Chapter 12 : Good bye

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Deniz POV:

I feel very peaceful as if I'm in heaven and my body feel very light as if I was floating on the surface of the sea, there is a sound of something beeping which disturbed my peace. I peeled my eyes open to be meet with my mom sleeping figure next to me in .. in a hospital bed! The reality hits me and I looked around and saw that I'm not in my imaginary heaven I'm in the hospital room but why? I can't really remember what happened and why mom is here? I felt something warm on my neck and I saw my necklace is glowing blue. Everything rushed back to me, the party, the kiss, the rogues and me shifting to my mermaid form which lead to founding my superpower suddenly the devices around me start to beeping quickly matching my heart beats, my mom jolted up as the nurses rushed in and one of them held my hands comforting me "Calm down you are safe now" she said and I swallowed loudly "What's wrong?" my mom asked the nurses while they were busy checking whatever they have to check. "Everything is under control we think that she was overwhelmed and that's it, you don't have to worry" one of the nurses said to my mom before she look to me "You well be discharged after several hours until we make sure that you are healthy enough to go" she said smiling at me and I node. All of the nurses went out of the room and it's just me and mom now. Seeing her in front of me like this made me realize how I missed her and how guilty I feel, I  should've talked to her before but I didn't, "I'm so sorry mom that I didn't call you at least once these past days" I said to and my voice sounded husky and dry, she shook her head "Sweetheart you don't have to apologize I know that I'm in your mind even if you don't talk to me" she said hold my hands in hers while squeezing them gently, I smiled at her and we sat in comfortable silence after she gave me a cup of water. A knock on the door made both of us look to that direction "Come in" my mom said to whom ever behind the door. The last person that I would want to see appeared from behind the door, Leon enter the room and walked towards me, he didn't even say hi to mom, I didn't like it and I didn't forgot about the kiss he shared with Camila so if he thinks that I'm going to talk to him he's wrong even if he placed his life in danger in order to protect me, it's the least he could do for me and that is that I don't own him anything in return.

"how do you feel?" he asked me while holding my hand but I pulled my hand from his grasp and put it under the blanket, I looked away from him to the other direction where mom was sitting she looked at me and gave me a confused look but I closed my eyes hoping she will drop it for now. "I will get some tea" my mom said leaning the room which made me curse under my breath now I'm alone with my supposed to be mate.

Leon sighed loudly, "Deniz I'm here to tell you that you need to head back to your pack with your mom, It's too dangerous for you here" He said in monotone which made me look at him, his face is emotionless he was looking at me as if I'm nothing to him, I laughed so loudly but it held no humor. "Don't worry I'm not going to be a burden on you" I said bitterly and looked away again. "That's not what I me.." before he finished his sentence "Leave" I cut him off "Deniz" Leon said his voice seemed inpatient "I said leave now" I yelled and cover my head unded the blanket. I heard him sighed again and then I heard the door opened and closed again. I removed the blanket from above me and felt the tears streaming down my face I wiped the quickly "Don't cry, don't cry" I kept repeating this until my mom came back when she saw my status she rushed over to me and I hugged her so tightly but she didn't mind at all, I really missed my mom and Emily "I want to go home" I said to mom while I was still embracing her and she nodded slowly in return. "Anything you want" she said and pulled back she gave me one of her beautiful smiles which I returned with one of my own.

It's been two hours since Leon came to visit and yes I'm not calling him an Alpha he's not superior than me and for sure he's not my Alpha. It hits my just now but how I'm back to my human form while the last thing I remember that I blocked out in my mermaid form. "Mom do you know how I shifted back to my human form?" I asked her because she already told me that Mason told her what happened to me but he left because he have a training session to attend. "Um, actually I wanted to talk to you about that when you're out of the hospital but since you asked I have no other choice, When your mate brought you.." I interrupt her by saying "You know about my mate!" I feel ashamed that she didn't hear it from me I wanted to tell her myself, she smiled at me and nodded her head "I'm sorry mom, I really wanted to tell you myself but it was complicated, I'll tell you everything when we go home" I said and she smiled taking my hands in her own "don't worry honey I'm not upset with you" she said and I lowered my head in shame, my mom always know what was in my mind even before I say it. "As I was saying, when your mate brought you he didn't brought you to the hospital he took you to his house and I think he mind linked his doctors because he when I first visited you we were in his house not here actually they brought you here about six hours ago you were sleeping since yesterday" she started to explain and my eyes widened as she speak, I'm out for a day! and I didn't know that Leon have a house other than the pack house "anyway because they didn't know what to do with you in your mermaid form they were helpless and lost so they called Mason which in his turn called me, I was so worried about you I didn't even know how I made it to this pack, however I used my healing power to let you shift to your human form you know that my power is to either to heal or to make thing go back to their original state" she said and I nodded my head in response "After that the doctors said that it will be better to take you to the hospital where the equipment is more advanced and all, your mate wasn't very happy but eventually he agreed" she said and I nodded slowly while taking in all what she said "and by the way he's very handsomen" she said the last part wiggling her eyebrows, ohh mom if only you knew , I ignored her comment about Leon before saying

"Thank you mom I don't know what I'll do if it wasn't for you, and I'm sorry for making you worried" I say sincerely as I observe her, she held a smile on her face like always, a very warm smile that melt your heart. "I met Mason's mate" my mom said and I smiled widely "You did! did you liked her?" I asked her, excitement is taking over me and she nodded her head " She's very nice and polite I really liked her and I know that she's your mate sister" she said and the only thing that I say in return is an "Ohh", "Mason is happy with her and that what matters" she added "I really like her we are friends now, she will make Mason happy I know that" I said as Mason enters the room " As soon as you wake up all you got to say to my mom is Mason's life leave my personal life alone fatty girl" he said jokingly and I rolled my eyes at his childish behavior. "We can leave now I asked the doctor and he said that it's okay for you to leave" he informed us "How come you always say the important things last" I groaned while removing the blanket and standing up on my feet but they felt like jelly "Easy girl" Mason rushed to me before I fell down on my face. "Thank you" I said as I went to the attached bathroom to change my clothes, I'm sick of being in hospital so I change quickly and head out.

  "Deniz can you sit down for a moment I want to talk to you" she motioned me to sit next to her "you too Mason" she added, both of us looked at each other in confusion but said nothing. we waited for mom to speak, "For long time I wanted to visit your grandparents and I was thinking of staying with them back in my home land after your dad passed away but I couldn't since you two were too young" she paused and held our hands " Now both of you found your mates and I really feel home sick so I decided that I will leave the pack and head there to stay forever" she said with her eyes full of tears "Mom" I wanted to say something but I'm too shocked to, "You've been taking care of us for long time and I totally support you with any decision you make, if you want to live back in the sea no one will stop you but you'll have to promise me that you'll come to visit" Mason said and hugged her side way my mom smiled within her tears mumbling 'I promise' she looked at me waiting for what I have to say. I agree with Mason but I have something else in mind "Mom I want to go with you" I said and both mom and Mason eyes opened widely so I continued "Mom I will explain everything later and Mason you know how it is with my mate I don't want to be here and I want to learn how to control my powers" my mom frowned at me before sighing "Honey, you may think it's easy to leave your mate but it's not, he's your other half and what will you do in full moon days? it will be hard believe me" with that I couldn't take it anymore, my tears came out of my eyes like rivers Mason got up quickly and placed his hand on my shoulder while my mom engulfed me with a very tight hug, "I can't stay here, it's hurt please mom take me with you" I bleed trying to get my mom to take me with her "Shhh everything will be Okay I'll take you with me don't worry" I nodded my head against her shoulder, Mason was drawing circles on my back in attempt to comfort me. I pulled out from the hug and wiped my tears away, "Let's go" Mason said and all of us walked out of the room then out of the hospital heading towards the pack house to pack my bags.

  -After one hour-

  "Are you ready?" Mason asked me leaning on the door with Rose by his side, I nodded my head at him "Good let's get going" Mason said and I walked up to him. "Deniz please think again, what about your promise to fix my brother" Rose said holding my hands in hers, I frowned and hugged her "I'll miss you Rose, and I'm sorry but maybe I'm not the person who'll change your brother" she scoffed and pulled away from the hug "You're his mate, you are the perfect person for the mission" she said jokingly but I knew better she really meant it, I smiled at her and she sighed in response. We walked out of the pack house to the car where my mom is waiting for me.
  I was about to get in when someone placed their hand on my shoulder I turned around to looked at him/her and saw Mason I kind of felt disappointed, even though I made my choice I'm still waiting for 'him' to come to say at least goodbye. Mason saw my disappointment and as if he knew what I was thinking of he gave me a pity look but pulled me into his chest for a very warm hug "You know that I want to go with you guys but I have Rose now plus I can't live under the water like you two or otherwise I won't leave your side no matter what" he mumbled into my hair and I nodded slowly against his chest with my watry eyes. he kissed my head and let go of me. I stepped into the car and sat next to my mom in the passenger seat she started the car and drive back to our pack to get her things and from there we will go to the sea. I watch the pack house getting smaller and smaller as we drove away and I mumbled a good bye sadly to the one person who will be very happy that I left, good bye my other half who will never be really mine.

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