Chapter 14 : It's your choice

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  I opened my eyes and glanced at the clock to see that it's only 6:00 am, I groaned because I woke up before the alarm, I closed my eyes again in attempt to go back to sleep but it look like that's not going to happen anytime soon. so I got out of the bed to the bathroom, I took my time washing my hair and cleaning my body, I let the hot water relax me before I closed the tap and wrapped a towel around me.

  I let my hair to dry naturally and grabbed a light blue T-shirt and short jeans I decided to go and give Emily a visit so I left my room and headed downstairs to the front door, before I was able to open the door, someone knocked on it. I farrowed my eyebrows in confusion, who would it be this early in the morning!

  I opened the door to be met with beta Morgen! "Good morning" he greeted smiling at me, "Good morning, come on in I'll make us coffee" I invited him but he shakes his head.

"The Alpha is waiting for us, you have a visitor" he state and I frowned "Who?" I asked him because honestly it's a little weird, if someone wants to see me then why not to come to me directly? he sighed before saying "You will see".

He didn't give me a chance to ask any more questions as he walked heading as I assume towards the pack house so I followed him silently.

What if the visitor is Alpha Leon! I thought to myself as we walked to the pack house, I shook my head because it can't be, I told Mason to not tell anyone about me coming back and I trust that he didn't tell. I guess I have to wait and see.

  We enter the pack house and I waved my hand to a couple of familiar faces, they mouthed 'welcome back' earning a 'thank you' from me. We reach the Alpha office, beta Morgen knock the door and we heard 'come on in" in response.

  The door opened revealing the Alpha and unfortunately my mate, I looked at him and to say that I wasn't affected by him would be a lie. It took all of my power to keep Calista from coming to the surface and jump on our mate after not seeing him for two years. He was wearing a tight navy shirt making his muscular upper body on display, and a blue jeans with Nike shoes. I didn't realize that I was starting at him until I heard a throat being cleared, I snapped out of 'me checking my mate out' and looked over the Alpha with apologizing look.

  "Deniz, sit down please" Alpha Jasper told me gesturing at the seat in front of Leon, nodding I walked towards them and sits down. I just realized that beta Morgen had left meaning that it's just the three of us.

  "I didn't know that your mate is Alpha Leon from the Black Moon Pack until now, congratulations, with your skills and all I think that you'll be a great Luna" Alpha Jasper said after a couple of silent minutes breaking the tenss atmosphere. "I bet she will" is what came out of Leon as he looked at me with a smirk plastered on his face. I feel like punching him now.

I ignored his little comment and looked over to Alpha Jasper "Thank you very much but I'm not going to be a Luna" I stated the obvious earning a low growl from Leon. Alpha Jasper signed standing up "I'll give you some privacy" he said and walked out of his office. Although I bleeded him with my eyes to not leave but he just gave me thumb up. Alpha Jasper is so nice with all of the pack members we all knew him from high school so he's friendly with us.

"I'm not going with you" I said as soon as the door closed, there is no way that I'm going back to his pack not to live with his bipolar personality.

Leon raised his eyebrows, standing up he started stalking towards me, I got a little nervous as he came closer and closer in every step he take. he leaned down putting both of his hands on the couch I'm sitting at caging me between them. his face was inches away from mine and I can feel the hot air fanning my face or lips to be exact as he talk.

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