Chapter 25: You asked for it

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Deniz POV:

We hit the road right after I finished breakfast. The trip to the mall took one hour since the mall is in the center of the human town. We reached the mall and Mason parked the car in the second raw. Although it's only 10:30 in the morning the mall looks crowded. It's look like Rose isn't the only one who suffers from shopaholic, I smiled at my thoughts.

As soon as we entered the mall Mason spoke up "I will wait for you guys in the restaurants courts" he said and Rose opened her mouth in disbelief "Mason" she called him and he turned around and looked at her "What! I don't want for my poor legs to get abused by you two" he said it like six years old child. "but Mason" she whined and gave him a puppy face like she was in the verge of tears. "No not the puppy face" Mason groaned "Okay you win little devil" Mason said kissing Rose cheeks.

"Good" Rose said and walked away tugging me with her leaving Mason behind like she wasn't just begging Mason to come with us.

After five hours.

"Please Rose I don't need anything else let's just get out of here" I begged her as Mason gave me a pity look. "Love" Mason called her as she was walking in front of us with multiple bags in her hands, not counting the bags that she forced Mason to carry. "Rose stop right now" Mason called her frustrations is clear in his voice. Rose twirled around coming into a halt, "Why are you angry with me" she pouted.

Mason walked away obviously doesn't want to talk to Rose whilst he's angry. "Deniz, I'll get him back really quickk stay here" Rose said and rushed after Mason. Not knowing what to do while waiting them I decided to go sit wall around a little bit more.

Deniz where are you? Leon mind linked me suddenly making me shiver with fear.

You scared me, I'm with Mason and Rose we are still in the mall I replied as I continue watching a small group of kids running out from kids store happy with what they just bought.

Come back to the pack right now he ordered me in his Alpha tone! something is wrong.

Leon what happened tell me I asked worry is eating me alive

I said come back now! take Mason and Rose and come back his voice boomed through the mind link anger is oozing out of it.

I shut the mind link and looked for Mason and Rose but the mall is so crowded it's hard to spot them, Calista can't you smell them? 'No there scent is mixed with the others it's hard to detect them'.

I started to panic, I ran everywhere and crashed with a lot of people but still didn't find them! I reached the Gate where we first entered and out of nowhere someone pulled me to the side and covered my mouth with a cloth, I screamed but my voice came out muffled, I kicked the person behind me in the guts and he let go of me. I turned around and punched him in the face. The bags were on the floor and I started to run leaving them behind me, when I got out of the mall I ran towards our car, the parking lot is empty and I regret my choice coming here but it's too late, someone has scooped me up, my feet not touching the street anymore. "good night" the man who scooped me whispered in my ears and a needle been injected into my neck roughly. I don't know what he had injected me with but it's for sure a very strong drug. I felt dizzy and my muscles relaxed quickly, I tried to resist the sleepy feeling but I couldn't and slowly my eyes closed.

Leon POV:

Mason and Rose came back about three hours ago, they wanted to talk to me but I refused to see them, I know if I did agree, I will definitely harm one of them. I got a message three hours ago from Alpha Dougles,

The sun will rise again and so is my legacy
When two units into one
it's the day when your mate bond will come to an end. Try to break what I have built and you mate will pay the bill.

I will fucking kill him as soon as I lay sight on him, he thinks that I will let him take my mate without a fight! He's so wrong and he played with the wrong Alpha. No ome tale what is mine and doesn't pay for his crime.

I have just come back from my searching but there is noth that can lead us to Deniz. It's like she vanished into the air. Kai is trying to contact Calista but she's not responding, they must have gave her something because I marked her and that's make our bond stronger that anyone else. An Alpha mark can give the Luna the ability to contact her mate from any where as long as they are at the same country. What if they kidnapped her to out of the country! I growled in frustration and flipped the table in front of me sending it flying to the wall. "Sam" I called him and he was in front of me within a second "Leon calm down" Sam tried to calm down, his eyes held sympathetic look and that's it I couldn't take it anymore


I growled angrily and shoved him to the wall behind him, he wasn't affected by my actions as he sighed and put an hand on my shoulder "I'm not saying don't worry I know it's not in your hands but we have to calm are self and think about where did they took her, I mean what are the places that they may have took her to. We have already visited their pack land but there is no one there and by the look of it you can see it's been abandoned long time ago" he said and I sat on the couch behind me rubbing my face with my palms. "I can't lose her, not again" I said and lifted my head looking at Sam who's standing before me. "Help me Sam, I can't lose her again I can't, she's my life, my soul, she's the breath that I take every day and without breathing how can I live?" I asked Sam and he crouched down putting an arm on my shoulder giving it a little squeeze "You won't lose her, we won't lose our Luna and we will find her very soon" he said with a very strong
determination in his voice. Yes I will take her back, She's Mine and only I can have her. If they want to start a war with me then let it be, they will get what they asked for, a war is what they will get.

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