23 : Mateo's birthday (short chapter)

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Teo's pov

I'm a grown man now.


And I feel great.

I throw the money on the floor and walk around the house like a boss.


I hug my brother. Nah I hug all my brothers.

Azaylea comes down the stairs.

Probably woke up from her nap.

She walks down the door and let me say, she look like a whole meal. She dressed up in a tight black dress and some black vans, holding a box.

She pulls out her phone and starts recording.

"Happy birthday baby!" She says and kisses my cheek. I start blushing.

Mannn she just make me feel some type of way.

"Open it later." She smiles at me and starts dancing to the music.

Ayo stares at her in silence but in awe, she doesn't notice it but I'm not gonna say anything.

We get a cake with friendship bros on it. Everyone starts singing happy birthday. I see Azaylea tearing up. I bring her over to me and hold her while she laughs and wipes away a tear.

Once everyone stops singing and Ayo cuts cake for everyone while I find Azaylea. She was sitting outside the house sniffling.

"Awe baby why you crying?" I hold her in my arms and sit down with her.

"I don't really know." She laughs. "It's just, your 18 now and your a grown man, just think of all those years of dancing and how far you've come." She laughs and sobs the whole time, making her mascara run down her face.

"Awe come here. I promise no matter how old I get I'll always love you." I say.

I've never said I love you to a girl before beside my momma. And I thought Azaylea would be the one that would say it first, but I really mean it.

Sometimes people in relationships be saying I love you after like the first week and it won't mean anything. It's something special.

She looks up and her smile gets even larger as more tears come down.

I open her present right in front of her. "Sorry can't wait." I say and smirk.

Inside was a Michael Jackson shirt and a gold chocker chain. Then in another smaller box there was a gold ring, with a bape logo engraved on the inside.

I don't even have words. I smash my lips on to hers, smiling. When we pull away I smile at her, with my teeth.

"You're so cute Mateo." She says. I kiss her again. "Thank you so much Azaylea." I put the ring on and save the other stuff for later.

"It's a promise ring. I didn't know if it was too early for that yet but whatever." She puts her hand in my face showing the same gold ring.

"Your name is inside mine."

"Come let's go back to the party." I bring her in with me and everyone starts going crazy again.

One of the best nights of my life....


lol I just wanted to make this short chapter bc it's Mateo's birthday today

But could someone give me ideas or ideas to jump off of so I can make a good ending? Private msg me please

And I'm still deciding if I want this book to have a happy or sad ending

And I have another story in the making, but I'm not sure if I wanna release chapters now. I wanna work slowly on it, I wanna finish writing all my other books and then focus solely on this one.

Anyways, check out some of my other stories!

Unicorn gang 🦄

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