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Enjoy my new story ! 

don't really know where I'm going with this too 

but I not sure if I wanna make this girl fall in love with one of them, maybe I will maybe I won't 

and Ayo is single in this story, even tho we know he's not in real life

Azaylea's pov (aa-zay-lee-a)

"Hello?" I say into the phone. 

"Hi. Go pack your stuff girl, welcome to our management. You'll be great partners with Ayo and Teo!" Will says. 

He's their manager. 

I wanted to start a job where I can manage other people. Will found me. I thought I'd have to go to some big company but he Dm me on instagram and it just started from there. 

I've only talked to Ayo and Teo once. But they know what I look like through pictures. Will says like he won't be with them as much because I'll just fill in for him. He wants me to 'take control'. 

He said I'll also be living with them. So I packed everything that I can and I head my way to the airport to go to Atl. 


I arrive in Atl and Will takes me to his car. They were performing tonight and he already sent them there, he said we gon watch them dance. 

"They're great. You're gonna love them." He says. 

"I hope they like me, I feel nervous. This all feels like a dream." I say wiping sweat off my hands. 

I'm a fan of Ayo and Teo. Not super obsessed. I just admired them. Now being asked to work with them feel unreal. I can't help but smile to myself. 

"Guh you smiling and you haven't even seen them yet. Come on." He says and we get out the car. 

The performance is outside and I hear Mask off playing. We go through the backstage and I watch them from there. The future Kingz are here too. I can't help but dance along with them. 

"Woah I didn't know you could dance." Will says. 

"There's a lot of things I'm capable of doing." 

After the concert is over they walk off backstage and we all meet up in the room. They are sweating and Ayo takes his shirt off. I hand all of them water bottles. Ayo looks at the water bottle and then up to me. He jumps when he sees my face. 

"Omg your Azaylea!" He says. 

I put my arms up sarcastically acting surprised.

"Nigga who else would that be?" Teo said and we start laughing. 

"damn so you gonna be living with us?" Ayo says looking me up and down. 

"Yea Ayo." I say looking up and down at him back. 

"Alright you guys have fun. Let's go." Will says and they all drive home. 

We took and uber so they could go to target. Will dropped off my luggage at their house. The uber guy was weird and I think he was high. And I think he weaving weave. 

"Alright ya'll that's 20 dallaras." He says patting his wig. Oh my lawrd he can't say dollars right and he got some extension. 

There's some weird people out here. 

We leave the uber and we hear the driver singing love on the brain to himself. Teo bursts out laughing which causes me to laugh too. 

"Ayo why would you get those?" Teo says pointing at the black trash bags. 

"So he can hide bodies in them." I say smiling. 

"You crazy." Ayo says. 

He's right ;) 

I walk in the school supplies section so I can buy some pencils for my homework. My teachers were nice enough to give me packets and they said they'll send tests over. Gotta get my straight A's bitch. 

I grab a pack of 20 led pencils and some erasers and when I turn around Teo outside the aisle doing this come here girl dance. He tells me to come over to him. 

"Your'e weird." I say. 

"And you beautiful." 

He stops his dance and we look at each other is silence. His face starts getting red and he runs away from me. 

He really is weird. 


When we get back at the crib I find that there's no extra room for me so I have to share with someone. I decide to share with Teo. 

I get the chicken out and some pasta and I make them some dinner. 

"OUUUU GUhhhhhh this is bomb!" Ayo says and licks his fingers. I laugh and drop my garlic bread. 


Teo smriks. 

After brushing my teeth and taking a shower I jump into Teo's bed. It's so soft and comfortable. Teo jumps in right after me. 

"Good night Azaylea." He says and kisses my forehead. 

"Good night Teo. GOOD NIGHT AYO!" I scream so he can hear it. I hear a muffled goodnight back and turn my back to Teo. 

And somehow when I wake up in the morning, I'm in his arms. 


Was this chapter ok? 

kinda boring ik 

I got a few ideas for this book but no plot twits to trip you up yet 

vote and share please!!

unicorn gang 

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