Chapter 15: Luna

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Leon POV:

I've already mind linked my pack telling them that I'm coming home with their Luna by my side. They all cheered and congratulate me for finally finding her after all this time.

I just hope that Deniz wouldn't mind me telling them because we just arrived and the whole pack were waiting for us and that is something I didn't plan for.

I know threatening her isn't the best idea to win her back but when she said that she's not coming with me my wolf 'Kai' didn't want to take any chances on losing her again, he was on the edge for the last two years and if I wasn't an Alpha I'm positive that he would have isolated himself from me but he knew better.

He was so angry and furious with me because I'm the reason why our mate left and he's not wrong about that.

Now there's no reason for us to not be together, I have eliminated every possible danger that would have caused let's say problems for her. In the past it was too dangerous but now I'm welling to take her in, by my side and within my wings, where I can keep her safe. She needs to know how much I love her and how much she means to me.

Deniz POV:

We have just arrived to the pack and for my surprise the whole pack members are gathered awaiting our arrival. We got out of the vehicle and some of the members walked towards us as we were already walking towards the pack house and this situation is making me feel super uncomfortable.

All the pack members bowed their head and I thought that it's natural because they are bowing their head to their Alpha but what happened next caught me off guard.

"Welcome home Luna" they are said at once. My back stiffen involuntary and a wave of satisfaction hits me, I felt like this is the right thing to happen and even though it made me uncomfortable it's surprising that I felt it's natural.

I looked at Leon from the corner of my eyes and he held what seems like a proud smile on his face. I nodded my answer at them and they separated for us to walk in.

I squealed as I saw Rose and Mason coming out of the pack house I run over and hugged them bith at the same time wrapping my arms around each of their shoulders.

"I missed you so much, you can't imagine how it's sucks here with your brother being not fun at all" Rose said against my shoulder and pulled back. "You didn't say that yesterday when you were screaming my-" Mason didn't get to finish his sentence as Rose put her hand over his mouth, her cheeks are now red with embarrassment and I was confused for a moment before I got what was going on, my own cheeks went to a furious red "You fealty dogs, I regret coming back from now" I said as I turned around to avoid the making out session in front of me as Mason and Rose kissed each other like they didn't see each other for days.

I smiled widely as I saw William watching us from a distance, I walked fast towards him and jumped at him, he hugged me tightly as he chuckled at me.

Two arms appeared from nowhere as they ripped me out from William's arms into a hard chest. Leon let out a possessive growl and secured my tightly to the point I thought that he wanted me inside his chest away from any male eyes and he probably wanted to.

I gave him a death glare as I didn't want to say something disrespectful in front of the whole pack, it true that I'm mad at him but that doesn't mean that I will disrespect him and doubt his superiority over me and the pack members, he released me muttering something that I couldn't hear.

"Luna, its wonderful seeing you her among us again" William spoke and a frown tugged onto my face, he was being formal and I knew that it's because he didn't want to irritate his Alpha farther more so I kept quite about that but the whole Luna thing is picking on my nerves.

"Please just call me Deniz" I said and turned to face the whole members, at least the ones that were present "In fact all of you, I will appreciate it if  you just called me by my name" I said and all of the heads turned to look to their Alpha

they were asking him for permission which he nodded his approval, I likes it, I liked it when he was in control it makes me feel proud in anusual way.

I smiled at them and when I made an attempt to go to the pack house Leon wrapped his arm around my waist scouting me closer to him earning a huff from me, I caught him grinning before he masked it and then he spoke

"Tomorrow we will held the acceptance ceremony of our Luna, and from now on I will be living with her in the Alpha mansion, if anyone of you had an emergency he or she can come to talk to us freely" he announced and my eyes widened at his announcement. he started walking tugging me with him to what I assume is to the Alpha mansion, this is getting out of hand I need to do something I just have to.

It didn't take long for us to arrive to the to Alpha mansion and as soon as we entered I untangled myself from his grasp and turned to look at him, if he thinks that this is going to be so easy, boy he was wrong.

hi guys, I hope that you are enjoying the story I'm trying to improve my writing and I would really appreciate it if you comment your opinions ☺️💙

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