Chapter 23: My Deniz

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Leon POV:

Deniz twirled around and slowly her tail began to form she looked utterly beautiful but her smile vanished as she looked pale I rushed towards her she was drawing but I scoped her out of the waater and held her in my arms again.

"Deniz what have you done" the fairy squealed angry while I stood their dumbfounded not understanding what the hell is going on! Deniz was perfectly fine when we got in the water and fully relaxed.

"I forgot, Mira please make it stop" Deniz begged her eyes is closed tightly, her voice weak and her breaths are shallow, a wave of fear set inside of me, I can't lose her. Mira the fairy from before came closer but I growled warning her. "Do not come any closer" I said and her eyes widened "then consider yourself killing her" she bit back and I growled aggressively at her, how dare her say that, I opened my mouth to say something when Deniz screamed in pure pain "Hurry up" Deniz ask Mira again to do whatever she needs her to do she curled further more into a ball in my arms.

Mira looked at me and I nodded my head and looked away as I feel useless and ashamed, I'm the one who's supposed to help her, she's my mate and if I can't protect and give my mate what she needs then what for I'm alive?

Mira came over putting her hands on Deniz chest, she somehow faded into the necklace that Deniz always wear, a bright blue light erupted from Deniz chest and she shifted back to her human form.

Deniz breathes evened again and I sighed in relief, I hugged her tightly to my body and felt her weak arms surrounding me and her face planted on my chest. "What happened?" I asked her after very short moment not releasing her from my hug, I felt her shoulders drop down as she planted her face further more into my chest if that's even possible.

"I'm not supposed to shift to my mermaid form while in heat" she mumbled the words against my chest, I could feel her hot breaths against my skin and that made my lively aroused but I fight the growing feelings inside of me and block Kai from my mind because soon he will be so horny, I disgress these thoughts and focused on my mate. "Then why do it?" I asked putting my hand on her chin I tilted her head backwards to look at her in the eyes, she looked guilty and surprisingly embarrassed as her cheeks grew slightly pink, why would she be embarrassed?

She looked away avoiding my gaze and bit her lips "I wanted to- umm just like .. you know" she didn't continue what she was saying and that only made me more curious. "Wanted what?" I asked confused wanting an answer. "to .. to impress you" Deniz said and untangled herself from me, she turned around her back is now facing me. It took me a moment to comprehend what she said and when I did a grin played on my lips, of course she was embarrassed. I chuckled and swam to her, I hugged her again and now her back is pressed to my chest, I kissed her neck sucking the skin earning a low moan from Deniz I growled in response and instantly I'm hard down below. Her exposed neck didn't help as my desire to mark her grew stronger.

"Deniz" I breathe out and turned her around so I can see her face, and when I did I was greated with the most heart breaking thing ever. Deniz was crying, her face was bright red as she kept herself from making any noise. I'm sick worried now! guilt boiling inside of me I shouldn't have kissed her, now she's regretting our moments together.

"Deniz I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I prom-" she cut me off be bushing me back with her small hands. "No don't apologize, it's me not you, I don't deserves you" she said her voice is cracking down. What the hell is she talking about!

"Deniz what happened tell me honestly, there is nothing wrong with you" I grabbed her hand with mine but she shrugged it off.

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