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Azaylea's pov

When the baby was first born, everyone was stressed out. It was hard to watch him while everyone is working and Iliana is a bitch and doesn't wanna do it herself.

Ayo has been treating his baby like a good father, which he named him Jalen.

He comes on tours with us while Iliana is doing whatever fuck shit. Since Jalen has been born she hasn't done anything to take care of him, it's like she doesn't even care anymore.

And somewhere between all of this, Teo asked me to be his girlfriend.

I know right?

But he's been treating me like a princess and taking care of his nephew. Ayo has been angry with me because he feels like I played him.

Well how about not cheating on me?

I know in my heart Ayo is still in there, but Teo just treats me better. He always makes time for me no matter how busy we are. And he makes me laugh all the time.

He's just a great person to be around.

Ayo's pov

" I don't want the baby." Iliana says.

"Bitch what the fuck?" I say.

How she gone leave her own child????

"I don't care about it, being pregnant was a mistake, he's a mistake."

I gasp and hold Jalen closer to myself. He's already born so there's really nothing you can do expect make him the best baby he can be.

"I want money." She says.

"Whyyy?" I ask slowly.

"I'm leaving America. I don't care about you, or this child. I wanna start a new life. I know you love Jalen so if you give me money, I'll leave and never come back and you can keep him."

Well damn. I hand her a stack and she leaves my house.

I'm not going to argue with her. I have money and I love Jalen. I'm glad that she not ever coming back, she better not be.

"Wait." I say right before she steps out.


"I want a restraining order so you never come near us ever again."

"Ok fine by me I don't give a shit about any of you guys." She says.

She stays here for the next couple of days while she gets ready to leave the country and so that I can file for a restraining order.

When she leaves, she doesn't even say goodbye to anyone.

But I don't care. I turn and look at Jalen.

"Your mom's a bitch." I say to him. He laughs and oogles in my face.

When he falls asleep, I finally have to house to myself. It's finally quiet and I don't have to worry about anything.

Until I hear laughter outside my room. I open the door and lean on it as I watch Azaylea and Mateo walk in. Mateo is carrying her bridal style as they laugh and joke around. Right before they go into his room, Mateo glazes at me.

How my own brother gone do that to me?


Yep not rlly sure how to end this book anymore. I'm having writers block.

Unicorn gang 🦄

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