Chapter 11: A Mermaid

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Leon POV:

   The sun rising in the horizontal in front of me, It's 7:00 AM, and I couldn't sleep, not without explaining what happened to Deniz.
I went to the dining room since the breakfast is supposed to be set in any minute now, The cook saw me and bowed her head before asking "You are early today, do you want specific order to eat? I can cook anything you desire" she offered obviously she's nervous, not really sure what to do with me alone in the dining room. "Thank you, there is no need to such a thing, I'll eat whatever is there" I replied smiling at her and she nodded her head before leaving the dining room. Warriors started to arrive but not Deniz, everyone settled on and started eating. Deniz chair is empty, I kept looking to the entrance of the dining room from one minute to another but she make no appear. "She's not in her room Alpha, apparently she's out" William said without looking at me, I glanced at him and clinched my fist, I'm her mate and didn't even think of crossing her privacy limits. He noticed my hands before commenting "Rose told me after I asked her about Deniz" he said grinning a little, I'll deal with him later, right now I need to find my mate. I stand up excusing myself out.

I went outside and tracked down her scent which leads me to the forest and I started to smell another scent, one that don't belong to our pack, a rogue!

-before 10 minutes-

Deniz POV:

I took off my clothes after getting behind a tree and shifted, Calista is depressed, she is not talking to me, not that she's angry with me or anything but she just isolated herself from everything, she believed that our mate loved us and now she saw his real face. I run into the woods letting the air play with my fur it's a refreshing feeling that always makes me feel happy but right now I feel numb I don't even spill tears, I don't know how long I've been running so I decided to rest for a while. I sat down under a tree shadow and closed my eyes and concentrate on the nature sounds arounds me.

Since I'm kind of not connected to Calista right now I feel tired more quickly than I normally do, so I decided to shift back to my human form, I tugged my clothes on and pulled my hair out of my shirt, I heard a branch breaking, now I'm full alerted to any kind of danger, I looked around but nothing changed so I relaxed and released a long breath suddenly from between the bushes a brown rogue jumped out. It growls at me dangerously, It stalked slowly towards me and jumped I quickly move out of his way and take a run, he's much bigger than me and I'm tired there is no way that Calista will be able to take him down but she's not even responding to me!

I can't mind links Mason or anyone else from my pack since we are out of our pack and I'm far away from them! I have to find another way out. I can smell and hear the sea and I thought that's it my only way out.

     Being half mermaid gave me the ability of breathing under the water but not for too long because I'm not a full mermaid yet, However I ran towards the sea. I hear the rogue howling behind me and fear paralyzed me I don't know how long my legs will carry me. I reached the beach and jumped into the water, the rogue stay out of the water but doesn't retreat his path. I'm tired, Calista isn't responding to me and I can't contact anyone. I swam further more into the ocean when the rogue started to walk towards me.

Suddenly a black wolf jumped out from between trees, the sent of wood and blackberries filled the atmosphere. Alpha Leon Black big wolf jumped on the back of the rogue, biting his neck, he killed the rogue and spitting the flesh from his mouth and the body lay still on the ground. he noded his head to me I didn't have choice but to go to him so I started to swim towards him but before I reached the shore, five more rogue jumped out of nowhere and circles around him. Alpha Leon growled at them aggressively but they show no signs of fear. The jumped on his back some of them biting his paws and tail. I hear Alpha Leon growling, wincing and wincing out of pain all at once, he killed two of them but the rest were on top of him giving him no chance to defend himself.

    My heart squeezed by hearing him like this and I can feel his pain through our 'weak' mate bond. I want to do something, anything. "Command me" a voice say and I looked around me but there was no one around, it was more like whispering, " I'll do whatever you say, just command me" I don't know what is it but something inside me seems sparkling, the necklace my mom gave me is shining blue and I get it now, it's my superpowers I looked at Alpha Leon he was still struggling with the rogues I screamed my lungs out panicked when I saw one of the rogues biting Alpha Leon neck "Kill all the rogues " I said and slowly the water raised with me riding it, I shifted to my mermaid form but not intentionally, I extended my arms and waved it across the rogues in front of me.

Waves rushed over towards Alpha Leon and the rogues and when it retreated to the sea all the rogues were taking into it leaving only Alpha Leon in the shore. He stand up shaking his fur since he got wet and stalks towards me.

The big wave that was holding me goes down leaving me floating, I move my tail slowly figuring out how to swim to the shore and I successfully swim towards Apla Leon. Even in his wolf form I can feel him surprised. he take a step back not sure of what am I, but then stalked again towards me. I feel tired, very tired and slowly I feel myself fainting, I reached the shore and lay my head on the sands. Alpha Leon shifted back and gently put his arms under my tail and my back he carried me into the forest, although he's naked and me too, I can worry about that later, right now I need to sleep, I closed my eyes tiredly, "Deniz don't sleep" Alpha Leon said and I opened my eyes looking at him. his face is so beautiful, the sun light beams behind him forming a beautiful view for my eyes to watch, I remembered his shared kiss with Camila and a single tear spilled over my cheeks, I put my hand on his cheek and smiled weakly "Why?" I asked, my words are the last thing I hear before I close my eyes again drifting slowly to a deep sleep.

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