Chapter 17: Perfect just perfect!

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I woke up to someone shaking me "Wake up Deniz it's 6:00 pm and you haven't eaten anything yet, go to the pack house they are preparing dinner" Leon voice came out half whispers, why would he wake someone by whispering, wait did he said six at the evening! I jolted out knocking my forehead with his jaw

"What the hell!" he screamed as he clenched his jaw, "I'm sorry I didn't mean to" I said as I put my hand over my forehead to maintain the throbbing pain. I looked over to him and he was just looking at me smiling "what?" I asked and he shook his head "whaat??" I asked him again narrowing my eyes at him "You are finally here with me and I'll never let you leave me again" aww he looked so cute but unfortunately I'm not staying with him "well I'm not staying here forever, I'm gonna go back to the pack house and to my old room although I want to live in my old pack but it's out of my hand" I said and swayed my legs on the edge of the bed and stood up, an angry growl erupted from Leon which is not something I didn't expect. " You are not leaving me" he stalked towards me and pointed his index on my template "put that in your thick head" he said and stormed out of the room. I threw myself on the bed again and started at the ceiling

'what wrong with you'

go away calista I'm not in the mood to fight with you, I groaned and took the pillow next to me, I stuffed it on my face and screamed my anger out.

'I know that it's hard to trust him but we have to give him a chance, he's our mate Deniz and we are destined to be with him'

I know what Calista just said is true but I'm afraid, I don't want to have my heart broken again because of him, because I believed in him, the new him.

I signed and changed my clothes, my bags were next to the door, thankfully I didn't have to go and look for it, I supposed Leon brought them with him upstairs, hmm does that mean that I can have this room as my room, it would be really nice, anyway I need to get going I can't miss the dinner too.

I looked at the mirror and decided that I look good to go so I went downstairs and walked to the front door, I opened the door to be met with two muscular guys standing by each side of the door, one of them looked over me and nodded his head, what the hell is this? I don't know but maybe Leon needs protection because he's the Alpha, I shrugged it off and was about to walk out of the house when the same guy from earlier extended his hand preventing me from walking any further, I looked over him in disbelief as I knew where this is going to.

"Sorry Luna but the order says that you are not allowed to leave the house" he said in a monotone with no expression at all, my mouth dropped and my eyes widened I was about to punch him in the face, and I think that he noticed my anger because he rushed to say "It's the Alpha order we can't disobey him" I clenched my my hand and groaned "that's it I'm going to kill that Alpha of yours" I said turning back into the house but not before I saw their shocked expression no matter how much they tried to hide it.

Now what I'm starving, I decided to give myself a tour in the house since that stupid Alpha didn't give me one, ugggh how dare he take me away from food and not letting me go out of this boring house, this is the biggest mistake he'll ever make.

I don't know when this happened but I manged to get myself lost, why would he even need a big mansion to live at, all I know that I was in the basement and it have a lot of damn alleys.

I entered a room, it was dark and I couldn't really see anything but it's looked like a library or a study room? I can see some books from the dim light, I tried to look for the lights keys but I can't see anything so I decided to get out of here but when I tried to open the door it didn't open.

I tried again and it didn't budge, I kicked it and the only result I had was a hard pain in my leg, great! I'm the second best warrior and I can't take down a door? I sat on the ground waiting for someone to come after all my attempts to get out, I mean they have to, it's been a while since I've been here, maybe the guards will check on me? what if they don't, does their job even includes checking on me? I don't really have energy to look for the exit or else I'm sure I'll find it, will I? my mind is storming with pointless things, Perfect just perfect, how did I manage to put myself through this.
I can hear footsteps outside the room so I stood up quickly and before I can shout for the one who will rescue me, my knight the door slammed open right on my forehead. "Och! WHO DOES OPEN THE DOOR LIKE THIS" I screamed at whoever opened the door and yes it was Leon, he looked at me amused and chuckled " let's say that we are even now" I glared at him and rubbed my forehead "Come on let's go, unless you like it here" he said and start walking.

"Wait" I rushed after him and he just continue walking, we went left and right and then again right and then left until we reached the stairs we walked silently upstairs, me following him.

When we reached upstairs he turned to look at me, his arms are folded on his chest "How did you managed to get yourself locked downstairs" he asked grinning down at me, I didn't answer him because I can feel he knew the answer already "I gave myself a tour" that was my only answer to him "And?" he further asked, or i. other words humiliated me, his lips are twitching, he know that I got lost! that bastard, my cheeks grow red as I refuse to admit it and I didn't have a choice rather than changing the subject.

"I'm hungry" I said and looked down. "I know, I asked the pack cook to make something for you" his playful ton is gone making me to look up to him, he had this sad glint in his eyes that made me sad too "You don't want to eat?" I asked in a very low voice, like I was afraid to awaken his sadness even more, he shook his head as he walked upstairs, he glanced over to me before he disappeared.

I ate my meal and thanked the cook, her name is Sara she's really nice person, she refused to let me wash the dishes because she was afraid that Leon will find out so I let it pass this time, I don't really like for people to wash my dishes, specifically if they cooked it. I went to my room and did my routine before going to bed. I really want to forgive him he still force me to do what he wants which isn't helping at all, I sighed and closed my eyes and at some point I went to sleep.

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