Chapter 9 : The party

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It's 6:00 PM now and Rose have just finished my makeup, "Rose we are already late, I look nice there is no need for final touch" I said to Rose as she kept asking me to sit down to let her do me a 'final touch' .

I looked at my reflection for the last time, the dress from earlier and the smoky eyeshadow made me a whole different person, Rose is such a talented girl, she look amazing in her red dress herself.

I heard a phone ring indicating a message have arrived and looked back where Rose is standing, she glanced up to me and then back to her phone typing something on it "It's Mason, he's asking when we are going down" she stated "let's go" I said and we walked out of the room.

  When we reached downstairs the place was a amazing although I planned with them the decorations, Jessy said that she's going to do some changes but from what I see it's a whole different place from what it's was supposed to be, the music is boosting loudly, there are blue and purple flashlights on the ceiling and a bar in the side, the couches had been removed but thankfully the karaoke stage is here and not out of our plan.

"Wow so beautiful" Mason said walking towards me "Thanks" I said and frowned, he never comment about how I look before "Not you fatty girl" he said and hugged Rose then pulled back to give her a kiss on the lips.

I rolled my eye, of course he is not talking about me.

"Mason don't be rude she look dazzling" Rose said hitting Mason playfully on the chest.

"Thank you Rose, I just wish my brother learns from you" I said grinning at Mason, "Okay okay she look beautiful but not as much as you do" he smiled at her and she blushed.

My ship just sailed, I looked at them with a smile tugged on my face.

'After fifteen minutes'

   "Where is Cara?" I asked because I need to give her her gift "she's dancing with Jen in the middle" Mason said pointing in their direction.

I looked over to where he pointed and turned around again to tell Rose to come with me but she was busy making out with my brother, I seriously feel like a third wheel now, I signed and walk towards the dance floor, I'll sit on the bar until Cara and Jen finish their dance, Jen is turning Cara around before catching her from behind and they swayed slowly, they look very cute together.

"Hey, what do you want to drink?" a familiar voice said behind me so I turned around to see the bartender "Levi!!" I said shocked "what are you doing here, aren't you the Delta of this pack? I mean there are a lot of other people who are more suitable for this position" I said not hidden my shocking tune and he chuckled loudly.

"Yes, but you don't know what kind of things happens when Jessy choose the bartender and plan a party" he said which made me think something happened in the last party they had.

"So what will you drink" he asked again "Soda" I said and he turned around and prepared the drink before handing me the glass.

The song has finished and the birthday cake arrived at the same time, everyone started to sing the happy birthday song so I walked towards them and sang with them too.

Rose and Mason came from behind and stood next to me, we all sang the birthday song together. Jen held Cara hands in his own "Happy birthday my love, I love so much and please know that without you I'm nothing, you are mine and I'm yours forever" Jen said kissing Cara on her forehead and all the pack members clapped, whistles and murmurs filled the room.

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