Chapter 22: Annoying fairy

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As I reached the house, Deniz necklace started to glow a furious blue I ignored it and rushed inside the house and into my bedroom, I placed Deniz gently on the bed but she whimpered and clutched my shirt "shh you'll be okay" I assure her but she shook her head. "Please don't go" she begged panting heavily of course I laid down next to her immediately and wrapped my arms around her, she is burning up and that's worrying me too much I'm trying to keep myself calm but Kai isn't helping at all.

I know that I have to mark her to make the heat go away but I can't without her permission it will only complicate things, am not sure if it's okay with Deniz for me to mark he as we didn't reach that stage in our relationship.

I sighed in frustration and run my hand through my hair.

Deniz is now snuggling closer to me, her face is buried on the crock of my neck, although I'm enjoying it, I know that she's not doing this consciously

Knock knock knock

"Come in" I said and dr. Roy statham the pack doctor appeared from behind the door. I placed Deniz head on the pillow and sat up and stood up off the bed. Deniz curled into a ball and started to whimper.

"Alpha you have to be next to her and hold her, her wolf is very sensitive right now" I nodded my head and sat down again and took Deniz onto my lap she was a sweating and moaning mess . "Please do something" I said looking at the doctor Roy, he was busy wearing his stethoscope. He walked closer to us and I turned Deniz body towards dr.Roy so he can do whatever he had to do, but when the stethoscope touched Deniz skin she yelled in pain and her nails digged into my chest as she was trying to hold me tight. "What's wrong, what happened?" I asked my voice is weak and I don't care if I sound weak to one of the pack members, Deniz health is much important now. Dr. Roy took off his stethoscope and shook his head.

"I wanted to make sure if it's heat or not but unfortunately she's going through heat and there is nothing we can do because the only thing can make it disappear is a mark, if not the hear will not go until after three weeks" he said and looked me in the eyes, his eyes spoke what he couldn't say, I know he's not saying it because I'm his Alpha, I must mark her soon.

"I'll give her tranquilizer and pain killers so she can sleep and rest but it won't be long until she'll wake up again, if anything happens just give me a call and I'll be right here" He said and gave me the medicines, he walked towards the door but stopped before he exit "One more thing, her scent is too strong you have to keep her in the house or else unmated wolfs will come after her, her wolf is doing this to for you to mark her, you have to take care of this before anything bad happens, she will be awake after 24 hours." He said and walked out of the room.

I gave Deniz her medicines and sat down next to her as she went into a deep sleep, she was laying down, her head on my lap and one of her arms is around my waist as the other rested next to her body.

I clenched my hands into fist as anger was boiling inside of me, I will kill anyone who thinks of come near her, I have to mark her soon, I have to but how? I don't know what to do! what if I marked her and then she says she doesn't want to be marked? I rest my head in my hands and sighed I can't forcefully make her mine.

"I don't know why she likes you" a small voice said from somewhere near me. I looked around quickly but there was no one!

"I'm right here you idiot" a small flying thing came in front of me. I growled and wrapped one of my arms around Deniz and with the other I snatched the little flying thing.

"Ahh let go of me you dirty wolf" the thing cry in pain but I didn't let go instead I squeezed it harder.

"What the hell are you? Who sent you?" I questioned and the thing kept wiggling trying to break free. "Answer me!" I growled angrily.

"Ahh let go, no one sent me I'm Deniz's sea fairy" the fairy punched my arm but of course it didn't affect me. Deniz sea fairy what the hell is she talking about, I don't know but there is something weird about her, he scent is so close to Deniz scent, not the same but so close, it won't hurt if I let her go she's so small anyway. I released her hoping to not regret that.

The fairy looked at me and then at Deniz, I looked closely at her, if she did one thing wrong I'll squash her.

"I'm going to touch her, don't go stupidly protective" the fairy said with a bored look in her eyes.

I know I'm supposed to be angry with her disrespect behavior but it reminded me of Deniz and it made me feel really sad that she's not the one who's telling me this, of course I don't want her to tell me 'don't go stupidly protective' but at this point I accept anything from her, I sighed allowing the sadness to sinks into my heart. 'iyi ol güzelim' the fairy said as her tiny hand restes on Deniz foreheads, she was flying around her, I couldn't understand what did she just said and I didn't like it and to make it worse, Deniz groaned in pain as she started panting heavily again, he arm around my waist tightening ever so slightly.

"WHAT HAVE YOU DONE " I growled at the fairy and grabbed her, she was now trapped in my fist. "Don't hurt her please" Deniz said panting as she pushed herself up in a sitting position, I released the fairy to be able to feel Deniz skin against mine as I caresses her cheeks with my hands. "Go to sleep you need to rest" I ordered her for the best but she shook her head, her face was red from the heat, I can hear her fast heartbeat and her sweaty palms on my thighs that she used to steady herself, her gaze looked unfocused as she hardly opened her eyes.

"We have to gets you into the water" the fairy said and Deniz nodded as she released a faint painful moan making me release a deep angry growl, I'm angry at myself for not soothing Deniz and angry at the fairy as she suggested the stupidest thing ever.

"She's not going anywhere, I can't risk her safety around unmated wolves" I said sternly. The fairy rolled her eyes but I ignored her and looked at Deniz, she was a hot mess, and that broke my heart.

"Deniz do you really need to be in water?" I asked her to confirm what the little untrustworthy fairy said and Deniz nodded her head while she buried her face on the crock of my neck. "Please make it stop, the pain is killing me" she whispered against my neck, her voice broke at the end and that was it.

I scooped her up and wrapped my arms securely around her, I mind linked Sam telling him to order the unmated wolves to stay away from the mansion and the pack house.

I walked out of my bedroom and walked downstairs, Deniz kept panting against my neck and that turned me on, I'm hardly keeping kai under control, her scent was enough to make both of me and my wolf to go crazy and now with her in this state I don't know if I can hold him down any longer but I have to or else kai will mark her in spot making her officially ours.

I walked out of the house and towards the backyard, I have a big pool although I don't really like to swim but I build it because of Deniz, I wanted her to be able to swim whenever she wanted, and that was of course after she left.

I reached the poolside but stopped on my trace, how I'm supposed to let her in, what if she was to weak to swim, and as if reading my thoughts the fairy spoke up. "Why don't you go in the water with her, you won't worry if she was on your hands" she said flying around me and Deniz, I took on her idea and went in the water with Deniz. The cold water made me shiver but it seems that Deniz is cool with that, as her face softened and her her harsh panting decreased. I was standing in the middle of the pool with Deniz on my arms.

Deniz breaths becomes even as she now looked and felt relaxed on my arms, she opened her eyes and smiled at me, a smile that took me to the seventh sky her beautiful green eyes were captivating and I couldn't feel any happier to look at her beautiful features.

she slipped out of my arms and swam away from me, and believe when I say I couldn't bare myself without feeling her skin against mine, I walked closer to her as my feet touched the base of the pool, it wasn't that deep but for Deniz it apparently is, she was floating around the pool swimming happily and I was swimming after as a lost puppy or in this case a a small duck following his mommy.

She turned around and grinned, I gave her an amused look "Look at this" she said and what I saw was the most amazing thing I've ever seen!

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