Chapter 4 : Hospital room

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Matt Bomer as Leon, I'm still looking for someone that fit Deniz character on my mind so stay tuned..😬

I opened my eyes slowly as they feel so heavy, my throat feels dry and itching, I looked around and saw myself in a hospital room. Mason is standing by the door talking on the phone " Mason" I call for him, my voice is harsh and barely audible but he turned around quickly. "She is awake I'll call you later" he tell the other person on the line and hurry to my side. "Ohh thank god you're finally awake, how do you feel?" he asks but first I need to drink water desperately so I asked him "Water" I managed to say.

He grabs a glass of water and fill it before handing it out and I drink it all at once, my throat feels better and I answered his question " I feel tired and sleepy" his worried eyes are closed now due to his hysterical laugh. "God, Deniz do you know how worried I'm? and all you say is you are sleepy you're always sleepy" he smiles at me and continue seriously" The most important thing that you are awake now the doctor said that you will feel a little bit tired when you wake up, let me call him". I node my head as he walk out of the room to get the doctor. He came back shortly with the doctor on his side. "Hi I'm dr.Roy Statham, how are you now? does something hurts you?" he asked "except for the tiredness I don't feel anything else" he nods and writes something on the clipboard he's holding.
"Your heart is perfectly fine yet you had two heart attack, did anyone from your pack doctors know why? I'm really confused the test show nothing your heart is healthy!" he asks me "it's really complicated doctor, I'm a hybrid; half werewolf and half mermaid, and no one really knows why I'm having heart attacks, my father friend is a doctor he had a theory about me being hybrid is the reason why and if I manage to fully shift to my mermaid form the problem will be solved" his eyes widen as he hears my answer and nodes his head while writing down something again, "How long I'v been sleeping?" I looked to the window but the curtains are closed. " 11 hours, now it's 7:00 pm" dr.Roy  looked at Mason and told him that he can discharge me and told me to rest for couple days and with that he's iut of the room.

   "I will go to sign your discharge papers, change your clothes I bought you some they are on the closet and then we are good to go" he says and I node my head in response as I grab the clothes from the closet and before he leaves I tell him "Mason don't tell my mom there is no need to freak her out while she's far away". "yes of course don't worry" he replied and leaves the room. When I finished dressing up I heard the door open with a little knock. I turned my head to see little benjamin holding a bouquet of red flowers and I smiled at him " oww my little benjamin thank you so much they are beautiful". I took them for him. "I hope you feel better, I was too scared that something happened to you, you're my only friend I don't want to lose you" oh god he was there after Alpha Leon incident I wasn't really focusing on anything else, my poor boy he witnessed everything. " Don't worry it's nothing I feel perfectly fine" and to proof my statement I spin around but my head start to hurt and I felt dizzy all of the sudden I felt backwards but an arms grabbed my waist before I collapse to the ground. I looked behind me to meet a beautiful worried blue eyes. "be careful" Alpha Leon told me while walking me to the bed. "see you are not feeling good, are you sick?" benjamin asks me with a frown on his face, I really didn't want him to worry and now I ended up worrying him more. "She's fine but she didn't eat her lunch nor dinner that why she's not feeling okay, don't worry Ben your friend isn't sick " Alpha Leon smiles at ben reassuring the little boy. " Alpha is right I just need to eat and I will be as strong as a horse " I say to Benjamin while lifting my arm to show him my muscles and he laugh and when his laughter stop he said " I need to go, my mommy is waiting for me, see you soon" he kissed my cheek and run towards the door. I sighed tiredly and stand up to go find Mason, plus I don't feel like staying with Alpha Leon alone after what he did. I start walking to find Mason but he grabs my wrist " where do you think you're going? you need to rest" he's using his Alpha tone as if it'll work with me, if I feel sick it will be because of this man " It's none of your business" I replied to him and my reply is obviously disrespectful for an Alpha so he didn't waste a minute in growling at me dangerously. I regret it immediately and start heading to the door to run away from him but he catch me again this time by my waste and he turned me around so I can face him and we are chest to chest. "Look you pup disrespect me again and you will be punished don't test my patience " at this moment Mason opened the door and looked at us shocked is written on his eyes seeing us like this. "Alpha Leon how can I help you?" he asked him and bowed his head slightly. Alpha Leon narrows his eyes at Mason but didn't reply back to him. "See you later deniz".

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