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Azaylea's pov 

That girl Leah has been with us for a whole week now. I think she a gold digger. Like she keep asking Teo for expensive shit and she always telling him to post pictures of her or tag her so she can get more followers. 

She a sly bitch but Teo won't listen to me or Ayo. 

When we go out to restaurants, they get a separate table from us while me and Ayo eat with the whole team. Like Will and them. They always separate from us so they can 'catch up.' But bitch you don't need a whole week to catch up. 

I haven't really said a word to Teo since she's been here. I've been keeping my distance because I'm getting weird vibes from her. And I got all my stuff out from Teo's room and moved in Ayo's room. 

I swear this man either sleeps like a baby at night or his snores sound like a railroad train. 

I got out of bed early this morning and I see Teo sitting on the couch watching tv. He hasn't really made an effort to talk to me this whole week either. I try to grab the cereal but someone's dumbass put it alllllllll the way in the top cabinet. It was probably Ayo with his palm tree looking self. 

I jump a couple times but I can't reach so I sigh. I grab a stool ready to grab my lucky charms but a hand reaches out and grabs it for me. 

"You could've just asked me." Teo says smirking. 

"Thanks." I grab it and continue on with my breakfast but I can feel Teo's eyes following me everywhere. I sit on the island and quietly eat while thinking to myself. Teo sits in front of me. 

"Are you avoiding me?" He asks.

"Kinda but only because Leah is here and you guys are always spending too much time together and I feel like she doesn't like me." 

"You and Ayo spend too much time together." He states. This man really did not start. He's the one who invited that stanky ho in the first place. 

"At least me and Ayo make an effort to eat with everyone at dinner rather than getting their own table." I snap back. 

"Your'e so extra. We was just catching up." 

"Catching up my ass. You don't need a week, and she always making you late for important parties and then the host isn't happy and puts his rude comments on me. You think I wanna take your shit?!" 

Teo doesn't say anything and walks back into his room, slamming the door. He deserves to be yelled at. He's been slacking off his job since she's been here. And people aren't happy but they talk to me about it. 

But maybe I was too hard on him, I didn't even know he was that sensitive. And maybe I'm angry at him because we were so close, I kinda had feelings for him, so I guess in a way I'm jealous because she took him away to the point where I don't even talk to him anymore. 

"Hey, heard yelling." Ayo says and kisses my cheek. 

"I can't deal with Teo and Leah anymore." I say putting my bowl in the sink. He grabs my waist from behind and rests his head on my head. 

"It's ok, if Teo is choosing to slack off and spend more time with her, let him do it and once bad things happen between them, he'll learn to not go with hos anymore."  He says and I turn around. 

I wrap my arms around his torso. A part of me feels sad for losing Teo as a good friend and a focused business partner, and a part of me felt like he was playing games the whole time. 

But I'm done with whatever it is we had between us. Over this past week, I've gotten really close to Ayo and I feel a true connection. He's a lot nicer, and always puts me first before himself. 

Life with Ayo and Teo *COMPLETED* Where stories live. Discover now