Chapter 13: Welcome home

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Its been two years since I went to the sea with my mom to live with my grandparents, currently I'm waiting by the shore for Mason to give me a ride to my pack not you know who's pack I mean, Calista want us to run into the forest instead of waiting but I don't want to make Mason worried about not finding me when he arrives.

I watch Mira my fairy wondering around exploring the land, I had to catch her in the sea to let her be mine, I remember when we went to my grandparents I was surprised by the fairies flying around and when I asked mom she said that this is how everyone communicate, mermaids and mermans can't mind link like us werewolf so the have to go the Wonderland Valley, this valley is famous of the communicator creatures and each mermaid and merman have to catch one when they turn ten years old, so you can tell that I'm pretty late.

When I catch Mira and let me say it was hard as hell, she was ordinary fairy but in order to make her mine I have to give her a little of my superpower and with that it works as a soul for her which why she feel like she owns me her life and that why she and all the fairies serve their masters for ever. Mira shares my thoughts just like Calista, she is so protective and sometimes she can be annoying but I know that she's doing this because she wants me safe so I let her be.

I saw Mason's car approaching so I called Mira she quickly came to my side and went in front of me, I chuckled at her, she's literally as tall as my palms and she think she could protect me by just standing in front of me.

she glanced at me with her little cute face glaring at me "don't laugh at me you know that I can hear your thoughts" she said narrowing her eyes at me, "Okay okay sorry" I say throwing my hands up in the air and she nodded in satisfaction, such a cutie.

  Mason gets out of the car jogging towards me with a smile on his face I met him halfway and we hugged so tightly, swinging around we laughed with each other. "I missed you fatty girl, welcome home" I chuckled at him and slapped his chest playfully "No more fatty girl you can call me fish now" I said jokingly and he raised a brow "wow I see you are not affected by any nickname I give you, hmmmm interesting" he said putting his hand on his chin as if he's in deep thinking. "Yes I'm totally knew person" I said and he gave me one warm smile.

  Mira was staring at Mason so hard and I don't know why, Mason noticed that too "So you are the famous Mira" Mason said awkwardly and he shifted from one leg to another uncomfortably, aww he doesn't want me to see him afraid of something so small, I smiled to myself watching him.

  Suddenly Mira went over to him so fast that Mason stepped back and stumbled by his on foot and fell down on his butt, "what what wrong" he said as Mira nuzzled her face on Mason's right cheek "You are so handsome I want you for my self" Mira said which made me  burst out laughing at them. "Deniz, get her off me now" Mason shouted horror.

"Mira go inside" I told her and she huffed flaying towards me, she started to fade into small sparkles and got inside my necklace.

  "Sorry for that, she kept doing this for all the merman too, I was so embarrassed by her so please don't mind her" I told him smiling widely at him and he nodded his head. He got in his feet and then we started our journey towards my pack; aka The Black River pack.

I wonder how everyone is doing, I really muss them. "You can take a nap, we still have an hour until we reached our destination"
Mason informed and I glanced at him, he was looking forward to the road, when I first saw him I thought to myself that he didn't change I mean physically he didn't but the way he talks and move is little different, I think he did change after all. I took his advice and closed my eyes the last thing I remembered is the sunset before I let the sleep take over me.

"Wake up we are here" Mason said and I opened my eyes slowly to be met with Emily face. I squealed happily hugged her to me, she laughed and hugged me back. "I missed you so much" she said her voice cracked at the end.

I pulled back and saw her watery eyes "awww I'm not leaving you again don't make that beautiful face of yours like that" I said pinching her cheeks.

"Come with me we have to make up for this two years I missed, and tell me did you find I handsome merman for me" she said wiggling her eyebrows at the end. I chuckled as we walked towards her house, we are going to have a very good sleep over tonight.


I groaned as I opened my eyes, the sun is shining right on my eyes, I looked around me to see that we are in Emily's room with all snacks around us and the TV on.

"Wake up Emily, I need to go to the training and I need clothes" I said shaking her but she just mumbled something "what?" I aske and she turned to the other side adjusting the pillow "goresfcseetheclofgnvcset" she said and a hit her hard on the ass "wake up I don't have much time" I said and walked into the bathroom. "I said go and see what fits you in the closet" she yelled and I sighed as I brushed my teeth.

I finished cleaning my teeth and went to her closet and took random shirt with black leggings, that should do it. I changed my clothes and headed out side her house walking to the training field.

I saw beta Morgen and the pack warriors training with each others. Beta sam saw me first and he smiled widely, I remember when he used to train me and Zac every day after the training with warriors finished because we wanted to be the best and he did teach us alot and I see him as my father and he see me as his daughter, he don't have children and that why he still our beta.

"Deniz! is that you! I can't believe it when did you come back" he said and I ran towards him hugging him tightly.

"Yesterday Mason brought me here and went back to his pack" I answered his question and he nodded his head with a smile and soon everyone came to say hi. Zac, Oliver and Treaha all of them were happy to see me and I was happy to, finally I got to train with them again.

  "See you tomorrow" I waved at everyone as I walked to my house. I've already texted Emily telling her that I will sleep in my house today and she can come to sleep over but she said that her mom grounded her because she broke her mom favorite plate, I don't know what the big deal but my mom did the same thing to me in the past, she grounded me for a week over one plate!

  The house look very empty, its been two years since someone stayed in it, I mean its true that Emily did came once in a while to check everything but still no one actually lived here.

  I decided to clean the house because there is dust everywhere, when I finished I took a shower and then opened the TV, I watched the blacklist on netflix until I felt sleepy, I looked at the time and saw it's almost 10pm so I decided to sleep early today.

I headed upstairs to my bedroom and threw myself on the bed and closed my eyes letting the sleep consume me.

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