Chapter 26: I can't lose you, Mate

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Headache is what I've been feeling since I woke up, my neck hurts so much and my head feels heavy, I laid down on the bed because that's the only thing seems to soothe my pain. When I woke up I saw my self in a room without a window but rather than that's there is nothing wrong with it, the bed is king size, the walls are painted with light navy color, the room is so spacious with an attached bathroom. I tried to open the door but it was locked and I called for any possible person out there but there was no response so I laid back on the bed and stared at the ceiling.

I don't know where I'm and what will happen to me, whoever kidnapped me isn't going to keep me here forever but it's been nearly two hours since I woke up and no one came. It's not too hard to guess who took me, there is no doubt that Alpha Dougles's men took me and brought me here, all what I can do is to sit here and wait for what is to come.

Leon, he must have gone crazy by now, wait how I didn't think about that before! I tried to mind link Leon but I can't reach him, I tried again but I failed. Tears started to fog my vision, I don't want to stay away from him. I want him, I want my mate, I miss him so much and the loneliness is eating me alive by now. If they didn't took me probably I will be showing him what I had bought and he will probably get all possessive about my short dresses which I bought only to tease him.

The door opened revealing a young girl, she was holding a tray with food on it. She walked in and someone locked the door behind her. I sat on the bed watching her carefully she was bowing her head not looking at me. "Luna, I'm Sosan your personal assistant, here is your dinner, Alpha Dougles will be here shortly" she said with a very calm voice putting the tray on the table.

"Tell your Alpha that I don't need his food, if he want to do something useful let him bring his ugly face down here" I said making her lifts her head up in surprise "You are my Luna but I can't deliver your message, unfortunately you'll have to wait for him and tell him that yourself"

I stood up on my feet "I'm not a Luna of yours" I growled and she took a step back eyeing me with fear. "Excuse me" she bowed her head and walked to the door, she knocked the door and its open for her, I wanted to take that chance and get out of this room but the door closed as quickly as it opened and Sosan was out of my sight.

My eyes landed on the tray and I flipped it off the table causing it to fly and crash on the wall. I sat of the bed resting my head on my hands. I sighed and run a hand through my hair, I can't take it anymore, I need answers.

There was a click sound indicating that someone is gonna come in. I stood up this time ready to get out of here. The door opened revealing a man with strong aurora oozing from him.

He has to be an Alpha and I can guess who is he, he must be Alpha Dougles. He glanced at the tray and the food on the floor and back to me "I can see you didn't like our food here, did you?" he asked with a smug smile on his face. "I don't want anything from you baster" I said and he started chuckling evilly.

"Your father didn't teach you to respect Whom are older than you, such a shame that I'll have to teach you myself" as soon as these words came out of his filthy mouth I remembered my father when we were young, he would always teach us how to be respectful and great people when we grow up.

"How dare you talk about my dad, you murderer" I said and he laugh again I couldn't take it anymore and I walked towards him and punched his face, he is a strong Alpha, my push didn't affect him but it will leave a bruise, unfortunately my poor fist is killing me right now, I winced and saw my knuckles bleeding. Alpha Dougles eyes turned yellow, his wolf took control. He grabbed my hair with his left hand and straight me up and with his right hand he started to choke me.

He lifted me in the air growling at me "Look here mut, I didn't come here to chat with you, I came here to tell you that within three days the full moon will come and you will mate with my son and if you tried to mess up the organization you will lose not us" I couldn't breath, his hand was tightening around my neck with every word he said, my necklace started to glow, Mira is about to come out 'Mira don't go out, I can't let them know about you' she must stay hidden from them and thankfully she listened to me. I felt the air being stolen from me, I was struggling in his hand trying to remove his fist from my neck but I couldn't. I started to see black dots when his hand loosened up and he freed me only to drop me on the floor.

"Xaiver" Alpha Dougles voice seemed far away from me, I was coughing uncontrollably gasping for air at the same time, Someone was standing by the door, a tall muscular man was saying something to Alpha Dougles, they were fighting but I couldn't recognize what they were saying. The whole air in this room was not enough for me, the dots were getting bigger and I couldn't see anything else but black. The two men stopped fighting and someone took me gently in their arms and placed me on the bed. "Please be okay, I have just found you, I can't lose you, Mate" the voice whispered in my ear and that's the last thing I heard before I fell in a deep sleep.

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