Chapter 20: Hidden past

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Deniz POV:

I was walking towards a big stage like a meter away with Rose next to me. I saw Leon standing on the stage smiling at me and I couldn't stop thinking about what Rose told me.

"Hey your house looks fantastic and cozy I really like it, no I love it" I said to Rose after she showed me around. she had just finished my make up and started to curle my hair. she smiled to me "I'm glad you like it, we looked around the stores for like three months to get all the furniture" she explained while taking another strand of my hair. We sat silent for minutes and I couldn't stop myself from asking the one question that was on my mind from the moment I saw Leon on Aloha Jasper office.

"Hey Rose can I ask you a question?" I asked her playing with my red beautiful dress, she hummed her answer and I bite my lips "but you have to be honest" I added and she looked at me from the mirror

"What is it Deniz? you're scaring me" she said frankly.

"No no it's not a big thing, or it might be I don't know" I signed as I became anxious, she squeezed my shoulder as if to let me know she's here for me, I smiled to her and she returned it with one of her own.

"Come on ask" she said hitting me on the bicep playfully. "Okay, okay" I said laughing.

"Um, What happened when I was gone? or let me rephrase that what happened to Leon and how suddenly it was okay to be with me now" I asked and Rose immediately stiffened and swallowed audibly, she lets the strand she was holding falls and I turned to look at her.

"Sorry but I can't tell you" she said but her eyes looked pained as if she remembered something painful.

That's only made me want to know what happened more than ever.

"Rose you have to tell me, I can't find it in myself to trust Leon, I'm in constant fear of him leaving me or suddenly changing his mind and reject me, it's hard on me I can't take it anymore, it's tearing me from the inside taking away my sleep, my mind and my heart" I begged her not feeling ashamed. I need to know what happened.

She looked at me and closed her eyes for a moment.

"Leon is going to kill me" she chuckles lightly and sat down on the bed.

"When you first left Leon kept his normal routine but that last for one damn day. The next morning I was woken up by Sam, he told me that Leon is out of control, he was destroying his office. Him and his wolf got insane they couldn't bare it without you, he believed that he lost you forever"

she paused and looked at the ceiling as if she remembered it like yesterday.

"I got in and his office was a complete mess, the couch was thrown to the other side of the room, the table was flopped over, the lamb was thrown into the wall and papers everywhere. He then just stood there not moving a muscle, his eyes were pitch black with anger. He looked at me and the next five words he said changed everything. 'I'm going to kill him'"

"kill who!?" I asked her and she glanced at me.

"Darcy Zoma" she said and my eyes widened.

"He just left alone the day after without telling anyone, he just left! Sam took over the pack business and kept thing under control as we waited anything from Leon, We had to lie to the pack saying he was on meetings outside the pack. He was gone for one month! one damn month we didn't know if he was dead or alive"

She said and I felt wetness on my cheeks I touched my cheeks and saw tear? I didn't realize I was crying! my mate dead? I felt like I will throw up and Calista whined inside of me of that thought my heart and soul got twisted and pain was all what I was feeling. I regret not staying with him.

"He then came back one night almost dead! He was coverd with blood and injuries, the pack patrols brought him to the hospital and that when they knew he was shot with a silver bullet on his back, the bullet was so close to his heart but thankfully it didn't break through. He was on coma for five days, with the help of the doctors and his Alpha blood he healed" she smiled and wiped her tears as I did the same.

"And after that he ordered the pack to look for you, to look for their Luna" she took my hands on hers "He killed Darcy for you Deniz risking his own life, will you trust him now?" she said and I smiled a teary smile and nodded my head. She hugged me and I hugged her back.

"You ruined your make up" she said jokingly and I laughed "Well I know a fantastic make up artist that can fix it right now" I said as we pulled out from the hug and smiled to each other but I couldn't stop thinking of what she just said.
*Ends of the flashback*

I walked up the stage and stood in front of Leon with a big smile plastered on my face. He smiled at me but I caught his confused look for a second before he shrugged it off. He was wearing a beautiful suit that hugged his muscles perfectly and his hair looked amazing today, his scent is strong and a strong waves radiated off him as if he wanted the pack to feel his strength. I looked deep in his eyes and he held my gaze, I got that feeling on my stomach, like butterflies dancing with each other. It makes me feel happy. With Leon I'm sure I'll be happy and safe, he's my everything, this man standing in front of me is my other half the one who risked himself for me, I'm happy to say I love him and I can't wait for the ceremony to end where I'll confess my true feelings.


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