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Azaylea's pov

"Mmmm daddy Teo pleaseeee."

He slurps faster and I grab his poofy hair, becoming a mess under him.

"Daddy gon eat you right baby"

He licks and sucks until I couldn't take it anymore. He pulls off his boxers and I gasp.

"Now it's time for big daddy Mateo." He rams into me-

"Azaylea. Wake up." Teo shakes me away.

"What's wrong with you, you were over here squirming and moaning and shit, made benji scared."

I pull the sheets closer to me. I try to slow down my breathing.

"And guess what?" Teo said.


"You were saying daddy Teo." He smirks and leaves the room. Omggggggggggg

Benji barks. "Oh benji." I say and pet him.

We were meeting up with the rest of the friendship bros today. I decided the wear leggings and one of Teo's shirts with some black vans.


"AZAYLEAAAAAAAAAA!" I hear someone scream.

"Ahhhhh Isaiah!" I open my arms and run to him. We look that one of those love scenes in movies where the couple sees each other in the airport and we both running to each other.

But then Isaiah took a big fall and feel on his face. I stop and my mouth goes wide, everyone else starts laughing.

"Bruh, you break any bones or sum?" I say holding his arm examining him.

"I'm fine." He says laughing. He gets up and picks me up and spins me around.

"I missed you so much babyyyyyyy."

"I miss you too." I say chuckling.

Isaiah gives me a piggyback ride to everyone else, I see Ayo in the back staring hard and Teo smiling.

When we get in the Uber, the only seat left was next to Ayo so I sit by him, he's in the back of the van by himself.

Everyone is talking amongst themselves, Ayo is on his phone with his hood on and earbuds plugged in.


"Ayo." I say and I touch his arm, he jumps up and hits his head on the roof of the car.

"Oh I'm so sorry." I say and I hold his head.

"No I should be the sorry one."

"Ayo you gotta stop bringing yourself down, you not yourself lately. People make mistakes."

He looks up at me with an expressionless face.

"I made the mistake that costed me my future wife." He turns the other way and pulls his hoodie even more.

He still heartbroken even though he was the one that did the wrong thing. I can understand though cuz when I had my first boyfriend I was devastated when he broke up with me. But it's all Gucci now.

Life with Ayo and Teo *COMPLETED* Where stories live. Discover now