Chapter 2 : Stay Away

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Deniz POV:

     My heart was beating very fast to the point it start to hurt, 'My Mate' grabbed my arm aggressively making me take a step backward in terror instead of feeling the little sparkles that mates always talk about.

His eyes softened when he realized that I'm afraid of him and he sighed " Saty away from me and you will be safe".

My heart went from beating so fast to nearly beating at all and my wolf whimper in pain "Its the best for both of us, forget that you saw me today, if you want to live in peace just forget me" and just by that he released my arm and disappeared in the crowd.

      My eyes stung and a single tear left my eye. I collapse on the ground, suddenly remembering what my father said to me when I was young

' dad what does mates do and when I'm going to find my mate? and what if he doesn't like me because I'm hybrid? I rushed to dad after one of my classmates told me about mates. My dad just chuckled and shaked his head "sweety slow down, First of all, about the mates they love, take care of each other's and they die for each other's. Secondly you never know when you will find your mate but most of werewolf find their mates at 18 years old and finally for the most important question your mate will fall in love with you as soon as he lay his eyes on you. You are gorgeous, beautiful, stunning with the most kind heart a werewolf could hear of, mates made for each other they complete each other's he will love you the way you are." I beamed at my father and hugged him tightly'.

     "dad, my mate, he doesn't want me, why didn't you take me with you to the land where good people lay on the ground but their memories lives in our hearts, I miss you ".

I whisper to myself and get up. I start walking towards my house. I went straight to my room and cried my eyes out until I fell in a deep deep sleep.


       The next morning I wake up to my brother Mason slamming the door open and I groan.   

" ahh Mason close the door and close the lights" why I can't sleep in this house. "sorry princess Alpha Jasper wants the best pack worries in a emergency meeting" I shut my eyes open "Why? what happened?" I asked as I get off of the bed heading to my bathroom.

" Well he didn't say anything that why he called the meeting " he says in daaah voice " get ready and come to the training field everyone is heading there" he says and went to the training field.

      I finished my bath quickly and and brushed my teeth before heading straight to the the training field. "Hey Mason what did I miss?" I asked worriedly.

" Nothing the alpha is about to start the meeting" he replied, I sighed relief. Alpha Jasper steps on the stage " I have gathered you today to tell you that Black River pack signed an Alliance Agreement with the Black Moon pack, to show our truthfulness we are going to exchange pack warriors to benefit from each other experiences and training methods and in exchange they will sends their warriors too "

his voice booms through the training field. The Black Moon pack want us as allies! they are one of the strongest packs ever, there Alpha is known to be the most dangerous with no mercy Alpha ever is it wise to be their ally? I thought to myself.

      "Now you may go to your homes, say goodbye to your loved one and pack your things, you'll leave at 7:00 pm". and that what we did.

     I head straight Emily house and knocked the door since I forgot my phone at home. She open the door and strangled me with deadly hug " Deniz!! what happened yesterday I went to the party and searched for you for like two hours until I found Mason and he told me that he thinks that you headed home so we went to check on you and thankfully you were sleeping but still you made me feel sick for you and my plans for your birthday had to be on hold and I didn't even had a chance to give you your gift ughhh I wanted to do alot of things"

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