Chapter One: The Fall

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(Frisk's POV)

Today I'm going to climb Mt. Ebott. I know that whoever climbs it never comes back, that's the whole entire reason I'm climbing this mountain, because I don't care if I ever come back or if I even die.

My parents died when I was three and none of my family members wanted to take me in because they said that I was a weakling who should have never even been born. And because of that all the kids at the orphanage bully me. So I have no friends, I never have had friends and probably never will. So that's why I'm climbing Mt.Ebott, because I'm tired of being bullied and shamed.

I snuck out of the orphanage around 3:00 in the morning with a backpack on. I decided to wear a simple blue t-shirt with two purple stripes and some shorts, the same outfit I have been wearing for 10 years!

I walked for hours wondering what is going to happen, will I die or will I find out that that the legend was just a myth. Then I finally got to the foot of the mountain and I started to climb it. When I finally climbed to the top of it I saw the sunrise, it was like a fairy tale. But then all of a sudden I fell in the mountain, I thought I was going to die but then again what did I have to live for.

Then I fell on a patch of flowers that broke my fall, but I got a deep cut from a rock on the mountain while I was falling so I ripped a piece of cloth off of the bottom of my shirt and tied it around my arm to stop the bleeding.

After I stopped the bleeding I got up and I started to walk around. Then I saw a flower had a face! And then it started talking!

" Howdy I'm flowy, flowy the flower, you're new to the underground aren'tcha? Golly you must be confused! Someone ought to teach you how things work around here, I guess little old me will have to do. Ready? Here we go!" Said the creepy talking flower. Then it started explaining the underground and how it works down here, although it all felt like a lie, but I listened anyway.

Then all of a sudden I saw my heart come out of my chest but I felt no pain, it was so weird."See that heart?" Asked the flower, then I noded. "That is your soul, the very culmination of your being!" Said flowey. Then I started to move my hand around and my soul started to move with it.

" your soul starts of weak, but can grow strong if you earn a lot of LV. What does LV stand for, well love of course! You want some love, don't you? Don't worry I'll share some with you!" Flowey said in a cheerful way.

Then a bunch of white petals came out of nowhere. "Down here love is spread through...little white...friendliness petals." Flowey said, continuing to explain the underground. 'Friendliness petals?' I thought.

"Are you ready? Move around! Get as many as you can!" Said flowey with a cheerful smile. Then I moved my soul to catch all of the friendliness petals, but instead of love I got injured, my hp was at 1, I was about to die! It didn't really matter I mean no one would care, right? So what's the point in living.

Flowey had an evil smile on his face and said, "You idiot.... in this world it's killed or be killed. Why would anyone pass up an opportunity like this?! Now DIE!"

~To be continued~

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