63. The same

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I woke up as I breathed deeply, pale walls and bland decorations were all I could see.

Someone cleared their throat and I turned my head to see my parents standing the doorway, my real parents.

"You guys came." I smiled weakly at Trish and Roger.

"Of course we did, honey." Trish said nearly crying at the sight of me after 8 months of almost complete radio silence.

"Did you see him?" I smiled as they walked towards me, "We did." They said with genuine smiles.

"Isn't he beautiful? At one point I thought I might die, you know? I thought maybe this was how I was going to go out." I explained as Trish sat and held my hand while Roger stood next to me with his hand on my shoulder.

"But then I saw his face and I saw him- I saw Martin." I said and they gave me sympathetic smiles.

"What's his name, baby?" Trish asked moving a piece of hair away from my face.

"Jack. Jack Riggs." I smiled, knowing Martin would be happy knowing he had a happy, healthy son.

"I'm ready." I spoke quietly.

"I'm ready to come back." I said and I could see they both had a light in their eyes.


I sat down at my old desk, everything was almost completely the same, but everything felt different.

A sense of familiarity washed over me as I looked over at Martin's desk-- no one was using it.

I stood up and walked the two steps to his next right next to mine, I gently ran my fingers over the wooden top.

I closed my eyes as I sat down in his chair.

"This may seem like inappropriate timing, but I want to take you out on a real date." He said and I looked over at him.

"No joking around about it, like a real date at the movies or dinner or at a park or something?" I asked and he nodded.

"Finally." I smiled.

I opened my eyes with a small smile playing on my lips, memories from what seemed like a different life played in my mind.

I sighed heavily as my smile faded and reality started to set in, Martin will never sit at this desk again, or call me mama, or come home and kiss me softly.

"Deja, a minute?" Avery walked up to me, I looked up at him, wiping away a fall away tear quickly.

I stood up and followed him into his office, I glanced at where the bloodstained couch used to be.

A cold, tingly feeling went through my spine.

I went and sat at one of the two chairs, like always.

"How are you doing, Deja?" Avery asked seriously, I lightly bit my lip as I shrugged, looking around at the room because I forgot how many memories a room could hold.

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