I train but I forgot mine back at my pack so I need another one specially with the increased rogues attack" I said and shifted from one feet to another uncomfortably.

"Wow I didn't know that you play with nunchuck" Rose comment, I glared at her, if she thinks that I'll forgive her so easily she's so wrong, "I fight with nunchucks not play with them but yeah I do" I said and she node her head and with her eyes she's trying to tell me that it's out of her hands, I ignored her and turned to see Alpha Leon, waiting for an answer. "I can't send guards with you they have much important things to do" Alpha Leon said and I signed disappointment took over me.

    "Give us the permission and we'll go by ourselves we don't need guards" Rose insisted and Alpha Leon glared angrily at her. "Rose" he warned her and after a short pause he said "You're not going alone, I'm coming with you" , standing up and walked past me towards the door. Rose and I looked to each other and swallowed. "What are you waiting for?" he call for us from the alley and we rushed after him.

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