Chapter 24: Safe Haven

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Deniz POV:

I felt his teeth skimming my neck where he's supposed to mark me, his canniness digged into my neck, I contained a hissed as I felt a wave of pain hit me but soon that turned into a pleasurable sensation, I felt myself like a jelly as a sudden wave of weakness hit me too, the feeling is unexplainable I felt like I'm in sky nine, he slowly pulled his teeth out of my neck making sure to not hurt me in the process, I sighed in content as he leaned back a little to look me in the eyes.

He is the most beautiful thing that ever happened to me yet I couldn't be the same for him, I can't give him a child, a child is what every Alpha wants, a child that can carry on his name, It's my job to bring a child into this world for him and I cannot do such a simple job!

"What wrong love?" Leon asked me worry is evident on his voice he tugged a strand of hair behind my ear and waiter for my answer. My heart skipped a beat and race faster, this is the first time he call me love, Calista purred in pleasure and I can feel her melting inside of my head. I looked again to Leon and he was still worried maybe a little bit more because I didn't give him an answer right away, I shook my head and leaned on his hard chest. "Everything will be fine, don't worry" he assured but I doubt that, I really doubt it will be fine.

"Can we get out of the water now?" I mumbled into his chest and he chuckled sending vibrations to me, "Aye aye, princess" he said it like a marine soldier and I giggled.

He carried me bridal style and jumped out of the water in inhuman jump, Leon looked at me briefly and took a deep breath and start walking, he is blocking his thoughts and emotions from me, not that I mind his need of privacy but right now I really wanted to know what he is thinking about and how does he feel about this whole situation I mean about the hybrid Alpha. I kept my head on his chest as he walked us into the mansion, we were dripping water all over the place but who care. We reached Leon's room and he opened the door with on hand as his other arm secured me tightly.

We walked in and he put me down, my hands were on his chest as we looked at each other eyes. Leon cleared his throat, "You can take shower first, or if you doesn't feel like taking a shower you can just change your clothes" he said and I nodded. I headed to the bathroom and began to take off my clothes, they felt like second skirt but I managed to take them off with little effort, I don't want to shower I'm feeling too tired to take a shower right now. I looked for my clothes and remembered that I didn't bring any and cursed under my breath.

I leaned my ear to the door and called Leon.
"Umm, Leon are you there?" I asked him and instantly he replied "yes love, is everything all right? do you feel dizzy?" he asked and I could feel his presence right before the door. I blushed as he called me Love again and shook my head. "Can you please bring me clothes? I forgot to bring any" I said and heared him sighed in relief and then a shuffling of feet around the room. He knocked the door after several minutes and I opened a small crack just enough to extend my arm out of it, he passed the clothes into my hand and I retreated my arm into the bathroom. It wasn't my clothes he gave me his shirt!

"Umm this is your shirt" I said from behind the door and heared him chuckle, "Yes I noticed" his voice held sarcasm and I rolled my eyes. "Can't you bring me My clothes" I empathize on my just to make sure that he bring my damn clothes. "No sorry you are stuck with mine, take it or leave it but to be honest I'll prefer if you leave it" he said and purred at the end. I felt my cheeks grow red as I tugged the shirt over my head, it smells like him and I melted on his scent, it made me feel safer and more closer to him. The shirt reached to the middle of my thighs, it's kinda short but better than being naked. "Come on, what is taking so long" Leon grumble knocking the door in the process.

I opened the door and met my gorgeous mate, he changed into light navy shirt and white shorts, his eyes immediately turned pitch black as his eyes landed on me, I gulped and walked past him towards the bed, I pulled the cover and went underneath it and looked at Leon. He was standing on the same spot facing me, he was rigid and I knew that he was having a fight inside of him, kai must be convincing him to something. Suddenly his eyes returned to normal blue and he gave me small smile. "How is your heat?" he asked and walked towards me, I scooped away giving him a space to join me in the bed and he laid down next to me so we are facing each other. "It's gone, this is my first heat so marking me solved the problem" I said and he hummed in response.

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