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Ayo's pov

It's been weeks since we last saw her. Me and Teo have been depressed and we canceled all our bookings and returned the money. It just feels different without her.

We had 2 prime suspects, Leah and Jayden. According to obvious reasons. Teo hasn't seen Leah for weeks nor talk to her.

We worked with the police for a long time and they finally caught them and bought my baby back home.

And we were right it was Leah and Jayden. They had twisted plans and Leah thought she could still be with Teo after everything.

Like bitch wtf????

Teo ran away from her. Like sprinted, that nigga was gone.

Anyways, I took her back home. She was so fragile and weak, she looked afraid.

I cleaned her up, changed her into some new clothes and made her some food. We didn't talk much but a weight has been brought off my shoulder. I can finally stop worrying. It's good to have her back.

Azaylea's pov

It's been a whole month since my recovery. I feel great. I hope Leah and Jayden rot in jail and then get sent to hell :)

Ayo's been very over protective of me and watching everything around me. Me and Teo started talking again, we've become best friends.

Well tonight we were going to a party. Ayo and Teo are suppose to be recording some dance videos. I think I'll just hang by the pool.

We all dress up and get ready. I wore my bathing suit under my clothes.

"Come on Ayo!" I say. If this man don't hurry up I'm abouta leave him here.

Benji barks as he's being put in his gold bag. They apparently got a dog when I was gone. It's adorable but it likes biting a lot of things.

When we arrive everyone greets each other and I'm just in the corner standing by myself. I don't really like talking to people in public places like this. There's so many people.

I take benji with me and go inside to get a drink. I smile as I see fruit punch. Benji tries to grab a pizza.

"Benji no!" I say to him and he growls.


We leave and I go out in the pool. I take off my clothes and step in the jacuzzi. Benji stands next to the edge and then sits down with me.

It feels good to be able to relax like this. Get some time by myself. There's no one out here expect for me and benji.

I hear a bunch of laughter and trap music coming from inside the house so I guess the dancing has started.

I hear Ayo's laugh and turn my head. He's got his arm around some girl, another dancer as the camera is recording.

I can't help but feel jealous. But I know it's nothing, it's probably just for the video. But girllll the bitch is all up on my man.

Ayo's pov

We started dancing for this music video and this girl just comes up outta nowhere and puts her arm around my torso. I look down at her and woahhhhhh she bad.

I put my arm around her and we look into the camera together. I stare at her ass for a second.


"Aye where you from?" I ask.

"Just around the area. I just started dancing and I'm doing promos right now." She says.

"Damn girl I could help you out." I say.

"Ok daddy." She smirks at me.

Yes bitch I'm daddy.

We trade numbers.

After the party is over I go and find Azaylea. She's laying on the seat with benji. I kiss her lips.

"Ready to go home?"




Sorry for long wait.

You should read my stalker story it's really good and I spent a lot of time making sure it was a good book u won't be disappointed.

Unicorn gang 🦄

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