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Azaylea's pov

I literally feel like I have no friends. Well technically I have Ayo, Teo, and Jayden. But I mean I guess I'm cool with like some of Ayo and Teo's friends too. 

I've been in Atlanta for a couple months now. This job for the most part is easy but it can be really tiring. We sleep in one city and wake up in another. Today we are stopping by a high school in Atlanta. Jayden decided to come along. 

He sits with Ayo in the front and I sit with Teo in the back. Will is driving today. 

"Aye ya'll come meet ma girl right here. She da real MVP." Teo says recording me on snapchat. I give him on of my straight faces but then laugh because he tickles me. He puts that on his story and then continues to tickle me. 

"Teo staphhhhh." I say struggling to breathe. This man is gonna be the death of me. 

"Aye ya'll stop that monkey business back there." Will says pointing a finger. The whole car goes quiet and Teo bursts out laughing. 

His laugh is hysterical. I record him and when he sees the camera he stops, then he put his hood over his afro and frowns. I start laughing really loud. 

When we arrive they do their thing and I stand in the background watching. Key is dancing right now. 

"Aye come with me." Jayden says and I follow him out in the hallway. All of the sudden, he pushes me into a room and locks the door. 

"What the fuck-" He smashes his lips on mine roughly. I don't think I like this. This isn't the kind man I meet a couple months ago. 

He takes one hand and grips my waist while the other grabs my ass really hard. I screech in pain and he stuffs his tongue down my throat. I try to push him off and he's too strong. He locks my legs together so I can't kick his balls. He starts taking off my shirt.

Well so much for thinking he's a good guy. I'm fr about to get raped. I just wanna say I love my family, I wanna thank Will for giving me the best job ever I wanna thank-


The door is opened with force and Teo busts in. He punches Jayden to the ground while I put my clothes back on.They fight back and forth. I see a pool of blood coming out and I drag Teo out the room. He's breathing really hard and his hands are in fists. I walk him to the mens bathroom. 

Yes I just went in the mens bathroom I know disgusting. 

"Teo where are you hurt?" I say checking him. He grabs my face. 

"I'm fine, are you hurt?" He asks. 

I shake my head no. He lifts up my shirt and there's a bruise from where Jayden gripped my waist really hard. 

"Your head's bleeding." I say putting my shirt back down and getting a wet paper towel. I dab it on his forehead and he hisses. 

"I don't like that." He says. 

I throw it in the trash. We walk out together hand in hand. The performance is over and we all head home. 

I don't know where Jayden is but he's not my concern now. I have to clean Teo's cuts. I make him sit on top of my vanity and I get some alcohol and some neosporin. 

"Oh shit that burns." He says smacking my hands away. I open his legs more so I can get between him and get closer to his face. 

"Teo your'e gonna get an infection if I don't clean it." I say. 

He places his hands on my waist as I add the neosporin on.

"There. All done." I say smiling. Our faces are incredibly close to each other. He places his forehead on mine. 

Should I do it? Ima just do it. 

I smash my lips on his. At first he doesn't kiss back. Omg he doesn't like it. I did something wrong didn't I?

But he places his body closer to mine and starts kissing me back. His big lips are soft and juicy I could do this all day. 

He trails his hands down my ass and picks me up. We pull our lips away and he walks into the bedroom. Ayo stares at us smirking and we pass him. 

He gently puts me on his bed and I lay my head on his chest. 


I'm gonna fail my math RQA in 2 days :(    

 And rqa is a required quarterly assessment and we have that now instead of finals and it's mostly only worth 10 percent of your grade. 

But idk if it's nation wide in the US. I'm from Maryland. 

well byeeee

unicorn gang 

Life with Ayo and Teo *COMPLETED* Where stories live. Discover now