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Ayo's pov

I'm very nervous. Why wouldn't I be? She's the first girl I actually care about. And today I'm gonna make her mine.

"Baby are you ready?" I say to her and sit down in her vanity. She's doing her makeup again and it's like watching art happen.

She's beautiful, like no one I've ever seen before.

She gets up and picks a maroon gown with some matching heels. She turns around and smirks at me.
I help her take off her shirt. She puts a bra on and I just watch in awe. Ima smash that pussy tonight.

I zip up her dress and put on her heels for her. She's such a princess. I look at her one last time and I feel like crying. There's no words to explain how good she looks.

"Oh my gosh Ayo are you about to cry?" She starts snickering.

"Staphh that's not funny." I laugh slightly tearing up.

"Ayo relax you been so tense these past couple days, and we just going out tonight." She grabs my hand and we walk outta our room.

Teo and Leah on the couch sitting but they ain't all touchy touchy. Something going on with them. But it's not my problem.

When we arrive, we sit at our table, order food, talk and laugh. Just like a regular date. When we leave the restaurant I stop her and we sit in the patio outside.

"Azaylea?" I say.

"Yeah baby?"

"Will you be a girlfriend?" I stare at her. Dude what if she says no?

"Hell yea bitch!" She says and kisses me. I smile into the kiss. I put out a velvet box that has a necklace inside of it and put it around her neck.

And I got some good pussy tonight 😂

Teo's pov

My god Leah is such an annoying and needy bitch.

I've been wanting to break up with her for days now but she'll always talk about something else or she'll end up sucking my dick.

She needs to go.

Leah's pov

Teo can't leave me. Like I just need to stay with him to get revenge for Azaylea. And plus I love him, I wanna have his babies one day.

Bitch wanna start something with me well ima end it.

Well I just left the house cuz I wanted to go sleep in my own bed. On the way home I bump into a guy and oh lawrddddddd was he fine.

"Damn daddy where you from?" I look him up and down and he turns in a circle to look at me. I arch my back because I'm a ho.

He brings me to an alley and we have sex there. When we finish he continues walking.

"Hey baby where you going?" I say.

"I'm about to go to Azaylea's crib bitch."

"Wait YOU KNOW HER?!" I say and he turns around.

"Yea you know her too?"

"Yea I hate that bitch." I said.

"I hate her too she choose Ayo over me." He says and I start smirking.

"How about we help each other. We take her away so Teo doesn't leave me and then Ayo won't have her anymore so you can be with her." I say and he nods his head agreeing.

"But as payment you need to have sex with me whenever I want it." He says.

"That's fine daddy. What's your real name?" I ask.

"Jayden. But you can call me big daddy J." He winks.

"I'm Leah."


So how was this chapter?

Unicorn gang 🦄🦄

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